Monday, 31 August 2015

Call for posters: EIT Digital Symposium on Future Cloud Computing

          EIT Digital Symposium on Future Cloud Computing
                         19-20 October 2015
                           Rennes, France


The goal of this symposium is to promote strong cooperation between
research and industry around the topics of cloud computing, big data
and data analytics. The symposium will feature distinguished speakers
from industry, academia and funding agencies who will highlight their
vision about the future of cloud computing. Already confirmed speakers
include Erik Elmroth (professor at Umeå university and founder of
Elastisys), Filip Grządkowski (senior software engineer at Google),
Kate Keahey (scientist at Argonne National Lab), Bill McColl (head of
research in parallel algorithms and systems at Huawei research), and
Mira Mezini (professor at TU Darmstadt).

Participation to this event is free of charge.

*** Call for posters ***

The Future cloud symposium provides a forum for PhD students and
junior researchers to present their latest research findings in all
aspects of cloud computing, big data and data analytics. Posters which
include a technological transfer and/or technological innovation
component are particularly encouraged.

*** Submission guidelines ***

Poster submissions must be made in the form of a 1-page paper
describing the proposed content of the poster. Please submit your
posters via the EasyChair submission system:

*** Important dates ***

Submission deadline:    September 20th 2015
Notification date:      September 25th 2015
Future cloud symposium: October 19-20th 2015

*** Program committee ***

- Guillaume Pierre (IRISA / University of Rennes 1)
- François Taiani (IRISA / University of Rennes 1)





deadline extended to 9/18/2015: IEEE CG&A special issue on High Performance Visualization and Analysis


IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

IEEE CG&A Special Issue on High Performance Visualization and Analysis

*Extended deadline for final submissions* : 18 September 2015
Publication date: May/June 2016

(Note: the submission web page above is in the process of being updated.
It may continue to show the original submission date of 9/1/2015 for a
short while longer. The new extended deadline is 9/18/2015. Sorry for
any confusion.)

In the 27 years since the groundbreaking report by McCormick, DeFanti,
and Brown that coined the phrase “visualization in scientific
computing,” we have witnessed a dramatic growth in our ability to
collect and generate data. Concurrently, computing technology has
rapidly evolved from single-processor systems to large scale,
multi-petaflop systems comprised of 10Ks to 100Ks processors, with
processors having upwards of 100s of cores per chip. The confluence of
larger HPC systems, data sets of unprecedented size and complexity, and
complex lines of inquiry, gives rise to diverse and difficult research
challenges and opportunities for visualization and analysis that were
only dimly visible at the dawn of the field of scientific visualization.

We define high performance visualization and analysis as those methods
that are, by their design, capable of taking advantage of modern
computational platforms, either in whole or in part. “In whole” refers
to techniques that are capable of effectively using all computational
resources on today’s largest computational platforms. “In part” refers
to techniques that are specifically designed and implemented to take
advantage of new processor or system architectures in one way or another.

The upcoming Special Issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
will focus on High Performance Visualization and Analysis (HPVA). For
this special issue, we solicit papers presenting original research that
span a diversity of visualization and analysis topics including:

New algorithms and methods for knowledge discovery suitable for use on
modern computational platforms, methods that leverage the extreme-scale
concurrency of these platforms to solve a problem of extreme scale or

Examples of new methods for visualization and analysis that are designed
to take advantage of new architectural features, such as deepening
memory hierarchies, extreme-scale concurrency, etc.; methods that
overcome the challenges inherent to modern HPC platforms where, for
example, it is increasingly expensive to move data through the memory
hierarchy and increasingly intractable to save full-resolution data to
persistent storage for subsequent analysis.
Case studies/applications of HPVA methods to solve knowledge discovery
problems in physical or social science, engineering, medicine, etc.
where there is a thematic element of size and/or complexity that is made
tractable through the use of new scalable methods making use of modern
HPC-class platforms.

Submission Guidelines

Articles should be no more than eight magazine pages, where a page is
800 words and a quarter-page image counts as 200 words. Please cite only
the 12 most relevant references, and consider providing technical
background in sidebars for nonexpert readers. Color images are
preferable and should be limited to 10. Visit the CG&A style and length
guidelines at We also
strongly encourage you to submit multimedia (videos, podcasts, and so
on) to enhance your article. Visit the CG&A supplemental guidelines at

Papers that do not follow these guidelines will result in publication
delays or administrative rejection. Thank you for your attention.

See for additional

Wes Bethel -- voice (510) 486-7353 -- fax (510) 486-5812 --




CFP: ADAPT'16 with new Reddit-based discussions! Deadline 9 Oct. 2015

We are exciting to announce - with a twist - the call for papers for ADAPT.
Based on positive feedback from last year's edition, we have decided to use
exclusively our new submission and publication model where authors submit their
articles (and artifacts) directly to open ArXiv, we then open a discussion
thread for each paper on Reddit, and eventually let our PC select the most
appropriate ones for presentation.
We hope you will be able to submit a paper and be part of this new experiment.
See our ADAPT website for motivation and further details.
                       CALL FOR PAPERS
             ADAPT: 6th International Workshop on
            Adaptive Self-tuning Computing Systems                           
           18 January 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
               (co-located with HiPEAC 2016)
ADAPT is an interdisciplinary workshop to discuss and demonstrate
practical and reproducible techniques, methodology and tools that
can help convert existing or future software and hardware into
adaptive, scalable and self-tuning systems. Such systems should
be able to automatically improve their characteristics (execution
time, energy usage, size, accuracy, reliability, bandwidth,
adaptation time and memory usage) depending on an application and
its input, available resources, run-time state of the system, and
user requirements.
ADAPT topics include but are not limited to machine learning
based autotuning, representative benchmarking, real application
self-tuning, automatic performance modelling, self-tuning
compilers, automatic bug detection, run-time adaptation,
automatic fault tolerance, dynamic hardware reconfiguration,
predictive scheduling, new programming models, green data
centres, adaptive embedded devices, reproducible experimentation,
and optimization knowledge sharing. You can check out accepted
papers from the past ADAPT workshops at:
All further details about new submission and reviewing process
is available at ADAPT website:
====  Important Dates ====
We encourage earlier submissions before the deadline
to allow more time for open discussions!
* Paper submission deadline:  9 October 2015
* End of public discussions: 30 October 2015
* Author notification:         20 November 2015
* Early fees registration:  ~15 December 2015
==== Program Chairs/organisers: ====
* Christophe Dubach, University of Edinburgh (UK)
* Grigori Fursin, dividti (UK) / cTuning Foundation (France)
Grigori Fursin, PhD
CTO, dividiti, UK / Chief Scientist, cTuning foundation, France





Call For Participation: PGAS 2015 - The 9th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models

The 9th International Conference on Partitioned
Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS 2015)
September 16-18, 2015
George Washington University
Washington DC, USA

**Early Registration Deadline: September 4th

About the Conference

Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming models offer a shared address space model that simplifies programming while exposing data thread locality to enhance performance. This facilitates the development of programming models that can deliver both productivity and performance. The PGAS conference is the premier forum to present and discuss ideas and research developments in the area of: PGAS models, languages, compilers, runtimes, applications and tools, PGAS architectures and hardware features. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Applications. New applications that are uniquely enabled by the PGAS model, existing applications and effective application development practices for PGAS codes.
  • Performance. Analysis of application performance over various programming models.
  • Developments in Programming Models and Languages. PGAS models, language extensions, and hybrid models to address emerging architectures, such as multicore, hybrid, heterogeneous, SIMD and reconfigurable architectures.
  • Tools, Compilers, and Implementations. Integrated Development Environments, performance analysis tools, and debuggers. Compiler optimizations for PGAS languages, low level libraries, memory consistency models. Hardware support for PGAS languages, performance studies and insights, productivity studies, and language interoperability.
  • Architectures. System Architectures, Networks, and Memory Architectures designed to enhance and enable PGAS programming models.

The PGAS Programming Models Conference is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of research work in this field. Papers should report on original research, and should include enough background material to make them accessible to the entire PGAS research community. Papers describing experiences should indicate how they illustrate general principles; papers about parallel programming foundations should indicate how they relate to practice.

Keynote Speakers:
·    Vivek Sarkar, Rice University (September 18th)
    • Title: The Role of Global Address/Name Spaces in Extreme Scale Computing and Analytics
·    John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    • Title: TBA 
Invited Speakers:
·    Brad Chamberlain, Cray Inc.
·    Mike Chu, AMD
·    Rich Graham, Mellanox
·    Jeff Hammond, Intel
·    Olivier Tardieu, IBM

Topic: The Top Challenges for PGAS in Exascale-Era 
Moderator: Tyler A Simon, Laboratory for Physical Sciences
Panelists: TBD
Tutorials (on September 16, 2015): 

Tutorial #1 (AM): PGAS and Hybrid MPI+PGAS Programming Models on Modern HPC Clusters with Accelerators, Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda and Khaled Hamidouche (The Ohio State University)

Tutorial #2 (AM) -  Productive Programming in Chapel: A Computation-Driven Introduction by Brad Chamberlain and Michael Ferguson (Cray, Inc.)

Tutorial #3 (PM): Developing Parallel C++ Applications with Modern PGAS Features in UPC++, Kathy Yelick (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California at Berkeley), Yili Zheng (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and Amir Kamil (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Registration information available at:
Early registration fees applies until September 4th

Hotel and Travel:
Information about the conference venue is available

More Information:
More information about the conference is available:

Technical Sponsorship:
IEEE CS, IEEE TCSC, IEEE DC Section                                        





Sunday, 30 August 2015

SC15 Workshop on Computational Approaches for Cancer - November 15th, 2015


Workshop on Computational Approaches for Cancer
Held in conjunction with IEEE/ACM Supercomputing 2015, Austin, Texas
Sunday, November 15, 2015

A workshop focusing on computational approaches for cancer has become increasingly important as the drive towards precision medicine has accelerated, the challenges in cancer research and clinical application requiring computational solution are growing, and the pursuit of effective predictive models for complex biological systems begin to inform future exascale computing requirements. This inaugural workshop focuses on bringing together the interdisciplinary expertise ranging from clinicians, mathematicians, data scientists, computational scientists, hardware experts, engineers, developers, leaders and others with an interest in advancing the use of computation at all levels to better understand, diagnose, treat and prevent cancer. The workshop will provide opportunities for participants to learn about how computation is employed across multiple areas including imaging, genomics, analytics, modeling, pathology and drug discovery. The forward focus of the workshop looks at challenges and opportunities for computational methods, including approaches to efficiently manage increasingly large datasets, collecting real-time data, developing models, validation for clinical application, and the potential for exascale applications involving cancer.

Linked workshop: Computational and Data Challenges for Genomic Analysis

2:00 – 2:15 PM Workshop Introduction

2:15-3:10 PM - Computational Approaches for Cancer – Session 1
·      Kathleen Nicol, MD, Vice Chair Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
·      Lynda Chin, MD, Department Chair, Department of Genomic Medicine, Division of Cancer Medicine, Scientific Director, MD Anderson Cancer Center
·      Heiko Enderling, PhD, Integrated Mathematical Oncology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute

3:10-3:30 - Break

3:30-3:45 PM - Computational Approaches for Cancer – Session 2
·      William G. Richards, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Research Associate, Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
·      Jack Collins, Ph.D., Director, Advanced Biomedical Computing Center, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
·      Warren Kibbe, Ph.D., Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology, National Cancer Institute
·      Dmitri Kusnezov, Ph.D., Chief Scientist and Senior Advisor to the Secretary, National Nuclear Security Agency, Department of Energy

4:45-5:15 PM Moderated interactive question and answer session with workshop presenters.

5:15-5:30       Workshop Recap and Next Steps

Program Committee:
Patricia Kovatch, Ph.D., Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Thomas Barr, The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Eric Stahlberg, Ph.D., Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute





SEEDA-CECNSM 2015 conference call 111 (extended deadline to September 6)

*** Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ***

SEEDA-CECNSM 2015 conference call 111 (extended deadline to September 6)

Please submit your recent work and/or forward this CFP to any of your colleagues, friends that might be interested.

The South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks, and Social Media Conference

Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia
Kastoria, Greece
September 25-27, 2015


The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers and excellent scholars from the

international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures. The conference

aims to enable researchers build connections between different digital application/methodology areas.

- Design Automation
- Computer Networks
- Computer Engineering
- Social Media

- Submitted paper should not exceed 15 pages.
- The submission must be for the full paper (abstracts only are not acceptable).
- Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically through

- All registered papers will be published in SDIWC Digital Library, and in the proceedings of the conference.
- The published proceedings will be indexed in ResearchBib, in addition, they will be reviewed for POSSIBLE inclusion

within the INSPEC, EI, DBLP, Microsoft Academic Research, ResearchGate, and Google Scholar Databases.
- ALL selected papers will be published in one of the following special issues:
  * International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA)
  * International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (IJDIWC)
  * International Journal of Cyber-Security and Digital Forensics (IJCSDF)
  * International Journal of E-Learning and Educational Technologies in the Digital Media (IJEETDM)


September 6, 2015        Submission Deadline (extended)
September 15, 2015                    Camera Ready Submission
September 15, 2015                    Registration Deadline
September 25-27, 2015    Conference Dates

Best regards,

Dr Michael Dossis
Associate Professor
General Chair


Saturday, 29 August 2015

ESPM2@SC15: Deadline Extended to September 7th. First International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware

First International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware
Held in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC. 

Next generation architectures and systems being deployed are characterized by high concurrency, low memory per-core, and multi-levels of hierarchy and heterogeneity. These characteristics bring out new challenges in energy efficiency, fault-tolerance and scalability. It is commonly believed that software has the biggest share of the responsibility to tackle these challenges. In other words, this responsibility is delegated to the next generation programming models and their associated middleware/runtimes. This workshop focuses on different aspects of programming models such as Task-based parallelism (X10, OCR, Habanero, Legion, Charm++, HPX), PGAS (OpenSHMEM, UPC, CAF, Chapel, etc.), Directive-based languages (OpenMP, OpenACC), Accelerator programming (CUDA, OpenCL), Hybrid MPI+X, etc. It also focuses on their associated middleware (unified runtimes, interoperability for hybrid programming, tight integration of MPI+X, support for accelerators) for next generation systems and architectures. The objective of ESPM2 workshop is to serve as a forum that brings together researchers from academia and industry to share knowledge and their experience, on working in the areas of programming models, runtime systems, compilation and languages, and application developers.

The First ESPM2 workshop, to be held as a full-day meeting with the Supercomputing (SC'2015) conference in Austin, Texas, will serve as an event for discussion in the areas of programming models and runtimes, language design, compilers, and application development. It will provide a timely meeting for scientists and engineers to present the latest ideas and findings in these rapidly evolving areas. The workshop will particularly focus on innovative approaches in the areas of emerging programming models for large-scale parallel systems and many-core architectures. Topics of interest for the ESPM2 workshop include (but are not limited to):
  • New programming models, languages and constructs for exploiting high concurrency and heterogeneity
  • Experience with and improvements for existing parallel languages and run-time environments such as:
             o  MPI
             o   PGAS (UPC, OpenSHMEM, Chapel, CAF...)
             o   Directive-based programming (OpenMP, OpenACC..)
             o   Asynchronous Task-based models (X10, OCR, Habanero, Legion, Charm++, HPX ) and
             o   Hybrid MPI+X models
  • Parallel compilers, programming tools, and environments
  • Software and system support for extreme scalability including fault tolerance
  • Programming environments for heterogeneous multi-core systems and accelerators such as ARM, GPUs, FPGAs, MICs and DSPs

Papers should present original research and should provide sufficient background material to make them accessible to the broader community.

Important Dates
Technical paper submission deadline:   September 7th 2015 (11:59 PM, EST) (EXTENDED)
Author notification:                                 September 30th, 2015
Camera-ready deadline:                        October 7th 2015
Workshop:                                              Sunday, November 15th, 2015

We are using EasyChair conference system to manage submissions. The link to submit papers is:  
Submissions are accepted under the following two categories:
        1.   Full Paper: Should not exceed 8 pages using ACM format with     10pt font.  Each submission must be a single PDF file.
        2.   Short Paper: Should not exceed 4 pages using ACM format          with    10pt font.  Each submission must be a single PDF file.
      Submissions must be ACM formatted:  
       ·      ACM SigHPC will publish the workshop proceedings which will    be available through the ACM Digital Library
       ·      The papers must contain original content and should not have  been previously published or submitted to a peer-reviewed    journal/conference
        ·      Papers must be submitted in PDF format (readable by Adobe    Acrobat Reader 5.0 and higher) and formatted for 8.5" x 11"  (U.S. Letter).
        ·      The manuscript should be formatted according to ACM format  (see  templates)
At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register as a participant of the workshop and present the paper at the workshop, in order to have the paper published in the proceedings.
Organizing Committee

Program Chairs

  • Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda, The Ohio State University
  • Karl Schulz, Intel Corporation
  • Khaled Hamidouche, The Ohio State University
  • Hari Subramoni, The Ohio State University

Program Committee

  • Sadaf Alam, Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS), Switzerland
  • Francois Bodin, University of Rennes and INRIA, France
  • Almadena Y. Chtchelkanova, National Science Foundation
  • Guang R. Gao, University of Delaware
  • Vladimir Getov, University of Westminster, UK
  • Zhigang Huo, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Laxmikant Kale, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Darren Kerbyson, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Bernd Mohr, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), Germany
  • Vivek Sarkar, Rice University
  • Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Katherine Yelick, University of California at Berkeley / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory






Special Issue on Sustainable HPC on Open Journal on Cloud Computing

Open Journal of Cloud Computing (

=========================== Call for Papers ==========================================
Special Issue: "Sustainable High Performance Computing (SHPC-2015)"

Note: Publication fees will be waived for accepted papers submitted before September 10, 2015.

** AIMS:
Sustainable high performance computing put dependable and autonomic computing in context. Without self-healing, self-configuration and self-monitoring, a high performance computing application will not be able to complete in extreme scales. Without dependability, high performance computing applications are to suffer rapidly decreasing MTBF (mean time between failures) as we expand the size of computing clusters. Security is another dimension that mission critical high performance applications must take into account, or unintended consequences may cause irreparable harms.
While the above discussion made sense at the conceptual level, current research communities are narrowly divided into specific subareas.  In fact, all these topics concern how to handle volatile resources in terms of programming, monitoring, configuration, load distribution/optimization and management. This Special Issue of OJCC aims to bring together contributions from all relevant areas for the benefit of sustainable high performance computing -- the non-lethal large scale typical distributed computing applications. Unlike traditional publications that favor successful novel technologies, this Special Issue of OJCC encourages submissions of credible in-depth stories that may be success or failure in dependable computing, autonomic computing, information security and sustainable high performance computing efforts. In fact, we can learn more from failures than successes. In particular, data intensive distributed computing efforts are highly encouraged since they are more difficult to secure, to practice dependability and be made autonomic-ally computable.  

This Special Issue provides a platform for academic architecture researchers, industry practitioners and government agencies to exchange evolving distributed mission critical computing requirements, ideas and preliminary results. As computational services are to become integral parts of human societies, performance, dependability, sustainability and security of these services directly impact future social and economic prosperity. This Special Issue will be a checkpoint of dependable computing, autonomic computing and sustainable HPC efforts. The results may prove to be of fundamentally importance towards the building of 21st century software engineering principles.

This special issue welcomes regular research papers, short communications, reviews and visionary papers in the fields cloud and ubiquitous computing, including but not limited to the following topics:

- Theoretical foundation of programming volatile resources
- Theoretical architecture concepts for volatile resources
- Application scalability analysis using volatile resources
- Investigative reports on delivered performance for computation intensive and data intensive applications with failure
- Investigative results on delivered cloud performances for computation intensive and data intensive applications
- Theoretical models and experiences in non-conventional HPC programming paradigms
- Experiences in using auction-based HPC cloud resources
- Experiences in virtualized GPU for HPC applications
- Experiences in virtualized network for HPC applications
- Innovative failure prevention and recovery methods
- HPC security considerations using cloud resources
- Communication infrastructure virtualization experiences
- Private cloud implementation experiences
- Innovative cloud auction pricing models

- Justin Y. Shi, Temple University, USA

- Krishna Kant, Temple University, USA
- Kitrick Sheets, Cray Inc., USA
- Sen Chiao, San Jose State University, USA
- Gang Wang, Nankai-Baidu Joint Lab, Nankai University, China
- Xiaoguang Liu, Nankai University, China
- Joseph Jupin, Temple Univesity, USA

- Submission Deadline: 10 September, 2015 
- Author Notification: 25 October, 2015

For detailed information on the preparation and submission of manuscripts, please visit Author Guidelines ( 

OJCC Editorial Office
RonPub UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck, Germany





Wednesday, 26 August 2015

IEEE LDAV 2015 - Call for Posters

The 5th IEEE Symposium on Large Data Analysis and Visualization will be held in conjunction with IEEE Vis 2015 in Chicago, Illinois on October 25-26, 2015.

Abstract submission deadline: August 24th, 2015

Call for Posters:

We invite you to submit unpublished work to the IEEE LDAV 2015 Poster Program. The poster program is a venue designed to highlight ongoing research and late breaking topics that have produced promising preliminary results. In addition to the topics listed under Call for Papers, we also welcome submissions that showcase successful stories of applying visualization to large-scale data intensive applications. The poster program will be a great opportunity for the authors to interact with the symposium attendees and solicit feedback.

Interested authors should submit a two-page abstract that describes the underlying problem, the proposed method, and preliminary results. Accepted poster abstracts will be included in the symposium proceedings. The format of the abstract will be the same as the format used for the regular paper submission. Poster authors are encouraged, but not required, to include a draft or sketch of the poster layout and content in their submission. This would help reviewers and show that the poster format is used effectively. The draft poster should be in PDF format. The authors should indicate if the poster would be accompanied by an on-site demonstration and/or videos.

More information can be found on the IEEE LDAV Website:   

IEEE LDAV Poster Co-Chairs