EIT Digital
Symposium on Future Cloud Computing
19-20 October 2015
Rennes, France
https://www.eitdigital.eu/ cloudsymposium2015/
The goal of this symposium is to promote strong cooperation between
research and industry around the topics of cloud computing, big data
and data analytics. The symposium will feature distinguished speakers
from industry, academia and funding agencies who will highlight their
vision about the future of cloud computing. Already confirmed speakers
include Erik Elmroth (professor at Umeå university and founder of
Elastisys), Filip Grządkowski (senior software engineer at Google),
Kate Keahey (scientist at Argonne National Lab), Bill McColl (head of
research in parallel algorithms and systems at Huawei research), and
Mira Mezini (professor at TU Darmstadt).
Participation to this event is free of charge.
*** Call for posters ***
The Future cloud symposium provides a forum for PhD students and
junior researchers to present their latest research findings in all
aspects of cloud computing, big data and data analytics. Posters which
include a technological transfer and/or technological innovation
component are particularly encouraged.
*** Submission guidelines ***
Poster submissions must be made in the form of a 1-page paper
describing the proposed content of the poster. Please submit your
posters via the EasyChair submission system:
https://easychair.org/ conferences/?conf= futurecloud2015
*** Important dates ***
Submission deadline: September 20th 2015
Notification date: September 25th 2015
Future cloud symposium: October 19-20th 2015
*** Program committee ***
- Guillaume Pierre (IRISA / University of Rennes 1)
- François Taiani (IRISA / University of Rennes 1)
19-20 October 2015
Rennes, France
The goal of this symposium is to promote strong cooperation between
research and industry around the topics of cloud computing, big data
and data analytics. The symposium will feature distinguished speakers
from industry, academia and funding agencies who will highlight their
vision about the future of cloud computing. Already confirmed speakers
include Erik Elmroth (professor at Umeå university and founder of
Elastisys), Filip Grządkowski (senior software engineer at Google),
Kate Keahey (scientist at Argonne National Lab), Bill McColl (head of
research in parallel algorithms and systems at Huawei research), and
Mira Mezini (professor at TU Darmstadt).
Participation to this event is free of charge.
*** Call for posters ***
The Future cloud symposium provides a forum for PhD students and
junior researchers to present their latest research findings in all
aspects of cloud computing, big data and data analytics. Posters which
include a technological transfer and/or technological innovation
component are particularly encouraged.
*** Submission guidelines ***
Poster submissions must be made in the form of a 1-page paper
describing the proposed content of the poster. Please submit your
posters via the EasyChair submission system:
*** Important dates ***
Submission deadline: September 20th 2015
Notification date: September 25th 2015
Future cloud symposium: October 19-20th 2015
*** Program committee ***
- Guillaume Pierre (IRISA / University of Rennes 1)
- François Taiani (IRISA / University of Rennes 1)