6th Workshop on Resiliency in High Performance Computing (Resilience) in Clusters, Clouds, and Grids in conjunction with the 19th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2013) Aachen, Germany, August 26-30, 2013Clusters, Clouds, and Grids are three different computational paradigms with the intent or potential to support High Performance Computing (HPC). Currently, they consist of hardware, management, and usage models particular to different computational regimes, e.g., high performance cluster systems designed to support tightly coupled scientific simulation codes typically utilize high-speed interconnects and commercial cloud systems designed to support software as a service (SAS) do not. However, in order to support HPC, all must at least utilize large numbers of resources and hence effective HPC in any of these paradigms must address the issue of resiliency at large-scale.Recent trends in HPC systems have clearly indicated that future increases in performance, in excess of those resulting from improvements in single- processor performance, will be achieved through corresponding increases in system scale, i.e., using a significantly larger component count. As the raw computational performance of these HPC systems increases from today's tera- and peta-scale to next-generation multi peta-scale capability and beyond, their number of computational, networking, and storage components will grow from the ten-to-one-hundred thousand compute nodes of today's systems to several hundreds of thousands of compute nodes and more in the foreseeable future. This substantial growth in system scale, and the resulting component count, poses a challenge for HPC system and application software with respect to fault tolerance and resilience.Furthermore, recent experiences on extreme-scale HPC systems with non-recoverable soft errors, i.e., bit flips in memory, cache, registers, and logic added another major source of concern. The probability of such errors not only grows with system size, but also with increasing architectural vulnerability caused by employing accelerators, such as FPGAs and GPUs, and by shrinking nanometer technology. Reactive fault tolerance technologies, such as checkpoint/restart, are unable to handle high failure rates due to associated overheads, while proactive resiliency technologies, such as migration, simply fail as random soft errors can't be predicted. Moreover, soft errors may even remain undetected resulting in silent data corruption.Important Web sites:- Resilience 2013 at http://xcr.cenit.latech.edu/resilience2013- Euro-Par 2012 at http://www.europar2013.orgPrior conferences Web sites (2008-2012):- Resilience YEAR at http://xcr.cenit.latech.edu/resilienceYEARImportant dates:- Paper submission deadline on May 31, 2013- Notification deadline on July 8, 2013- Camera ready deadline on October 3, 2013Submission guidelines:Authors are invited to submit papers electronically in English in PDF format via EasyChair at <https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=resilience2013>. Submitted manuscripts should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed 10 pages, including figures, tables and references, using Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format at <http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0>. Submissions should include abstract, key words and the e-mail address of the corresponding author. Papers not conforming to these guidelines may be returned without review. All manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be rejected without re view and further action may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference. Submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. The proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS as post-conference proceedings. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for and attend the workshop for inclusion in the proceedings. Authors may contact the workshop program chair for more information.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:- Reports on current HPC system and application resiliency- HPC resiliency metrics and standards- HPC system and application resiliency analysis- HPC system and application-level fault handling and anticipation- HPC system and application health monitoring- Resiliency for HPC file and storage systems- System-level checkpoint/restart for HPC- System-level migration for HPC- Algorithm-based resiliency fundamentals for HPC (not Hadoop)- Fault tolerant MPI concepts and solutions- Soft error detection and recovery in HPC systems- HPC system and application log analysis- Statistical methods to identify failure root causes- Fault injection studies in HPC environments- High availability solutions for HPC systems- Reliability and availability analysis- Hardware for fault detection and recovery- Resource management for system resiliency and availabilityGeneral Co-Chairs:- Stephen L. Scott, Tennessee Tech University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA- Chokchai (Box) Leangsuksun, Louisiana Tech University, USAProgram Co-Chairs:- Patrick G. Bridges, University of New Mexico, USA- Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USAProgram Committee:- Vassil Alexandrov, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain- Patrick G. Bridges, University of New Mexico- Greg Bronevetsky, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA- Franck Cappello, INRIA/UIUC, France/USA- Zizhong Chen, University of California, Riverside, USA- Andrew Chien, University of Chicago, USA- Nathan DeBardeleben, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA- Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA- Kurt B. Ferreira, Sandia National Laboratories, USA- Cecile Germain, University Paris-Sud, France- Paul Hargrove, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA- Larry Kaplan, Cray, USA- Dieter Kranzlmueller, LMU/LRZ Munich, Germany- Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA- Chokchai (Box) Leangsuksun, Louisiana Tech University, USA- Celso Mendes, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA- Christine Morin, INRIA Rennes, France- Alexander Reinefeld, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany- Rolf Riesen, IBM Research, Ireland- Stephen L. Scott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA--Christian Engelmann, Ph.D.System Software Team Task Lead / R&D Staff ScientistComputer Science Research GroupComputer Science and Mathematics DivisionOak Ridge National LaboratoryMail: P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6173, USAPhone: +1 (865) 574-3132 / Fax: +1 (865) 576-5491e-Mail: engelmannc@ornl.gov / Home: www.christian-engelmann.info
CALL FOR PAPERS 1st Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era (ROME 2013) August 26, 2013, Aachen, Germany held in conjunction withEuro-Par 2013, August 26 - August 30, 2013 Aachen, Germanyhttp://www.lfbs.rwth-aachen.de/users/global/ROME2013/========================================================================Submission deadline: May 31, 2013Background=========Since the beginning of the multicore era, parallel processing has become prevalent across the board. However, in order to continue a performance increase according to Moore's Law, a next step needs to be taken: away from common multicores towards innovative many-core architectures. Such systems, equipped with a significant higher amount of cores per chip than multicores, pose challenges in both hardware and software design. On the hardware side, complex on-chip networks, scratchpads and memory interfaces as well as cache-hierarchies, cache-coherence strategies and the building of coherency domains have to be taken into account.However, the ROME workshop focuses on the software side because without complying system software, runtime and operating system support, all these new hardware facilities cannot be exploited. Hence, the new challenges in hardware/software co-design are to step beyond traditional approaches and to wage new programming models and OS designs in order to exploit the theoretically available performance as effectively as possible.Topics=====The focus of this workshop stands in the tradition of a successful series of events hosted by the Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC). Although this workshop is not considered as a self-contained MARC symposium, the organizers and several members of the tentative program committee are part of the MARC community. Authors from all related disciplines are invited to submit unpublished papers regarding software for novel many-core hardware architectures.- Operating system support for novel many-core architectures- Many-core aware runtime support for large-scale applications- Virtualization solutions to deal with hardware limitations- Tools for performance analysis on many-core systems- Dealing with legacy software on novel many-core architectures- New approaches for leveraging on-die messaging facilities- Experiences porting, running, or developing applications- Traditional and new programming models for novel many-core hardware- Bare-metal programming and system software- Power-aware many-core computingProgram=======The workshop takes place on Monday, August 26, 2013. It is scheduled as half-day. Detailed program TBD.Paper Submission, Registration, and Publication======================================Workshop papers must not exceed ten single-spaced, single-column pages (LNCS style). On acceptance of the submission, at least one author is required to register for workshop attendance at Euro-Par 2013 and present the paper in the workshop session.Upload your submission to our submission server in PDF format. It must not be simultaneously submitted to the main conference or any other publication outlet.For the workshop, we will prepare hand-outs with the revised papers. These will be published after the conference in the workshop proceedings of Euro-Par 2013, part of the LNCS series of Springer.Important Dates============May 31, 2013: Submission deadlineJuly 8, 2013: Notification of acceptanceAugust 15, 2013: Camera ready, revised papers dueAugust 26, 2013: ROME 2013 WorkshopCommittees=========- Carsten Clauss, RWTH Aachen University- Wolfgang Karl, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology- Stefan Lankes, RWTH Aachen University- Timothy G. Mattson, Intel Labs- J?rg Nolte, BTU Cottbus- Eric Noulard, ONERA- Andreas Polze, Hasso-Plattner-Institute- Michael Riepen, Intel Labs- Bettina Schnor, University of Potsdam- Oliver Sinnen, University of Auckland- Carsten Trinitis, TU M?nchen- Theo Ungerer, Universit?t Augsburg- Josef Weidendorfer, TU M?nchenWorkshop Organizers=================Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Lankes, Dr.-Ing. Carsten ClaussChair for Operating Systems, RWTH Aachen UniversityE-Mail: rome2013@easychair.orgFurther Information===============See the ROME 2013 website at http://www.lfbs.rwth-aachen.de/users/global/ROME2013/--Dr. rer. nat. Stefan LankesChair for Operating Systems, RWTH Aachen UniversityKopernikusstr. 16, 52056 Aachen, GermanyPhone: +49-241-80-25162 E-Mail: lankes@lfbs.rwth-aachen.de
---CALL FOR PAPERS----************************************************************************The 5th International Workshop on Workflow Management in Service and Cloud Computing (WMSC 2013)Held in conjunction withThe 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC2013)andThe 3rd International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications (SCA2013)30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2013, Karlsruhe, GermanyWebsite: http://cs.bit.edu.cn/confs/wmsc2013************************************************************************------------------Important Dates------------------Submissions Deadline: 1 JuneNotification: 5 JulyCamera Ready: 12 AugustWorkshop: 30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 2013------------------Overview------------------As emerging paradigms, service and cloud computing enable resource to be employed in utility-based fashion. Workflow automating business and scientific processing in step by step can be executed in service and cloud computing environments in the benefit of deploying resources for execution in that fashion. This workshop following its successful edition of WMSC2012 aims to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners and developers from different background areas such as service computing, cloud computing and workflow area to exchange the latest experience, research ideas and synergic research and development on fundamental issues and applications about workflow management in service and cloud computing environments. The workshop solicits high quality research results in all related areas.------------------Topics of Interest------------------The objective of the workshop is to invite authors to submit original manuscripts that demonstrate and explore current advances in all aspects of workflow management in service and cloud computing environments. The workshop solicits novel papers on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:* Service based workflow modelling* Service Delivery and Composition* Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Negotiation, Automation and Orchestration* Quality of Services for workflow execution* Workflow verification and validation* Services Repository and Registry* Service Security, Privacy and Trust for workflow modelling and execution* Novel architectural models for cloud computing in support of workflow execution* Cloud workflow architecture* Cloud resource management* Scientific computing in the cloud* Programming models for cloud computing* Access control and authorisation for workflow execution* Workflow scheduling in cloud computing* Utility models and service pricing* Service enabled workflow applications* Privacy, security, risk and trust issues in cloud computing* Social issues in cloud computing* Green cloud computing* Green ICT and smart metering* Cloud workflow applications------------------Submission Guidelines and Publication------------------Please submit your paper(s) in PDF file at the WMSC2013 submission site: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wmsc2013. Papers should be limited up to 8 pages in IEEE format (http://www.computer.org/portal/web/cscps/formatting). All papers will be peer reviewed by two or three pc members. Submitting a paper to the workshop means that if the paper is accepted, at least one author should register to CGC2013 and attend the conference to present the paper.All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society (EI indexed). Selected papers will be invited to be published in special issues of* Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience* Future Generation Computer Systems* International Journal of High Performance Computer Applications---------------------Workshop Organization---------------------General Chairs* Jinjun Chen, University of Technology Sydney, Australia* Jianxun Liu, Hunan University of Science and Technology, China* Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, AustraliaProgram Chairs* Mingzhong Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China* Chunjie Zhou, Ludong University, ChinaProgram Committee (to be confirmed)* Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy* Shah Asaduzzaman, Carleton University, Canada* Gregor V. Bochmann, University of Ottawa, Canada* Shawn Bowers, University of California at Davis, USA* Christoph Bussler, Analytica, Inc., USA* Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Italy* Jian Cao, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China* David Chiu, Washington State University, USA* Wanchun Dou, Nanjing University , China* Schahram Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria* Yushun Fan, Tsinghua University, China* Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA* Joerg Haehner, University of Augsburg, Germany* Ken Hawick, Massey University, New Zealand* Ching-Hsien (Robert) Hsu, Chung Hua University, Taiwan* Michel Hurfin, INRIA, France* Marta Indulska, The University of Queensland, Australia* Haksung Kim, Dongnam Health University, South Korea* Qing Li, City University of Hong Kong, China* Shiyong Lu, Wayne State University, USA* Xiangfeng Luo, Shanghai University, China* Zongwei Luo, The University of Hong Kong, China* Dan Cristian Marinescu, University of Central Florida, USA* Ethan L. Miller, University of California, USA* Jose A. Montenegro, Universidad de Malaga, Spain* Helen Paik, University of New South Wales, Australia* Sabri Pllana, Linnaeus University, Sweden* Radu Prodan, University of Innsbruck, Austria* Michael Sheng, University of Adelaide, Australia* Wei Tan, IBM Waston Research Center, USA* Jiacun Wang, Monmouth University, USA* Jianmin Wang, Tsinghua University, China* Jianwu Wang, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA* Martijn Warnier, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands* Lijie Wen, Tsinghua University, China* Lai Xu, Bournemouth University, UK* Yang Yu, Yat-sen University, China---------------------Contact---------------------For detailed information please visit the conference webpagehttp://cs.bit.edu.cn/confs/wmsc2013or contact the conference organizers* Mingzhong Wang (wangmz@bit.edu.cn)* Chunjie Zhou (lucyzcj@gmail.com)
************************************************************************* EURO-PAR 2013 WORKSHOPS: JOINT CALL FOR PAPERS*********************************************************************19th International European Conference onParallel and Distributed ComputingEuro-Par 2013Aachen, GermanyAugust 26-30, 2013http://www.europar2013.org**** SUBMISSION DEADLINES ****Workshop papers due: May 31, 2013, 23:59 AOE**** SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOP PROGRAM ****Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to thepromotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributedcomputing. It covers a wide spectrum of topics from algorithms and theory tosoftware technology and hardware-related issues, with application areasranging from scientific to mobile and cloud computing. The objective ofEuro-Par is to provide a forum for the introduction, presentation anddiscussion of the latest scientific and technical advances, extending thefrontier of both the state of the art and the state of the practice.To provide further meeting points for researchers to discuss and exchangeideas on topics related to parallel and distributed computing, Euro-Par 2013will continue the tradition of co-locating workshops with the mainconference.The workshops will be held on August 26-27, two days before the mainconference. All Euro-Par 2013 workshops are listed below:* BigDataCloud - Big Data Management in Clouds* DIHC - Dependability and Interoperability in Heterogeneous Clouds* FedICI - Federative and Interoperable Cloud Infrastructures* HeteroPar - Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing onHeterogeneous Platforms* HiBB - High Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine* LSDVE - Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments on Clouds and P2P* MHPC - Middleware for HPC and Big Data Systems* OMHI - On-chip Memory Hierarchies and Interconnects* PADABS - Parallel and Distributed Agent Based Simulations* PROPER - Productivity and Performance* Resilience - Resiliency in High Performance Computing with Clusters,Clouds, and Grids* ROME - Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era* UCHPC - UnConventional High Performance ComputingLinks to the Web sites of individual workshops and further information canbe found at: http://www.europar2013.org/program/workshops/Workshop proceedings will be published in a separate LNCS Euro-Par 2013volume after the conference. Registered workshop participants will receivean electronic copy of the volume by mail. All authors of accepted paperswill be requested to sign a Springer copyright form.**** PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ****Papers must offer original contributions. Only contributions not submittedelsewhere for publication will be considered. Submission implies thewillingness of at least one of the authors to register and present thepaper.All accepted workshop papers will be included in the workshop proceedings,which will be published by Springer in the LNCS series after the conference.Final workshop papers must not exceed 10 pages including everything (text,figures, references) and must be formatted in the Springer LNCS style.Papers accepted for publication must also be supplied in source form (LaTeXor Word). Please download the LNCS Latex style at:ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/llncs2e.zipTo submit a paper authors must follow the instructions available at the Website of their workshop.**** IMPORTANT DATES ****Workshop papers due: May 31, 2013Workshop Author notification: July 8, 2013Workshop dates: August 26-27, 2013Workshop camera-ready full papers due: October 3, 2013**** LOCATION ****The Euro-Par 2013 conference will take place in Aachen, Germany, from August26th until August 30th, 2013. The conference is jointly organized by theGerman Research School for Simulation Sciences, Forschungszentrum Juelich,and RWTH Aachen University in the framework of the Juelich Aachen ResearchAlliance.**** WORKSHOP CO-CHAIRS ****Dieter an Mey, RWTH Aachen UniversityLuc Bouge, ENS de Cachan**** CONTACT****For information on specific workshops, please contact their organizers. Thelist of workshops and links to their Web sites can be found at:http://www.europar2013.org/program/workshops/Please direct general questions unrelated to a specific workshop to:workshops@europar2013.orgKind regards,Dieter an MeyEuro-Par 2013 Workshop Co-Chair