Sunday, 30 November 2014

[Deadline Extension] Special Issue: Big Data, Analytics, and High Performance Computing, JBDR, Elsevier





"Big Data, Analytics, and High Performance Computing"

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 24th, 2014 (Extended to 22nd December)

Guest Editors:

Prof. Paul D. Yoo. Khalifa University, UAE
Prof. Albert Y. Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia

Aims and Scope

We live in an era of data deluge. Given the unprecedented amount of data that has been produced, collected, and stored in the coming years, one of the technology industry’s great challenges is how to benefit from it. While Big Data can be definitely perceived as a big blessing, big challenges also arise with large-scale datasets. The sheer volume of data makes it often impossible to run analytics using a central processor and storage, and distributed processing with parallelized multi-processors is preferred while the data themselves are stored in the cloud. In addition, as the size of data grows exponentially, current algorithms are not efficient or scalable enough to deal with such large volumes of data. Designing more accurate intelligent models so as to satisfy the market needs will hence bring huge opportunities as well as challenges to these communities. We believe this special issue will offer a timely collection of novel research results to benefit the researchers and practitioners working in these communities. This special issue focuses on all aspects of big data and targets a mixed audience of researchers from several communities including analytics, machine learning and data mining, distributed and high performance computing, etc.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
  • Theoretical foundations and algorithms for big data analytics
    • Compressive sampling, matrix completion, low-rank models, and dimensionality reduction
    • Efficient learning and clustering
    • Robustness to outliers; convergence and complexity issues; performance analysis 
    • Scalable, online, active, decentralized, deep learning and optimization
  • Architectures and applications for large-scale data analysis 
    • Scalable, distributed computing, MapReduce on
      • Multi-Core, GPU, hybrid distributed environments 
      • Opportunistic / heterogeneous computing
      • Programming model
    • Systems biology, genomics, bioinformatics, health, medical, semantics, sentiment and natural language processing
    • Green energy and smart power grid analytics; climate; astronomical; geoscience
    • Cyber security inc. intrusion/botnet detection systems, security and privacy in cloud 
    • Industrial and systems engineering
    • Sensors, mobile and wireless communications
Submission Process

Articles submitted to this special issue must contain significant relevance to Big Data. All submissions will be peer reviewed according to the Elsevier guidelines. Submitted articles should not have been published or under review elsewhere. Submissions to this special issue of the Elsevier Journal of Big Data Research should have significant tutorial value. Manuscripts should be submitted online at using the Elsevier Editorial System. The authors must select "SI: BDA-HPC" as Article Type when they reach the Article Type step in the submission process. Submissions are expected to not exceed 20 pages (including figures, tables, and references) in the journal’s single-column format using 11 point font. Prospective authors should consult the site "Guide for Authors" at the above link for guidelines and information on paper submission.

Call for Chapters -- Big Data: Principles and Paradigms

Big Data: Principles and Paradigms


             *********    Call for Chapters    ********

(Publisher is being finalized: The book will be published by one of the top  publishers-- e.g., Wiley/Elsevier-- in the field).


Rapid advances in digital sensors, networks, storage, and computation, along with their availability at low cost, are leading to the creation of huge collections of data - dubbed as Big Data. This data has the potential for enabling new insights that can change the way business, science, and governments deliver services to their consumers and can impact society as a whole. This has led to the emergence of the Big Data Computing paradigm focusing on sensing, collection, storage, management, and analysis of data from variety of sources to enable new value and insights.

To realize the full potential of Big Data, researchers and practitioners need to address several challenges and develop suitable conceptual and technological solutions for tackling them. These include life-cycle management of data, large-scale storage, flexible processing infrastructure, data modeling, scalable machine learning and data analysis algorithms, techniques for sampling and making trade-off between data processing time and accuracy, and dealing with privacy and ethical issues involved in data sensing, storage, processing, and actions. Objectives

The primary purpose of this book is to capture the state-of-the-art in Big Data Computing, its technologies and applications. The book also aims to identify potential research directions and technologies that will facilitate insight generation in various domains from science, industry, business, and consumer applications. We expect the book to serve as a reference for larger audience such as systems architects, practitioners, developers, new researchers and graduate level students.

Topics of Interest:

Topics for potential chapters include, but are not limited to:

    Big Data Science:
        Algorithms for Big Data
        Energy-efficient Algorithms
        Big Data Search
        Big Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
        Visualization of Big Data

    Big Data Infrastructures and Platforms:
        Programming Systems
        Performance evaluation
        Fault tolerance and reliability
        I/O and Data management
        Storage Systems (including file systems, NoSQL, and RDBMS)
        Resource management

    Big Data Security and Policy:
        Management Policies
        Data Privacy
        Data Security
        Big Data Archival and Preservation
        Big Data Provenance

    Big Data Applications:
        Scientific application cases studies on Cloud infrastructures
        Big Data Applications at Scale
        Experience with Big Data Application Deployments
        Data streaming applications
        Big Data in Social Networks
        Healthcare Applications
        Enterprise Applications

Important Dates - Proposed

Chapter Proposal: You are invited to submit a 1-2 pages proposal describing the topic of your chapter. The proposal should include the chapter organization, anticipated number of pages of the final manuscript and brief biography of authors.  We plan to follow the timeline given below:

* Proposal deadline: Feb 28, 2015 (Early expression of interest is highly encouraged)

* Notification of proposal acceptance: March 30, 2015

* Full draft chapter submission: June. 30, 2015

* Chapter review report to authors: July 30, 2015

* Final version submission: Aug. 30, 2015

Early submission is highly appreciated as the editors would like to have progressive dialogue and work with prospective authors to bring out a book of wide appeal.

If we receive more than one proposal for a chapter on the same topic, the editors may request authors to collaborate to develop an integrated chapter.

Target Audience:

We expect the book to serve as a valuable reference for larger audience such as systems architects, practitioners, developers, researchers and graduate level students.

Manuscript Submission:

Each accepted chapter should have about 20-35 A4 pages. We expect to deliver CRC of the book to the publisher. A MS Word template will be provided later.

Primary Editor's Contact Details
Dr. Rajkumar Buyya

CEO, Manjrasoft, Melbourne, Australia
Director, Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Laboratory
Dept. of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia


Dr. Rodrigo N. Calheiros
Dr. Amir Vahid Dastjerdi
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Laboratory
Dept. of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Email: {rnc, amir.vahid}

ISC '15: Call for Tutorial Proposals

Experts in high performance computing (HPC) are invited to share their
expertise with the community by submitting proposals for tutorials at the
International Supercomputing Conference (ISC ‘15) to be held in Frankfurt,
Germany from July 12-16, 2015.  The ISC '15 tutorials program will give
attendees the opportunity to explore a wide variety of important topics in
HPC and other related aspects.

ISC '15 invites proposals for introductory, intermediate, and advanced
tutorials, either full-day (seven hours) or half-day (three and half
hours).  A distinguished panel of experts will select the tutorials from
the submitted proposals.  The deadline for submissions is Feb. 15th, 2015.

More information on the ISC '15 Call for Tutorials can be found here:

ISC '15 website:

Friday, 28 November 2014

SpringSim 2015 - Deadline Extension

April 12-15, 2015, The Westin Alexandria
Alexandria, VA, USA (Washington DC Area)

(over 300 submissions received already!)

The 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim'15) is an annual
conference sponsored by the Society for Modeling & Simulation International
(SCS) which covers state-of-the-art developments in computer simulation
technologies, as well as scientific, industrial, and business applications.

Visit the conference website for complete details, including full CFPs for
all symposia and how to submit a paper. The following symposia will take
place at SpringSim 2015:
. Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium (ADS)
. Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS)
. Communications and Networking Symposium (CNS)
. High Performance Computing Symposium (HPC)
. Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD)
. Symposium on Theory of Modeling & Simulation (TMS/DEVS)
. Modeling and Simulation in Medicine (MSM) *NEW*
. Student Modeling & Simulation Mobile App Competition
. Posters & Student Colloquium
. Tutorial Track
. Vendor Track

Paper Submission - Extended to December 6, 2014
Notification of Acceptance - January 9, 2015
Camera-Ready Paper Due - February 10, 2015
M&S Mobile App Deadline - February 20, 2015

General Chair: Saikou Diallo
Vice-General Chair: Navonil Mustafee
Program Chair: Saurabh Mittal


ICDCS 2015 ( Call For Paper


The conference provides a forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to present their latest research findings in major and emerging areas of distributed computing. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Distributed Data Management and Analytics
Cloud Computing and Data Center Systems
Distributed OS and Middleware
Algorithms and Theory
Fault Tolerance and Dependability
Security and Privacy
Social Networks and Crowdsourcing
Energy Management and Green Computing
Sensor Networks and Systems
Mobile and Wireless Computing


Workshops will be held in conjunction with the conference. Workshop proposals should be submitted to Workshop Chair Prof. Feng Qin ( by October 5th, 2014. Notification of acceptance will be made by October 15th, 2014.

Paper Submission
Form of Manuscript: All paper submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5” x 11” Two-Column Format. Each submission can have 10 pages. An appendix of 2 pages maximum is also allowed.

If the paper is accepted for publication, up to 2 overlength pages may be purchased for the final camera-ready version ($100 per overlength page). Submitted papers should NOT be blinded for review.

Electronic Submission:

Papers should be original and not be submitted in parallel to any other conference or journal.

Papers should include the full author list before the submission deadline.

Important Dates

Abstract deadline: December 5, 2014
Paper submission deadline: December 12, 2014
Author notification: March 23, 2015
Camera-ready paper deadline: April 15, 2015

For further information, please contact General Chair Xiaodong Zhang (

EGU Session ESSI1.8 Adapting Geophysical Applications to Future HPC Architechtures

contribute to the Session ESSI1.8 Adapting
geophysical applications to future high performance computing architectures at
the EGU general assembly 2015. (Vienna 12 April-17 April 2015).

The call for abstracts is open until the January 7th, 2015. Please note that
the deadline for support applications is on November 28th, 2014 already.

Numerical simulations have become the third pillar of science and are of great
importance for advancing our understanding of geophysical systems such as the
atmosphere, the ocean and the earth's crust. In the past years intra-node
parallelism on high performance computers has continuously been increasing,
either because of the increasing number of cores on CPUs or because of
accelerators such as GPUs or Intel Xeon Phi. This trend is particularly
reflected in the latest TOP500 ranking where many of the top-ranking
supercomputers are heterogeneous systems equipped with accelerators. In order
to fully benefit from this hardware evolution applications often require
substantial modifications.

This session will bring together experts in high performance computing and
experts in computing models of geophysical systems to discuss tools,
approaches and issues related to the adaption of earth science codes to new
and emerging supercomputers. The session particularly encourages presentations
and discussions related to the following topics:

- Analysis of application performance and identification of crucial
bottlenecks which may be relevant to the wider community.
- Experience in adapting codes to emerging high performance computing
- Implementation approaches: re-write using new programming paradigms (CUDA,
OpenCL, CHAPEL, ...), Domain Specific Languages (DSL) or incremental
adaptation using compiler directives.
- Achieving performance portability: Is it possible to achieve good
performance with a single code across various platforms ?
- Achieving high degree of parallelism and scalability.
- Novel hardware architectures of high relevance for geophysical applications.

Best wishes,

The conveners of Session ESSI1.8

Xavier Lapillonne, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Ebru Bozdag, Nice University, France
Valentine Anantharaj, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States
Oliver Fuhrer, Meteoswiss, Switzerland
Ravi Nanjundiah, Indian Institute of Science, India
Peter Düben, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Mike Ashworth, STFC Daresbury Lab, United Kingdom

Ravi S Nanjundiah         email:
Chairman & Professor      phone: +91-80-2293-3072
Centre for Atmos & Oc Sci,       +91-80-2293-2505
Indian Institute of Sci,  fax:   +91-80-2360-0865
Bangalore 560012 India

CFP Tools workshop at ICCS 2015 in Iceland

Call for papers

        15th workshop for Tools for Program Development and
        Analysis in Computational Science (see

in conjunction with the ICCS 2015 conference  in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3,
2015 (see

The workshop topics are:
 * Tools for parallel or HPC related tasks in general
 * Problem solving environments for specific application domains
 * Application building and software construction tools
 * Domain-specific analysis tools
 * Program visualization and visual programming tools
 * On-line monitoring and computational steering tools
 * Requirements for (new) tools emerging from the application domain
 * Tools for parallel, distributed and network-based computing
 * Testing and debugging tools
 * Performance analysis and tuning tools
 * (Dynamic) Instrumentation and monitoring tools
 * Data (re-)partitioning and load-balancing tools
 * Checkpointing and restart tools
 * Tools for resource management, job queuing and accounting

Please submit papers of up to 10 pages until December 15.

See for all details or contact Andreas Knüpfer

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Downloads, Webinars, Blogs for OpenCL™ 2.0, ACML, DOPP + more

OpenCL 2.0 OpenCL™ 2.0: Device Enqueue and Workgroup Built-in Functions 
OpenCL 2.0 allows kernels to add new work to device-side queues directly, without returning control to the CPU. It also provides a new construct, “clang blocks,” and new built-in functions that allow a parent kernel to queue child kernels. Get a sneak peek and learn more about this important new OpenCL 2.0 capability in our latest blog post.
Webinars For Developers Leverage the Speed of OpenCL™ with AMD Math Libraries
AMD's math libraries can support a range of programmers from hobbyists to ninja programmers. In this webinar, Kent Knox from AMD's library team introduces you to OpenCL libraries for linear algebra, FFT, and BLAS, and shows you how to leverage the speed of OpenCL through the use of these libraries.
DOPP SDK DOPP SDK Available for Download
Need to grab and modify the OS desktop image, or perform display output post-processing of any kind? Learn how AMD makes it simpler and faster inthis blog post.

ACML ACML 6.1 Released – Accelerates Your Existing Code
The AMD Core Math Library transparently dispatches appropriate tasks to a GPU if it is available, with no additional code development on your part. Find out how the latest ACML 6.1 release helps you accelerate your code, and how it can make your coding life easier in this blog post.

Reference Guide Compiler Options Quick Reference Guide for AMD A10, A8, A6 7000 Series APUs Available
Check out a quick cheat-sheet of the command line switches you can use to optimize your code for AMD hardware using any of several compilers (like Visual Studio and gcc). View or download the guide here.

Kronos Group Khronos™ Group Ratifies & Releases updated OpenCL™ 2.0 and Provisional SYCL™ 1.2 Specs
The new specifications integrate feedback from the developer community, align with the latest C++ developments, and increase implementation consistency for improved portability of heterogeneous parallel applications. Learn more here.

CFP: APDCM2015 (Abstract Due: Jan 5, 2015) 17th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models


17th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational
Models (APDCM,

 May 25, 2015,

to be held in conjunction with

28th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium(IPDPS, )

 May 25-29, 2015 Hyderabad, INDIA

The past twenty years have seen a flurry of activity in the are of
parallel and distributed computing. In recent years, novel parallel
and distributed computational models have been proposed in the
literature, reflecting advances in new computational devices and
environments such as optical interconnects, programmable logic arrays,
networks of workstations, radio communications, mobile computing, DNA
computing, quantum computing, sensor networks etc. It is very
encouraging to note that the advent of these new models has lead to
significant advances in the resolution of various difficult problems
of practical interest.

The main goal of this workshop is to provide a timely forum for the
exchange and dissemination of new ideas, techniques and research in
the field of the parallel and distributed computational models. The
workshop is meant to bring together researchers and practitioners
interested in all aspects of parallel and distributed computing taken
in an inclusive, rather than exclusive, sense. We are convinced that
the workshop atmosphere will be conducive to open and mutually
beneficial exchanges of ideas between the participants.

[Topics] Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Models of Parallel and Distributed Computing:  Radio communication
models, Mobile computing models, Sensor network models,
Hardware-specific models, FPGA models, Systolic arrays and cellular
automata, peer-to-peer models, Biologically-based computing models,
Quantum models, Reconfigurable models, Optical models, CUDA, GPU
computing modles, BSP and LogP models

Algorithms and Applications: Geometric and graph algorithms,
Combinatorial algorithms, Randomized and approximation techniques,
Numerical algorithms, Network algorithms, Localized algorithms,
Distributed algorithms, Image processing, High-performance computing,
GPU applications, MapReduce

Practical Aspects: Architectural and implementation issues,
Performance analysis and simulation, PVM/MPI, Multi-core processors,
Programmable logic arrays, GPGPU, Design of network protocols,
Embedded systems, Cloud computing, Cluster Computing, Development
tools, Fault tolerance, Security Issues

[Submission Guidelines] Prospective authors are encouraged to submit
an electronic version of original, unpublished manuscripts, not to
exceed 10 pages using Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.
We also welcome comprehensive survey papers on timely topics.
Submission must be registered through EasyChair by January 5, 2015.
After the registration, the PDF of the paper must be submitted by
January 10, 2015.

[Important Dates]
Abstracts registration due: 23:59PM, January 5, 2015 (in UTC)
Submissions due: 23:59PM, January 10, 2015 (in UTC)
Notification: February 14, 2015
Final Manuscript due: February 28, 2015

[Publication] The workshop proceedings will be published as “IEEE
International Symposium on Parallel&Distributed Processing, Workshops”
from IEEE Conference Publishing Service and submitted to IEEE Xplore
and CSDL digital libraries. Also they are submitted for indexing
through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing

[Special Issue] We plan to publish full versions of selected papers in
the International Journal on Networking and Computing(IJNC, ). Authors of selected papers will be invited to
submit their manuscripts after the workshop.