Thursday, 27 June 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS Special Session on Advances in High-Performance Bioinformatics, Systems and Synthetic Biology


Special Session on Advances in High-Performance
Bioinformatics, Systems and Synthetic Biology

of the 22nd Euromicro International Conference on
Parallel Distributed and Network-base Processing

12-14 February 2014? Turin, Italy

The computational approach to biology is dealing with an enormous
availability of data and an extreme complexity in the modelling and
analysis of life systems. Both these issues make the scaling-up
promise of High Performance Computing extremely appealing. Currently,
the possibility of parallelising algorithms and analysis techniques
exploiting the various HPC emerging frameworks is receiving a lot of
interest. Examples include the porting of legacy applications to
clusters, e.g. those for genome analysis, and the use of distributed
technologies, cloud computing, on-chip supercomputing, GPGPUs, and
massively parallel architectures for the treatment of high-throughput
data-sets (e.g. Xeon Phi implementations). Arguably, HPC will turn out
to be an unifying aspect of the future integration of Bioinformatics,
Systems and Synthetic Biology.

The aim of this special session is to present the latest efforts in High
Performance Computational Biology and to foster the integration of
researchers interested in HPC and Computational Biology.

Examples of topics of interest include, but are not limited to, HPC
experiences in:

- Algorithms for genomics and proteomics
- DNA assembly and mapping
- Bio-Molecular sequence analysis
- Gene identification and annotation
- SNP analysis and classification
- Differential gene expression analysis and clustering techniques
- Phylogeny reconstruction algorithms
- Biological databases for big data management
- Modelling and simulation of biological systems
- Automated verification in Computational Biology
- Virtual labs and experiments
- HPC-based approaches in Synthetic Biology
- DNA-based biological circuits simulations
- Modelling of structural protein properties
- Parallel architectures for Computational Biology
- System infrastructure for high throughput analysis


Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages
in the IEEE Conference proceedings format

(IEEEtran, double-column, 10pt). Double-bind review: the first page of
the paper should contain only the title and abstract; in the reference
list, references to the authors' own work should appear as "omitted
for blind review" entries. Submissions can be made through the
submission web site at


Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society

in the same volume as the main track. Authors of accepted papers
are expected to register and present their papers at the Conference.
Conference proceedings will be indexed, among others, by? IEEE explore,
DBLP, Scopus ScienceDirect, and ISI Web of Knowledge.? A special issue
of a international journal collecting selected papers is under consideration.


Paper submission: 31st Jul 2013
Acceptance notification: 7th Oct 2013
Camera ready due: 31st Oct 2013
Conference: 12th - 14th Feb 2014


Ivan Merelli, CNR-ITB, Italy
Marco Beccuti, University of Turin, Italy
Andrea Bracciali, University of Stirling, UK


Andrea Clematis, CNR-IMATI, Italy
Daniele D'Agostino, CNR-IMATI, Italy
Antonella Galizia, CNR-IMATI, Italy
Sandra Gesing, University of Tuebingen, Germany
David Gilbert, Brunel University, UK
Alberto Policriti, University of Udine, Italy
Luciano Milanesi, CNR-ITB, Italy
Steffen Moeller, Institut fur Neuro- und Bioinformatik, Germany
Gethin Norman, University of Glasgow, UK
Horacio P?rez-S?nchez, University of Murcia, Spain
Monika Heiner, Brandenburg University at Cottbus, Germany
Luca Bortolussi, University of Trieste, Italy


Dr. Ivan Merelli
Institute for Biomedical Technologies
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Tel: +39 02 26422600
Fax: +39 02 26422770

Dr. Marco Beccuti
Dept. of Computer Science
Universit? degli Studi di Torino
Tel: +39 011 6706780
Fax: +39 011 751603

Dr. Andrea Bracciali
Dept. of Computing Science and Mathematics
University of Stirling
Tel: +44 (0)1786 467446
Fax: +44 (0)1786 464551

CALL FOR PAPERS Track on INterconnect ARchitectures for Reconfigurable Computing Systems


                                        INARCS at ReConFig

         Track on INterconnect ARchitectures for Reconfigurable
Computing Systems
  To be held at International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and
FPGAs (ReConFig 2013)

                              Cancun, Mexico, 9-11 December



The increase in performance and capacity of modern FPGAs enable the
design of on-FPGA multiprocessing SoC. The efficient operation of such
systems and their fast integration require efficient on-chip
communication fabrics called networks-on-fpgas. Current knowledge and
research in interconnects can not directly be applied to FPGA domain, as
suboptimal solutions will be achieved. There is a need of a customized
design of the network tailored to the FPGA constraints and opportunities
it brings. Optimal implementations can be supported by hard pre-built
network components that will simplify design and increase performance of
overlaid soft interconnect architectures.
At the same time, the emerging high-performance reconfigurable computing
systems that aim in integrating thousands of FPGA nodes, require novel
system interconnect architectures with both on-chip and off-chip
components. The increasing IO bandwidth of FPGA fabrics enable truly
scalable interconnect architectures that would fit the novel programming
models, the communication patterns and the accelerator-rich features of
Reconfigurable HPC systems.
The emergence of such interconnect architectures with both hard and soft
components is expected to inspire new designs, specially when dealing
with reconfigurable systems. There is a need to identify the best
designs and practices combining all the solutions provided. For example:
(1) the intrinsic reconfiguration capabilities of FPGAs and/or
in-network reconfiguration capabilities for on-chip interconnects, (2)
network-centric reconfiguration protocols and/or paralelized
reconfiguration operations, and (3) additional properties such as
isolation, partitioning and virtualization.
This track aims to create a forum for researchers from both environments
(interconnects and reconfigurable computing systems) to come up with
efficient solutions and approaches for reconfigurable FPGA-based
interconnect systems and identifying the potential of such
inter-disciplinary concept.

TOPICS OF INTEREST (not limited to)

- Hard and Soft interconnect architectures
- Customized networks-on-fpgas
- Interconnect architectures and protocol for reconfigurable HPC systems
- Network-centric reconfiguration mechanism
- Interconnect fault-tolerant techniques
- Virtualization/partitioning support of the interconnect
- In-network cache coherence support
- Hands-on experiences on interconnects embedded in FPGA systems


Conference proceedings will be published by IEEE and will appear at the
IEEE Digital Library (IEEE Xplore). Authors of selected papers will be
invited to submit an extended version for publication in ReConFig'13
Special Issues of international journals (TBC).


Submissions should be no more than 6 pages long including tables,
figures and references (4 pages for PhD Forum). They have to be
submitted for evaluation as a PDF file using IEEE formatting (US-letter

Additional pages can be purchased for regular papers at a price of 75
USD per page (up to 2 extra pages are allowed). No additional pages will
be allowed for PhD forum papers.

At least one author of every submitted paper has to attend the
conference if the paper is accepted. Authors who do not attend the
conference to present their papers will not have their paper published
in the conference?s proceedings.


Paper submission:                 19   July      2013
Notification of acceptance:  13   September 2013
Final paper submission:       15   October   2013
Conference:                           9-11 December  2013



  * Jose Flich  (Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia, Spain)
  * Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos (Democritus University of Thrace, Greece)
  * Antoni Roca (Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia, Spain)

Program Committee:

  * Yannis Papaefstathiou (University of Crete, Greece)
  * Pedro Gil (Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia, Spain)
  * Ioannis Sourdis (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  * Teresa Riesgo (Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, Spain)
  * Gerard K. Rauwerda (Recore Systems, Netherlands)
  * Hiroki Matsutani (Keio University, Japan)
  * Vaughn Betz (University of Toronto, Canada)
  * Andreas Doering (IBM Research, Zurich)
  * Felix Tobajas (Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain)
  * Terrence Mak (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
  * Elliot Fleming (Intel, USA)
  * Christoforos Kachris (Athens Information Technology, Greece)


For more information on INARCS 2013 (special track held on ReConFig'13)
or if you have any questions please contact the special track organizers

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Call for Paper 5th On-Chip Parallel and Network-Based Systems (OCPNBS)

Call for Paper

5th On-Chip Parallel and Network-Based Systems (OCPNBS)

in conjunction with 22nd Euromicro PDP 2014, Turin, Italy, 12-14 Feb. 2014

with a special issue in

Elsevier's Integration, the VLSI Journal<>

General Scope

In order to achieve functionality with low energy speed product, on-chip parallel and network-based system design requires larger device, multi block functions, and energy evaluation schemes. Such systems, which are emerging as the architecture of choice for future high performance processors, require efficient interconnect which are necessary to satisfy the data supply needs of all cores.

This session is dedicated to research on on-chip communication technology, architecture, design methods and applications, bringing together scientists and engineers working on on-chip innovations from related research communities, including parallel computer architecture, networking, and embedded systems. Original papers describing new and previously unpublished results are solicited on all aspects of on-chip parallel and networked system technology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*       On-chip network architecture (topology, routing, arbitration, ...)
*       3D stacked logic and memory
*       Processor allocation and scheduling in many/multi-core processors
*       Mapping
*       Reliability and Reconfigurability issues
*       OS and compiler support
*       Performance and power issues
*       Metrics, benchmarks, and trace analysis
*       Workload characterization & evaluation
*       Modeling and simulation
*       Synthesis, verification, debug & test
*       Design methodologies and tools
*       Quality of service
*       FPGAs and structured ASICs
*       Application-specific design issues
*       Parallel programming models and tools
*       Memory system design and optimizations

Proceeding and Special Issue

Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society in the same volume of the main track. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present their papers at the Conference. Conference proceedings will be indexed, among others, by IEEE explore, DBLP, Scopus ScienceDirect, and ISI Web of Knowledge.

Selected high-quality papers from the session will be considered to appear in Integration, the VLSI Journal<>.

Paper Submissions

Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding 8 pages in the IEEE Conference proceedings format (IEEEtran, double-column, 10pt). Double-bind review: the first page of the paper should contain only the title and abstract; in the reference list, references to the authors' own work should appear as "omitted for blind review" entries.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 31st July 2013

Notification of acceptance: 7th October 2013

Camera ready: 31st October 2013


Hamid Sarbazi-Azad (Sharif University of Technology, Iran)

Nader Bagherzadeh (UC-Irvine, USA)

Masoud Daneshtalab (University of Turku, Finland)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Special Issue on Software Tools and Technologies for Delivering Smart Media-Optimized Applications in the CLOUD

*Computing Journal*

*Publisher: **Springer*

*Guest Editors: Rajiv Ranjan, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Lizhe Wang***

**** Call for Papers ****

CISCO (a network technology giant) predicts that by 2016, 90% of internet
traffic will be multimedia content (3D images, high resolution video, and
audio). In addition to entertainment and advertising applications, the new
multimedia content-driven applications in the domain of healthcare,
aged-care, surveillance, and education will contribute significantly to
this traffic. The new applications? contribution to the traffic will be due
to their unprecedented processing (storage, distribution, and indexing)
requirements for hundreds of petabytes of content. In the *healthcare domain
*, live as well as archived videos will be used as a medium to educate
patients about the aftercare treatment (follow-ups), once the patient is at
home.  This will include video instructions about how to change the
dressing on a healing wound or how to brush their teeth after having braces
installed. Other scenario from healthcare domain will arise from the
problem of managing petabytes of multimedia content produced by advanced
medical imaging devices. In the *aged-care domain*, health professional
will rely on real-time or recorded video feeds from patient?s home  to
monitor clinical signs and indicators such as skin color, mood, affect, and
to determine whether a patient is utilizing devices and medications
appropriately. In the *surveillance domain*, governments, small businesses,
and individuals will need to deal with stream of video content from
security cameras and perform analytics (event detection, event tracking,
and alert generation) on-the-fly for protecting citizens, homes and
nations? critical infrastructures. Finally, in the *education domain*,
students will need to have the opportunity to access teachers from home;
especially, the students in rural or remote areas need an opportunity to be
able to receive interactive lessons or instructions via live video
streaming, from specialised teachers or trainers who are not available

In the aforementioned application scenarios: (i) hundreds of petabytes of
multimedia content will be generated in real-time as well as offline which
will be required to be efficiently processed (stored, distributed, and
indexed with a schema and semantics) in a way that does not compromise
end-users? Quality of Service (QoS) in terms of content availability,
content search delay, content analysis delay, and the like and (ii) the
information retrieved from content will be consumed and processed in many
places concurrently and collaboratively.  Many of the existing ICT
(Information and Communication Technology) infrastructures that store,
distribute, and index hundreds of petabytes of multimedia content fall
short of this challenge or do not exist.  Hence, we need more powerful and
fast ICT infrastructures that can support scalable storage, indexing, and
distribution of petabytes of multimedia content produced by aforementioned

 We believe that Cloud computing infrastructures (e.g., Amazon, Microsoft
Azure, etc.) in conjunction with fast communication infrastructure will
emerge as the platform for hosting and delivering aforementioned
multimedia-content driven applications. Cloud computing assembles large
networks of virtualised ICT services such as hardware resources (such as
CPU, storage, and network), software resources (such as databases,
application servers, and web servers) and applications. Cloud computing
services are hosted in large data centres, often referred to as data farms,
operated by companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsof Azure. In
industry these services are referred to as Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Cloud computing gives multimedia application developers the ability to
marshal virtually infinite resources with an option to pay-per-use and as
needed, instead of requiring upfront investments in resources that may
never be optimally used. Once multimedia applications are hosted on cloud
infrastructures, users are able to access them from anywhere at any time,
using devices ranging from smartphones to desktop computers. While Cloud
computing optimises the use of resources, it does not (yet) provide an
effective solution hosting multimedia content-driven applications which has
to process tsunami (often in real-time) of content from heterogeneous
sources such as surveillance camera, medical imaging devices, etc.

Developing a software tools and technologies that can support end-to-end
lifecycle operations of different multimedia content-driven applications on
Cloud infrastructures (while ensuring the QoS targets) remains a
challenging research problem. This challenge mainly arises from the
uncertainty posed by application workloads (streaming vs. static content),
resources capacity demands (e.g., bandwidth, memory, storage, and
processors), failures (e.g., failure of a network link), access patterns
(e.g., number of end-users and location), different device types (e.g.,
mobile phone, laptop, and smart TV), indexing needs (e.g., text and content
based), and different network types (e.g. wired and wireless).


Novel software tools, techniques, and technologies for delivering
smart media-optimized applications in the CLOUD, but not limited to:

-      Cloud-based petabyte multimedia content storage tools and
indexing algorithms

-      Techniques for petabyte efficient non-SQL indexing of multimedia content

-      Statistical  multimedia application workload estimation and
related cloud service optimization

-      Network QoS aware provisioning of multimedia applications

-      Techniques for provisioning multimedia applications in
collaborative environments

-      Autonomic techniques for provisioning cloud services to
multimedia applications

-      Techniques for content personalization and adaptation

-      Innovative application case study from healthcare, aged care,
surveillance, and education domains

*Important Dates*

* *

November 1, 2013               Paper submission deadline

February 1, 2014                 First notification

March 1, 2014                     Revision submission

April   1, 2014                      Second notification

May 1, 2014                        Final version submission

Paper Submisison

   - The editors of the special issue are Rajiv Ranjan, Dimitrios
   Georgeakopoulos, and Lizhe Wang
   - Please submit a paper to Springer Editorial
System<>for special issue
   *by November 1, 2013*
    - *Please select Special Issue Paper as your manuscript type, and enter
      ?Media Cloud? as both the Special Issue title and as your
Preferred Editor*
   - Papers submitted to this special issue for possible publication must
   be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any
   other journal or conference.
   - Previously published or accepted conference papers must contain at
   least 30% new material to be considered for the special issue.
   - There is a 20 page length limit (12 point single space inclusive of
   figures and tables).
   - Springer has Latex
no special templates for Word; most papers are submitted in Word.
   Either Latex OR Word accepted.

*Selection and Evaluation Criteria*

-      Significance to the readership of the journal

-      Relevance to the special issue

-      Originality of idea, technical contribution, and significance of the
presented results

-      Quality, clarity, and readability of the written text

-      Quality of references and related work

-      Quality of research hypothesis, assertions, and conclusion

*Guest Editors*

* *

*Dr. Rajiv Ranjan ? Corresponding Guest Editor*

Research Scientist and Project Leader, Information Engineering Laboratory

CSIRO ICT Centre, GPO Box 664, Canberra, ACT 2601


* *

*Prof. Dimitrios Georgakopoulos*

Research Director, Information Engineering Laboratory

CSIRO ICT Centre, GPO Box 664, Canberra, ACT 2601


* *

*Prof. Lizhe Wang*

Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences

No.9 Dengzhuang South Road, Hadian District

Beijing 100094, P.R. China

CALL FOR PAPERS 13th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2013)


13th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures
 for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2013)

Sorrento Peninsula, Italy, December 18-21, 2013

ICA3PP 2013 is the 13th in this series of conferences started in 1995
that are devoted to algorithms and architectures for parallel
processing. ICA3PP is now recognized as the main regular event of the
world that is covering the many dimensions of parallel algorithms and
architectures, encompassing fundamental theoretical approaches,
practical experimental projects, and commercial components and
systems. As applications of computing systems have permeated in every
aspects of daily life, the power of computing system has become
increasingly critical. This conference provides a forum for countries
around the world to exchange ideas for improving the computation power
of computing systems.

Following the traditions of the previous successful ICA3PP conferences
held in Hangzhou, Brisbane, Singapore, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Beijing,
Cyprus, Taipei, Busan, Melbourne, and Japan, ICA3PP 2013 will be held
in Sorrento Peninsula, Italy. ICA3PP 2013 will be co-located with UIC
2013 and ATC 2013 conferences.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
 - Big Data and Its Applications
 - Cluster, Distributed & Parallel Operating Systems and Middleware
 - Cloud, Grid, and Services Computing
 - Reliability and Fault-tolerant Computing
 - Multi-core Programming and Software Tools
 - Distributed Scheduling and Load Balancing
 - High-performance Scientific Computing
 - Parallel Algorithms
 - Parallel Architectures
 - Parallel and Distributed Databases
 - Parallel I/O Systems and Storage Systems
 - Parallel Programming Paradigms
 - Performance of Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems
 - Wireless and Mobile Computing
 - Resource Management and Scheduling
 - Tools and Environments for Parallel & Distributed Software Development
 - Software and Hardware Reliability, Testing, Verification and Validation
 - Security, Privacy, and Trusted Computing
 - Self-healing, Self-protecting and Fault-tolerant Systems
 - Information Security In Internet
 - Multimedia in Parallel Computing
 - Parallel Computing in Bioinformatics
 - Dependability Issues in Computer Networks and Communications
 - Dependability Issues in Distributed and Parallel Systems
 - Dependability Issues in Embedded Parallel Systems
 - Industrial Applications
 - Scientific Applications

Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in
English. They must not exceed 15 pages in LNCS format, including
tables, figures, references and appendixes, with Portable Document
Format (.pdf). Papers will be selected based on their originality,
significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation assessed by at
least three reviewers. Submission of a paper should be regarded as a
commitment that at least one of the authors will register and attend
the conference to present the work if the paper is accepted.

The publication will be Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (EI
indexed). Best Paper Awards will be given. Selected best papers will
be published in some high quality international journals (all SCI and
EI indexed).

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: September 01, 2013 (Extended, STRICT)
old Paper Submission Deadline: August 15 , 2013
Authors Notification:  October 01, 2013
Final Manuscript Due: November 01, 2013


General Chairs
Beniamino Di Martino, Second University of Naples, Italy
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia
Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Program Chairs
Kaiqi Xiong, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Joanna Kolodziej, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Domenico Talia, Universit? della Calabria, Italy

Advisory Committee
Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Ivan Stojmenovic, University of Ottawa, Canada
Koji Nakano, Hiroshima University, Japan
More to be added.

Steering Chairs
Andrzej Goscinski, Deakin University, Australia
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA
Yang Xiang, Deakin University, Australia

Workshop Chairs
Rocco Aversa, Second University of Naples, Italy
Jun Zhang, Deakin University, Australia

Publicity Chairs
Xiaojun (Matt) Cao, Georgia State University, USA
Shui Yu, Deakin University, Australia
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Malaysia
Carlos Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan

Program Committee
Please see

   Prof. Joanna Kolodziej
   Institute of Computer Science
   Cracow University of Technology
   ul. Warszawska 24
   PL-31-155 Cracow

