Monday, 29 August 2016

Eighth International Conference on Grid Computing (GridCom 2016)

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Eighth International Conference on Grid Computing (GridCom 2016)
September 24~25, 2016, Dubai, UAE
Call for Papers
Service-oriented computing is a popular design methodology for large scale business computing systems. Grid computing enables the sharing of distributed computing and data resources such as processing, networking and storage capacity to create a cohesive resource environment for executing distributed applications in service-oriented computing. Grid computing represents more business-oriented orchestration of pretty homogeneous and powerful distributed computing resources to optimize the execution of time consuming process as well. Grid computing have received a significant and sustained research interest in terms of designing and deploying large scale and high performance computational in e-Science and businesses. The objective of the meeting is to serve as both the premier venue for presenting foremost research results in the area and as a forum for introducing and exploring new concepts.
Topics of Interest
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to
  • Applications, Including E-Science and E-Business Applications
  • Architectures and Fabrics
  • Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management
  • Core Grid Infrastructure
  • Peer to Peer Protocols in Grid Computing
  • Network Support for Grid Computing
  • Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools
  • Networking and Security
  • Performance Measurement and Modelling
  • Metadata, Ontology, and Provenance
  • Middleware and Toolkits for Grid Computing
  • Computing and Programming Models
  • Programming Tools and Environments
  • Distributed Problem Solving
  • Creation and Management of Virtual Enterprises and Organizations
  • Information Services
  • Resource Management, Scheduling, and Runtime Environments
  • Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications
  • QoS and SLA Negotiation
  • Grid Economy and Business Models
  • Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids
  • Cluster and Grid Integration Issues
  • Web Services, Semantic Grid and Web 2.0
  • Grid related Applications
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers through the conference Submission System by September 06, 2016. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. The proceedings of the conference will be published by Computer Science Conference Proceedings in Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT) series (Confirmed).
Selected papers from GridCom - 2016, after further revisions, will be published in the special issues of the following international journals.
International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) - ERA Indexed
International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications (IJGCA)
International Journal of Distributed and Parallel systems (IJDPS)
Important Dates
Submission Deadline : September 06, 2016
Authors Notification : September 19, 2016
Registration & Camera-Ready Paper Due : September 22, 2016


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Call for Participation: IWOMP and OpenMPCon

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               **** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ****

       The 12th International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP)
        The 2nd OpenMP Developers Conference (OpenMPCon)

             Nara, Japan - October 3 through 7, 2016

            Early registration deadline: September 12

The International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP) is an annual workshop
dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel
programming with OpenMP. It is the premier forum to present and
discuss issues, trends, recent research ideas, and results related to
parallel programming with OpenMP. The 12th workshop will take place in
Nara, Japan from October 5 to 7, featuring two keynotes and
presentations of 24 peer-reviewed papers.

As in the last year, a sister event, OpenMP Developers Conference
(OpenMPCon), is co-located with IWOMP from October 3 to 5. The main
focus of OpenMPCon is practical applications of OpenMP and other
directive based languages.

On Wednesday, October 5, tutorials on advanced topics such as
programming GPUs, NUMA-aware data placement, and tasking are presented
by leading experts:

- James Beyer (NVIDIA) and Bronis R. de Supinski (LLNL),
"Introduction to OpenMP Device Constructs"
- Christian Terboven (RWTH Aachen) and Xavier Teruel (BSC),
"Tasking and NUMA-Aware Programming"

Visit and for more
details. Registration can be made at Discounted early registration
is available until September 12.

IWOMP16 General Chair: Naoya Maruyama (RIKEN AICS)
OpenMPCon General Chair: Michael Klemm (OpenMP ARB CEO and Intel)


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Call for Participation - IISWC 2016

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Call for Participation - IISWC 2016
Providence, RI, USA Sep 25-27, 2016

IISWC provides a high-quality international forum to bring together
researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss
cutting-edge research on understanding and characterization of workloads
that run on all types of computing systems.

Whether they are smart phones and deeply embedded systems at the low
end or massively parallel systems at the high end, the design of future
computing machines can be significantly improved if we understand the
characteristics of the workloads that are expected to run on them. IISWC
is sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and the Technical Committee on
Computer Architecture.

This year IISWC will be held in the Hilton Hotel in downtown Providence,
Rhode Island during Sep 25-27, 2016.

*** Important Dates:

*** Registration
IISWC registration site.

*** Hotel Reservation

*** Conference Program
Final program for the main conference is ready!

*** Keynote Speakers
Ravi Iyer, Intel
Alanson Sample, Disney Research

For more details, please see


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Wednesday, 24 August 2016

ExaMPI@SC16 Deadline Extension - Papers due Sept 7th

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ExaMPI16 - Workshop on Exascale MPI 2016


Sunday November 13th, 2016

Salt Lake City, Utah USA

Held in conjunction with SC16:  The International Conference
for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
Held in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC (

* EXTENDED Paper submission: September 7, 2016
* Acceptance notification: September 23, 2016
* EXTENDED Short papers due: September 30, 2016
* Short paper acceptance notification: October 6, 2016
* Final papers due: October 6, 2016


The MPI standard and its implementations have proved surprisingly
scalable. Issues that hampered scalability have been
addressed in the MPI 2.1 ­ 2.2 definition process, and continued into
MPI 3.0 and 3.1. Thus MPI has been robust, and been able to evolve, without
fundamentally changing the model and specification. For this and many
other reasons MPI is currently the de-facto standard for HPC systems
and applications.
However, there is a need for re-examination of the message-passing
model for extreme-scale systems characterized by asymptotically
decreasing local memory and highly localized communication networks.
Likewise, there is a need for exploring new innovative and potentially
disruptive concepts and algorithms partially to explore other roads
than those taken by the recently released MPI 3.1 standard.
The aim of workshop is to bring together developers and researchers to
present and discuss innovative algorithms and concepts in Message
Passing programming models, in particular related to MPI.
This year¹s theme is on concurrency in MPI and underlying networks and
we especially encourage submissions aligned with this theme.

Topics of interest (but are not limited to)


* Development of scalable Message Passing collective operations.

* Communication topology mapping interfaces and algorithms.

* Innovative algorithms for scheduling/routing to avoid network congestion.

* Integrated use of structured data layout descriptors.

* One-sided communication models and RDMA-based MPI.

* MPI multi-threading and threading requirements from OSes.

* Interoperability of Message Passing and PGAS models.

* Integration of task-parallel models into Message Passing models.

* Fault tolerance in MPI.

* MPI I/O.

Paper submission and publication
There are two submission categories:

* Regular research paper: submission of full paper. Regular paper
submissions are limited to 10 single-space pages (including figures, tables
and references) using a 10-point on 8.5x11-inch pages (US Letter).
Templates can be found in: Accepted
regular research papers will be archived in both the ACM Digital Library
and IEEE Xplore, by virtue of SIGHPC. Authors of accepted papers will be
required to sign the ACM copyright form. Instructions for preparing regular
papers for the proceedings will be emailed to authors of accepted papers.

* Hot topic abstract: submission of an extended abstract. These submissions
target work-in-progress research on potentially controversial topics in
Message-Passing. Hot topic extended abstracts are limited to 3 single-space
pages: Accepted
hot topic extended abstracts will be published only on the ExaMPI15

Regular Papers and extended abstracts should be submitted electronically

Important dates
* EXTENDED Paper submission: September 7, 2016
* Acceptance notification: September 23, 2016
* EXTENDED Short papers due: September 30, 2016
* Short paper acceptance notification: October 6, 2016
* Final papers due: October 6, 2016

Workshop Organizers

Ryan E. Grant           Sandia National Laboratories
Patrick G. Bridges      University of New Mexico
Anthony Skjellum        Auburn University
Purushotham Bangalore   University of Alabama at Birmingham
Ron Brightwell          Sandia National Laboratories
Pavan Balaji            Argonne National Laboratory
Masamichi Takagi        RIKEN AICS

Program Committee
Ahmad Afsahi            Queen's University
Pavan Balaji            Argonne National Laboratory
Purushotham Bangalore   University of Alabama at Birmingham
Wesley Bland            Intel Corporation
George Bosilca          University of Tennessee
Patrick Bridges         University of New Mexico
Ron Brightwell          Sandia National Laboratories
Ryan E. Grant           Sandia National Laboratories
William Gropp           University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jeff Hammond            Intel Labs
Nathan Hjelm            Los Alamos National Laboratory
Torsten Hoefler         ETH Zurich
Dan Holmes              EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
Stefano Markidis        KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Lena Oden               Argonne National Laboratory
Min Si                  Argonne National Laboratory
Tony Skjellum           Auburn University
Hari Subramoni          Ohio State University
Sayantan Sur            Intel Corp.
Masamichi Takagi        RIKEN AICS
Jesper Larsson Träff    Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Alan Wagner             University of British Columbia


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Deadline Extension: MECC@Middleware 2016

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1st Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets (MECC 2016)

held in conjunction with ACM/IFIP/USENIX ACM International Middleware Conference
Trento, Italy, 12-16 December, 2016


August 27, 2016 - Abstract submission
September 3, 2016 - Paper submission
September 27, 2016 - Notification of Acceptance
October 15, 2016 - Final version

The Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets (MECC) workshop aims to
address the ever-increasing need for a closer integration between the
different tiers on modern cloud computing platforms.

The increasing demand for more interactive and demanding services is
limited in scenarios where connectivity is limited or
absent. Harvesting the resources present in mobile devices is a viable
solution to this problem. Now, there is an increasing demand for
middleware systems and frameworks that offer higher level abstractions
without hampering expressiveness and performance. The assumptions
normally associated with distributed systems, where nodes use fast
wired interconnects within a datacenter, no longer hold. In
particular, edge clouds use unreliable wireless links that directly
translates into unavailability and subsequently resulting in
churn. Simultaneously, since mobile devices are energy limited,
heavyweight distributed algorithms, such as coordination using a
leader-based consensus protocol, are unpractical.

As an effort to offload computation from mobile devices, cloudlets
were originally envisioned as server like hardware at each
neighborhood, office building or more generally besides any highly
dense scenario or event. It now is transitioning to a more lightweight
approach where the offloading is done through multiple techniques
besides the use of virtual machines, as original proposed, and where
cloudlets can also offer connectivity support to crowdsourced mobile
devices, i.e., edge clouds.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Design and performance of middleware platforms for edge clouds and cloudlets
- Mechanisms for the integration of edge clouds with cloudlets
- Security mechanisms  for edge clouds including, including but not limited to, storage and computation
- Context-aware services by cloudlets
- Connectivity-as-a-service for edge clouds provided by cloudlets
- Novel theoretical approaches for churn tolerance
- Lightweight replication and fault-tolerance algorithms
- Lightweight computation sandboxing for edge clouds
- Novel storage systems for edge clouds, with special focus on geo-aware storage engines
- Tools for testing and benchmarking MECC
- Experimental deployments and applications
- Networking coding approaches for MECC
- Programming languages for edge clouds
- P2P overlays and systems for edge clouds
- Gossip based protocols for edge clouds
- Computational frameworks for MECC
- Programming models and abstractions to manage inter-cloud interactions
- Distributed coordination and cooperation for edge clouds
- Middleware platforms for cloud-of-clouds
- Privacy enforcing algorithms for leveraging MECC
- Trust for edge clouds and/or cloudlets
- Interoperability between mobile OSes
- Formal methods for middleware verification
- Sensor fusion for MECC
- Infrastructure cloud based services for supporting MECC


Rolando Martins (University of Porto, Portugal)
Hervé Paulino (University Nova of Lisbon, Portugal)



Fernando Silva (University of Porto, Portugal)
Nuno Preguiça (University Nova of Lisbon, Portugal)
Paulo Ferreira (INESC-ID, Portugal)
Padmanabhan Pillai (Intel/Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Michael Kozuch (Intel/Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Luís Antunes (University of Porto, Portugal)
Wolfgang Richter (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Alysson Bessani (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Jiaqi Tan (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
João Lourenço (University Nova of Lisbon, Portugal)
Evangelia Kalyvianaki (City University London, UK)
Utsav Droila (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
João Leitão (University Nova of Lisbon, Portugal)
Luís Lopes (University of Porto, Portugal)
Kunal Mankodiya (University of Rhode island, USA)
Odorico Mendizabal (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil)
Eduardo Marques (University of Porto, Portugal)
Ketan Bhardwaj (Georgia Tech, USA)
Luís Veiga (Universidade de Lisboa - INESC-ID, Portugal)
Amir M. Rahmani (UC Irvine, USA and TU Wien, Austria)
Heverson B. Ribeiro (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
Manuel E. Correia (University of Porto, Portugal)
Rui Campos (University of Porto, Portugal)
Jon Francis (BOSCH, USA)


MECC 2016 will receive proposals for communication in the form of
research papers of at most 6 pages including references. Content
should be work that is not previously published or concurrently
submitted elsewhere.

All submissions should be in PDF and must follow the ACM
template. Submissions must authors information, text, figures,
references and appendices (if applicable). Submissions that do not
respect the formatting requirement may be rejected without review.

Reviewing is single-blind. This means that the names and affiliations
of the authors must appear in the submitted papers. Each paper will
receive at least three reviews from members of the program committee.

Submissions should be done through EasyChair at the following URL:


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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

COMSNETS 2017 ( Call for Papers, 4 - 8 January 2017, Bangalore, India

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Apologies for cross-posting

Please consider contributing papers/posters to the COMSNETS 2017
( conference and/or distribute to your
colleagues/students who might be interested. THANK YOU!


The Ninth International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS
(COMSNETS) will be held in Bangalore, India, during January 4-8, 2017.
COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to advances in
Networking and Communications Systems. The conference is a yearly event
for a world-class gathering of researchers from academia and industry,
practitioners, and business leaders, providing a forum for discussing
cutting edge research, and directions for new innovative business and

The conference will include a highly selective technical program
consisting of submitted papers, a small set of invited papers on important
and timely topics from well-known leaders in the field, and poster session
of work in progress.

Focused workshops and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to
allow for a lively exchange of ideas. International business and
government leaders will be invited to share their perspectives, and will
complement the technical program.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest for the technical program include (but are not
limited to) the following:

   - 5G and wireless broadband networks
          - Information/Content centric networks (ICN)
   - Technologies for 6-100 GHz spectrum
          - Network management and operations
   - Heterogeneous networks (HetNets)
          - Network security and privacy
   - Cognitive radio and white-space networking
          - Trusted computing
   - Economics of networks and systems
          - Network science
   - Energy-efficient communications & networking
          - Online social networks
   - Cloud computing
          - Overlay communications, content distribution
   - Enterprise, data center, and storage-area networks
          - Wireless adhoc and sensor networks
   - Internet architecture and protocols, Internet science and emergent
behavior     - Mobile sensing
   - Mobility and location management
          - Systems and networks for smarter energy and sustainability
   - Traffic analysis and engineering
          - Vehicular communications
   - Internet of Things (IoT)
          - Smart Grid communications and networking

Conference Highlights

   - Keynote Talks                         - Invited Talks
      - Anurag Kumar                       - Paper Sessions
         IISc Bangalore, India             - Poster Session
      - Muriel Medard                      - Panel Discussions
         MIT, USA                          - Graduate Student Forum
      - Sue Moon                           - Demo & Exhibits Sessions
         KAIST, South Korea                - Mobile India 2017

   - Co-located Workshops
      - WACI
      - Intelligent Transportation Systems
      - Social Networking
      - NetHealth

Important Dates and Deadlines

Abstract submission (HARD deadline):           12th September, 2016 at
11:59 pm EST

Paper submission (HARD deadline):              19th September, 2016 at
11:59 pm EST

Notification of Acceptance:                    4th November, 2016

Camera-Ready Submission:                       27th November, 2016

Main Conference:                               5th - 7th January 2017

Workshops:                                     4th & 8th January 2017

Please see <> for
detailed information. For queries email us at:

Follow us: <> <>

Thanks and Regards
Publicity co-chairs


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Deadline Extension: ScalA@SC 2016 - Papers due September 11

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            ScalA16: Workshop on Latest Advances in
          Scalable Algorithms for Large-Scale Systems

                held in conjunction with the
     SC16: The International Conference on High Performance
        Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

               in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC

             November 13, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT, USA


Novel scalable scientific algorithms are needed in order to enable key
science applications to exploit the computational power of large-scale
systems. This is especially true for the current tier of leading petascale
machines and the road to exascale computing as HPC systems continue to scale
up in compute node and processor core count. These extreme-scale systems
require novel scientific algorithms to hide network and memory latency, have
very high computation/communication overlap, have minimal communication, and
have no synchronization points.

Scientific algorithms for multi-petaflop and exa-flop systems also need to be
fault tolerant and fault resilient, since the probability of faults increases
with scale. Resilience at the system software and at the algorithmic level is
needed as a crosscutting effort. Finally, with the advent of heterogeneous
compute nodes that employ standard processors as well as GPGPUs, scientific
algorithms need to match these architectures to extract the most performance.
This includes different system-specific levels of parallelism as well as
co-scheduling of computation. Key science applications require novel
mathematical models and system software that address the scalability and
resilience challenges of current- and future-generation extreme-scale HPC

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts in English structured as technical
papers not exceeding 8 letter size (8.5in x 11in) pages including figures,
tables, and references using the IEEE format for conference proceedings.
Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned without
review. Reference style files are available at

All manuscripts will be reviewed and judged on correctness, originality,
technical strength, and significance, quality of presentation, and interest
and relevance to the workshop attendees. Submitted papers must represent
original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any
other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines will be
rejected without review and further action may be taken, including (but not
limited to) notifications sent to the heads of the institutions of the
authors and sponsors of the conference. Submissions received after the due
date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be
considered. At least one author of an accepted paper must register for and
attend the workshop. Authors may contact the workshop program chair for more
information. Papers should be submitted electronically at: <https://>.

Full papers will be published with the SC'16 workshop proceedings in the ACM
Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. Selected papers will be invited for an
extended version in a special issue of the Journal of Computational Science

Important Dates

- Full paper submission: September 11, 2016
- Notification of acceptance: September 24, 2016
- Final paper submission (firm): October 7, 2016
- Workshop/conference early registration: October 16, 2016
- Workshop: November 13, 2016

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Novel scientific algorithms that improve performance, scalability,
resilience, and power efficiency
- Porting scientific algorithms and applications to many-core and
heterogeneous architectures
- Performance and resilience limitations of scientific algorithms and
applications at scale
- Crosscutting approaches (system software and applications) in addressing
scalability challenges
- Scientific algorithms that can exploit extreme concurrency (e.g. 1 billion
for exascale by 2020)
- Naturally fault tolerant, self-healing, or fault oblivious scientific
- Programming model and system software support for algorithm scalability and

Workshop Chairs

- Vassil Alexandrov, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Al Geist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

Workshop Program Chair

- Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Program Committee

- Vassil Alexandrov, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
- Hartwig Anzt, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
- Rick Archibald, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Franck Cappello, Argonne National Laboratory and
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
- Zizhong Chen, University of California, Riverside, USA
- James Elliott, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
- Nahid Emad, University of Versailles SQ, France
- Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Wilfried Gansterer, University of Vienna, Austria
- Michael Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
- Kirk E. Jordan, IBM T.J. Watson Research, USA
- Dieter Kranzlmueller, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany
- Ignacio Laguna, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
- Piotr Luszczek, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
- Michael Mascagni, Florida State University, USA
- Ron Perrot, University of Oxford, UK
- Nageswara Rao, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Yves Robert, ENS Lyon, France
- Stuart Slattery, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
- Keita Teranishi, Sandia National Laboratories, USA


Christian Engelmann, Ph.D.

R&D Staff Scientist
Computer Science Research Group
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Mail: P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6173, USA
Phone: +1 (865) 574-3132 / Fax: +1 (865) 576-5491
e-Mail: / Home:


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Thursday, 18 August 2016

CFP: DataCloud 2016 @SC16 - 7th International Workshop on Data Intensive Computing in the Clouds

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Call for Papers: DataCloud 2016: 7th International Workshop on Data Intensive Computing in the Clouds

In conjunction with SC16
In cooperation with ACM SIGHPC

November 14th, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT


** Overview

Applications and experiments in all areas of science are becoming increasingly complex and more demanding in terms of their computational and data requirements. Some applications generate data volumes reaching hundreds of terabytes and even petabytes. Analyzing, visualizing, and disseminating these large data sets has become a major challenge and data intensive computing is now considered as the ''fourth paradigm'' in scientific discovery after theoretical, experimental, and computational science.

As scientific applications become more data intensive, the technology of handling "Big Data" have gathered great importance. This necessity has made that applications have seen an increasing adoption on clouds infrastructures. The computing models,system software, programming models, analysis frameworks, and other clouds services need to evolve and accommodate them to face the challenge of big data applications.

DataCloud 2016 will provide the scientific community a dedicated forum for discussing new research, development, and deployment efforts in running data-intensive computing workloads on Cloud Computing infrastructures. The DataCloud 2016 workshop will focus on the use of cloud-based technologies to meet the new data intensive scientific challenges that are not well served by the current supercomputers, grids or compute-intensive clouds. We believe the workshop will be an excellent place to help the community define the current state, determine future goals, and present architectures and services for future clouds supporting data intensive computing. 

** Topics

Big data analytics
Data-intensive cloud computing applications, characteristics, challenges
Case studies of data intensive computing in the clouds
Performance evaluation of data clouds, data grids, and data centers
Energy-efficient data cloud design and management
Data placement, scheduling, and interoperability in the clouds
Accountability, QoS, and SLAs
Data privacy and protection in a public cloud environment
Distributed file systems for clouds
Data streaming and parallelization
New programming models for data-intensive cloud computing
Scalability issues in clouds
Social computing and massively social gaming
3D Internet and implications
Future research challenges in data-intensive cloud computing 

** Important Dates

Paper submission: Aug 26th, 2016
Acceptance notification: October 1st, 2016
Final papers due: October 10th, 2016

** Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit papers with unpublished, original work of not more than 8 pages of double column text using single spaced 10 point size on 8.5 x 11 inch pages, as per ACM 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines; document templates can be found at The final papers in PDF format must be submitted online at Papers will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as part of the ACM digital library (in cooperation with SIGHPC). Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. For more information, please see

** General Chairs
Wei Tang, Google, USA
Boyu Zhang, Purdue University, USA
Yong Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China

** Program Committee (To be confirmed)

Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA
Bernard Traversat, Oracle Corporation, USA
Bingsheng He, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Daniel S. Katz, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Dong Li, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Douglas Thain,University of Notre Dame,USA
Erwin Laure, CERN, Switzerland
Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA
Ian Foster, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Jim Myers, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Judy Qiu, Indiana University, USA
Kyle Chard, University of Chicago, USA
Maria Indrawan, Monash University, Australia
Matei Ripeanu, University of British Columbia, Canada
Murat Demirbas, SUNY Buffalo, USA
Narayan Desai, Ericsson USA
Reagan Moore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Rob Gillen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Samer Al-Kiswany, University of British Columbia, Canada
Steven Ko, SUNY Buffalo, USA
Xiaoliang Fan, Lanzhou University, China
Zhen Liu, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Li Yu, Google Inc, USA
Xin Zhao, Mellanox Technologies, USA
Min Si, Argonne National Laboratory, USA 


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Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Re: Second announcement: CFP for the fourth international workshop on Energy Efficient SuperComputing (E2SC 2016)

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Second announcement of the E2SC 2016 CFP

                         4th International Workshop on
                    Energy Efficient SuperComputing (E2SC)
                           November 14th, 2016
Held in conjunction with SC'16, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
                        November 13th-18th 2016

                            Call For Papers


We will be ushering in an era with power and energy consumption as the
primary concerns for scalable computing in the exascale era and beyond. To
achieve viable high performance, revolutionary methods are required with a
stronger integration among hardware features, system software and applications.
Equally important are the capabilities for fine-grained spatial and temporal
measurement and control to facilitate energy efficient computing across all
layers. Current approaches for energy efficient computing rely heavily on power
efficient hardware in isolation. However, it is pivotal for hardware to expose
mechanisms for energy efficiency to optimize power and energy consumption for
various workloads and to reduce data motion, a major component of energy use.
At the same time, high fidelity measurement techniques, typically ignored in
data-center level measurement, are of high importance for scalable and energy
efficient inter-play in different layers of application, system software and

This workshop seeks to address important energy efficiency aspects in the
HPC community that have not been previously addressed in the data center or
cloud computing communities. Emphasis is given to the applications view
related to significant energy efficiency improvements and to the required
hardware/software stack that must include necessary power and performance
measurement and analysis harnesses. 

Current tools are often limited by hardware capabilities and their lack of
information about the characteristics of a given workload/application. In the
same manner, hardware techniques, like dynamic voltage frequency scaling, are
often limited by their granularity (very coarse power management) or by their
scope (a very limited system view). More rapid realization of energy savings
will require significant increases in measurement resolution and optimization
techniques.  Moreover, the interplay between performance, power and
reliability add another layer of complexity to this already difficult group of

Workshop Focus

We encourage submissions in the following areas:

- Tools for analyzing power and energy with different granularities and
  scope from hardware (e.g. component, core, node, rack, system) or
  software views (e.g. threads, tasks, processes, etc) or both.

- Techniques that enable power and energy optimizations at different
  scale levels for HPC systems.
- Integration of power aware techniques in applications and throughout
  the software stack of HPC systems.

- Characterization of current state-of-the-art HPC system and
  applications in terms of Power.
- Disruptive hardware or infrastructure technologies for energy-efficient
- Analysis of future technologies that will provide improved energy
  consumption and management on future HPC systems.

- Tools and techniques for exploring trade-offs between energy efficiency
  and resilience.

Organizing Committee

General Chairs:    Kirk Cameron, Virginia Tech, USA
                                   Adolfy Hoisie, PNNL, USA
                                   Darren Kerbyson, PNNL, USA
                                   David Lowenthal, Arizona State University, USA
                                   Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos,Queen's University of Belfast,UK
                                   Sudha Yalamanchili, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Program Chair:     Kevin Barker, PNNL, USA
                                   Rong Ge, Marquette University, USA

Publicity Chair:     Joseph Manzano, PNNL, USA

European Liaison:  Michele Weiland, EPCC, UK

Proceedings Chair: Andres Marquez, PNNL, USA

Provisional Program Committee

Natalie Bates           Energy Efficient HPC Working Group, USA
Laura Carrintgton       San Diego Supercomputing Center, USA
Sunita Chandrasekaran   University of Delaware, USA
Vladimir Getov          University of Westminster, UK
Roberto Gioiosa         Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA
Eric van Hensbergen     ARM, USA
Lennart Johnsson,           University of Houston, USA
Karen Karavanic         Portland State University, USA
Hyesoon Kim             Georgia Tech, USA
James Laros,      Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Dong Li                 Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Aniruddha Marathe       Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
Benoit Meister          Reservoir Labs, USA        
Lenny Oliker            Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
Tapasya Patki           Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
Barry Rountree          Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USA
Sameer Shende           University of Oregon, USA
Shauwein (Leon) Song    Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA
Nick Wright             Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA

Important Dates

Paper Submission            2nd September 2016
Paper Notification           23rd September 2016
Final Papers Due              3rd October 2016
Conference Date             14th November 2016

Submission Guidelines

Papers should not exceed eight single-space pages (including figures, tables
and references) using a 10-point on 8.5x11-inch pages. Submissions will be
judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance,
presentation quality and appropriateness. Submitted papers should not have
appeared in or under consideration for another venue. A full peer-review
processes will be followed with each paper being reviewed by at least 3
members of the program committee. Submissions will be made through EasyChair


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Call for papers: Deadline Extended: WOLFHPC 2016 (International Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages and High-Level Frameworks for High Performance Computing)

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           ---Deadline extended to 30 Aug, 2016---

                        CALL FOR PAPERS


                 Sixth International Workshop on
       Domain-Specific Languages and High-Level Frameworks
                 for High Performance Computing

                     In conjunction with the
      SC16: The International Conference on High Performance
            Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis

                  in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC

             November 13th, 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah



Multi-level heterogeneous parallelism and deep memory hierarchies in
current and emerging computer systems make their programming for
high-performance applications very difficult. The task is made more
challenging by the changing landscape of system architecture mandated
by power and micro-architecture considerations. Domain-specific
languages (DSLs) and high-level frameworks (HLFs) provide convenient
abstractions, shielding application developers from much of the
complexity and variability of explicitly programming in standard
programming languages like C/C++/Fortran. Effective design of such
abstractions for the high-performance computing context requires close
interaction between researchers developing such languages and
frameworks and domain experts with a deep understanding of the problem
to be solved.

While a number of other venues exist that address domain-specific
languages and high-level programming abstractions, none of them focus
on the challenges to performance optimization and implementation on
parallel systems. This workshop seeks to bring together developers and
users of DSLs and HLFs to identify challenges and discuss solution
approaches for their effective implementation and use on a variety of
platforms, including massively parallel systems.

We solicit submissions on all aspects relating to domain-specific
languages and high-level frameworks for the HPC context, including,
but not limited to, the design, implementation, evaluation, or use of:

* Application frameworks
* Domain-specific languages and libraries
* High-level data structures
* High-level aspects of programming languages
* Directive-based optimization approaches


Submissions should be two or more pages in pdf format but less than 10
pages (all inclusive) and follow ACM conference formatting
guidelines. In addition to new ideas, experience stories, challenges
faced, and overview of prior work are encouraged.

At least one of the authors of each accepted submission is expected to
attend and present at the workshop. The final manuscripts of papers
will be archived in co-operation with ACM SIGHPC.

Submissions can be made online at:


  Submission deadline : 15 Aug 2016
  Author notification : 15 Sep 2016
  Final papers due    :  7 Oct 2016
  WOLFHPC workshop    : 13 Nov 2016


Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
J. (Ram) Ramanujam, Louisiana State University
P. (Saday) Sadayappan, The Ohio State University


Gagan Agrawal, The Ohio State University
Muthu Baskaran, Reservoir Labs
Anthony Danalis, University of Tennessee Knoxville
James Dinan, Intel
Anshu Dubey, Argonne National Lab
John Feo, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Franz Franchetti, Carnegie Mellon University
David Ham, Imperial College London
Mike Heroux, Sandia National Lab
Paul H.J. Kelly, Imperial College London
Rishi Khan, Extreme Scale Solutions
Christian Lengauer, University of Passau
Wenjing Ma, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Kamesh Madduri, Penn State University
Pat McCormick, Los Alamos National Lab
Antoniu Pop, University of Manchester
Istvan Reguly, Oxford e-Research Centre
Bin Ren, Pacific Northwest National Lab
Manu Shantharam, SDSC
Xipeng Shen, NC State
Michelle Strout, Arizona State University
Kenjiro Taura, University of Tokyo
Yonghong Yan, Oakland University


Please contact the program chairs at:


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Hot Interconnects 2016 - Last Chance Registration

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Hot Interconnects Symposium August 24-25, 2016
Tutorials August 26, 2016

Register at:

Registration discounts expire soon, register now to save 20%!

All registrations are entered in a draw for a free laptop, provided by our
sponsor Lenovo

JOIN US! At the Huawei North America Headquarters, Santa Clara, CA in 2016!

See the program at

Join us for our 24th year of an information-packed three-day Symposium
about the latest in High Performance Interconnects. IEEE Hot Interconnects
is the premier international forum for researchers and developers of
state-of-the-art hardware and software architectures and implementations
for interconnection networks of all scales, ranging from multi-core
on-chip interconnects to those within systems, clusters, and data centers.
Leaders in industry and academia attend the conference to interact with
individuals at the forefront of this field.

Two days of technical sessions and a day of tutorials are waiting for you,
to keep you on the top of the latest developments in industry and

Our objective is to address the Data-Center Networking and the
Supercomputing communities.

We hope you can join us and benefit not only by the content but also by
the prime networking opportunities this event always offers.

Please read the conference guidelines, then proceed to the online
registration site via the 'REGISTER NOW' button at the bottom of the
registration page at

Important Dates
Early Registration: until August 19, 2016
Late Registration/On-site: after August 19, 2016

Symposium: August 24-25, 2016
Tutorials: August 26, 2016

Symposium Registration includes daily continental breakfast, lunch,
refreshment breaks, conference reception, one copy of the conference
proceedings, and one HotI sweater.

Tutorial Registration includes daily continental breakfast, lunch, and
refreshment breaks plus one (electronic) copy of the tutorial notes.

Member and Student Discounts
To qualify for the discounted Member rates, you must be a member of IEEE
or the IEEE Computer Society, and include your membership number(s) at the
time of registration. To qualify for the Student rate you must be a full
time student. Students must be prepared to present a current student ID on

On-site Registration
On-site registrants will pay late registration fees. Forms of payment
accepted on site: credit cards (MasterCard, VISA, American Express, or
Discover Card) - no other form of payment will be accepted at on-site

Cancellations and Substitutions
Cancellations and substitutions are allowed. However, full registration
fees will be charged unless a cancellation notice is received in writing
on or before 15 August, 2016. There is a $25 cancellation fee. Fees cannot
be refunded for registrations canceled after the meeting begins. No-shows
will be billed. Contact IEEE Hot Interconnects for substitutions (allowed
at any time). A letter on your company's letterhead is required from the
original registrant stating the conditions of the substitution and the
name of the replacement. Submit substitution notices to

Questions about the registration process should be directed to


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