Sunday, 31 March 2013

The first international workshop FedICI'2013 Federative and interoperable cloud infrastructures

The first international workshop FedICI'2013

Federative and interoperable cloud infrastructures

August 26 or 27 2013, Aachen, Germany
organized in conjunction with Euro-Par 2013

Call for papers

Workshop theme:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud systems allow the dynamic
creation, destruction and management of Virtual Machines (VM) on
virtualized clusters. IaaS clouds provide a high-level of abstraction to
the end user that allows the creation of on-demand services through a
pay as you go infrastructure combined with elasticity. As a result, many
academic infrastructure service providers have started transitions to
add cloud resources to their previously existing campus and shared grid
deployments. To complete such solutions, they should also support the
unification of multiple cloud and/or cloud and grid solutions in a
seamless, preferably interoperable way. Hybrid, community or
multi-clouds may utilize more than one cloud system, which are also
called as a cloud federations. The management of such federations raise
several challenges and open issues that require significant research
work to be done in this area.
This workshop will provide a dedicated forum for sharing the latest
results, exchanging ideas and experiences, presenting new research,
development and management of interoperable, federated IaaS cloud
systems. The aim of the workshop is to help the community with defining
the current state, determining further goals and presenting
architectures and service frameworks to achieve highly interoperable
federated cloud infrastructures. Priority will be given to submissions
that focus on presenting solutions to interoperability and efficient
management challenges faced by current and future infrastructure clouds.
Selection will prioritize papers that document and present measured
comparisons or practical information on realistic, real-world solutions.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and judged on correctness,
originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation
and relevance to the topics of interest.

Papers may be submitted on any topic relevant to the theme of the
workshop, including but not limited to:
- Case studies of interoperable and federated solutions across multiple
infrastructures including mixed grid and cloud systems
- Application programming interfaces and standards for interoperability
and federation
- Federation-compatible service agreements, SLAs and quality of service
- Virtual machine scheduling, management and deployment algorithms in
federated systems (considering multi-objective solutions, scalability,
energy efficiency etc.)
- Accounting, identity management and security solutions that support
federation-level models
- Legal issues and data privacy in federated Cloud management
- Performance evaluation, prediction and comparison of federated cloud
- Storage management, focusing on interoperability and multi cloud placement
- Novel IaaS architectures incorporating federative constructs in their
- Virtual appliance marketplaces and repositories meeting the demands
and serving multi-cloud systems

Authors are required to submit original, unpublished research or
overviews on Federative and interoperable cloud infrastructures.
Manuscripts should be limited to 10 pages in Springer LNCS format and
submitted through the EasyChair submission system
( Accepted
papers that are presented at the workshop will be published in revised
form in a special Euro-Par Workshop Volume in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) series after the Euro-Par conference.

Important dates:
Deadline for paper submission: May 31, 2013
Author notification: July 8, 2013
Camera ready paper due: July 28, 2013
Workshop: August 26 or 27, 2013

The program committee:
Chair: Gabor Kecskemeti
Co-chairs: Radu Prodan, Attila Kertesz, Attila Csaba Marosi

Workshop webpage:

CALL FOR PAPERS IISWC 2013 2013 Annual IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization


IISWC 2013
2013 Annual IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization
Portland, Oregon, September 22-24, 2013\

******* Please note updated submission date: April 5th 2013 ************


This symposium is dedicated to the understanding and characterization of
Workloads that run on all types of computing systems. New applications and
programming paradigms continue to emerge rapidly as the diversity and
performance of computers increase. On one hand, improvements in computing
technology are usually based on a solid understanding and analysis of
existing workloads. On the other hand, computing workloads evolve and
change with advances in microarchitecture, compilers, programming languages,
and networking/communication technologies. Whether they are smart phones
and deeply embedded systems at the low end or massively parallel systems
at the high end, the design of future computing machines can be significantly
improved if we understand the characteristics of the workloads that are
expected to run on them. This symposium will focus on characterizing and
understanding emerging applications in consumer, commercial and scientific

We solicit papers in all areas related to characterization of computing system
workloads. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

o Characterization of applications in areas including
    Search engines, e-commerce, web services, databases, file/application servers
    Embedded, mobile, multimedia, real-time, 3D-Graphics, gaming, telepresence
    Life sciences, bioinformatics, scientific computing, finance, forecasting
    Machine Learning, Analytics, Data mining
    Security, reliability, biometrics
    Grid and Cloud computing

o Characterization of OS, Virtual Machine, middleware and library behavior
    Virtual machines, Websphere, .NET, Java VM, databases
    Graphics libraries, scientific libraries

o Characterization of system behavior, including
    Operating system and hypervisor effects and overheads
    Hardware accelerators (GPGPU, XML, crypto, etc)
    User behavior and system-user interaction
    Instrumentation methodologies for workload verification and characterization
    Techniques for accurate analysis/measurement of production systems

o Implications of workloads in design issues, such as
    Power management, reliability, security, performance
    Processors, memory hierarchy, I/O, and networks
    Design of accelerators, FPGA's, GPU's, etc.
    Novel architectures (non-Von-Neumann)

o Benchmark creation, analysis, and evaluation issues, including
    Multithreaded benchmarks, benchmark cloning
    Profiling, trace collection, synthetic traces
    Validation of benchmarks

o Analytical and abstract modeling of program behavior and systems

o Emerging and future workloads
    Transactional memory workloads; workloads for multi/many-core systems
    Stream-based computing workloads; web2.0/internet workloads;
        Cyber-physical workloads


Important Dates:
    Abstracts Due..................April  5, 2013
    Papers Due.....................April 13, 2013
    Author Notification............June  14, 2013


General Chair......................Ravi Iyer, Intel
Program Chair......................David Brooks, Harvard
Workshop/Tutorials Chair...........Eriko Nurvitadhi, Intel
Finance Chair......................Rajeev Balasubramonian, U. of Utah
Local Arrangements Chair...........Omesh Tickoo, Intel
Publications Chair.................Vijay Janapa Reddi, UT-Austin
Publicity Chair....................Kushagra Vaid, Microsoft
Registration Chair.................Guangdeng Liao, Intel
Web Chair..........................Mi Sun Park, Penn State University
Submissions Chair..................Glenn Holloway, Harvard
Program Committee..................
           Leslie Barnes, AMD
                Brad Beckmann, AMD
                Mei Chen, Intel
                Paul Gratz, Texas A&M
                Mark Hempstead, Drexel
                James Hoe, Carnegie-Mellon University
                Martha Kim, Columbia
                Benjamin Lee, Duke
                Xiaoyao Liang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
                Tipp Moseley, Google
                Valentina Salapura, IBM
                Weidong Shi, Houston
                Ravi Soundararajan, VMware
                Bronis di Supinski, LLNL
                Lingjia Tang, UC-San Diego
                Olivier Temam, INRIA
                Qiang Wu, Facebook
                Carole-Jean Wu, Arizona State University
                Chia-Lin Yang, National Taiwan University
                Li Zhao, Intel


Saturday, 30 March 2013

**** Call For Presentations **** Update: The DaSi 2013 submission deadline has been extended to April 7th (from March 29th).

**** Call For Presentations ****
Update: The DaSi 2013 submission deadline has been extended to April 7th
(from March 29th).

The 2nd Dark Silicon Workshop
Tel-Aviv, Israel.
June 24th, 2013. Held in conjunction with ISCA 2013

The second Dark Silicon Workshop provides a unique forum for discussing
the challenges and opportunities that Dark Silicon presents. There are
many research questions left to answer before new architectures built
specifically to mitigate or exploit dark silicon become the default
platforms for general purpose computing. To scale alongside dark
silicon, architects will need to design and verify specialized
processors in increasing numbers. Making heterogeneous platforms easy
to program will require us to reconsider traditional language and OS
abstractions. Traditionally, many of the performance gains from
specialized hardware stem from customized memory designs, and it is
not yet clear how best to integrate multiple such memory designs
together into a single architecture. These and other challenges will
face researchers as they shed light on silicon?s dark future.

The organizing committee is soliciting presentations on any topic
related to Dark Silicon, including (but not limited to):
- Architectural approaches to managing and exploiting dark silicon
- Power management techniques
- Energy/power-efficient circuit designs
- Energy/power-efficient memory systems
- Scalable design and synthesis techniques for customizable and
specialized cores
- Novel applications for idle chip area

The goal is to facilitate the exchange of the latest ideas, insights,
and knowledge that can propel future progress. In lieu of printed
proceedings, we will post the slides and extended abstracts of the
presentations online. Presentation of new work at the workshop does
not preclude future publication.

Workshop submissions should be in the form of a 2-page presentation
abstract. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of impact,
novelty, and general interest. The submission deadline is April 7th,
2013, with notification of acceptance by May 10, 2013.

Further details on abstract submission, technical program, tutorials,
travel, social program, and travel grants will be provided at the
workshop website:

Organizing Committee:
Babak Falsafi, EPFL
Jack Sampson, UCSD
Steven Swanson, UCSD
Michael Taylor, UCSD

Program Committee:
Andrew Chien, University of Chicago
Hadi Esmaeilzadeh, University of Washington
Babak Falsafi, EPFL
Nikos Hardavellas, Northwestern University
James Hoe, Carnegie Mellon
Ravi Iyer, Intel
Martha Kim, Columbia
Per Ljung, Motorola
Scott Mahlke, University of Michigan
Milo Martin, University of Pennsylvania
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, The Pennsylvania State University
Ronny Ronen, Intel
Jack Sampson, UCSD
Karthikeyan Sankaralingam, University of Wisconsin
Steven Swanson, UCSD
Michael Taylor, UCSD
Thomas Wenisch, University of Michigan

Friday, 29 March 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS, 21st International Symposium on High Performance Interconnects

      21st International Symposium on High Performance Interconnects
                                HotI 2013

                            Cisco Headquarters
                           San Jose, California
                            August 21-23, 2013

         Follow us on Twitter:

Hot Interconnects is the premier international forum for researchers and
developers of state-of-the-art hardware and software architectures and
implementations for interconnection networks of all scales, ranging from
multi-core on-chip interconnects to those within systems, clusters, data
centers, and clouds. This yearly conference is attended by leaders in
industry and academia. The atmosphere provides for a wealth of
opportunities to interact with individuals at the forefront of this

Themes include cross-cutting issues spanning computer systems,
networking technologies, and communication protocols for
high-performance interconnection networks. This conference is directed
particularly at new and exciting technology and product innovations in
these areas. Contributions should focus on real experimental systems,
prototypes, or leading-edge products and their performance evaluation.

Building on last year???s successful technical program comprising
keynotes, technical sessions, and panels on networking for datacenters
and high-performance computing, the 2013 edition of Hot Interconnects is
generously hosted by Cisco at their Headquarters in San Jose, CA. This
year's conference focuses on the convergence of networking across the
embedded, commercial, data center, and HPC domains. We hope you can join
us there.

We invite paper submissions across a wide range of topics and levels,
ranging from fundamentals to the latest advances in hot topic areas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:


* Novel and innovative interconnect architectures
* Multi-core processor interconnects
* System-on-Chip Interconnects
* Advanced chip-to-chip communication technologies
* Optical interconnects
* Protocol and interfaces for inter-processor communication
* Survivability and fault-tolerance of inter-connects
* High-speed packet processing engines and network processors
* System and storage area network architectures and protocols
* High-performance host-network interface architectures
* High-bandwidth and low-latency I/O
* Pb/s switching and routing technologies
* Innovative architectures for supporting collective communication
* Novel communication architectures to support cloud & grid computing
* Centralized and distributed cloud interconnects
* Requirements driving high-performance inter-connects
* Traffic characterization for HPC systems and commercial data centers
* Software-defined networking and software overlay networks
* Software for network bring-up, configuration and performance
   management (OpenFlow, OpenSM)
* Data Center Networking


* Paper abstract deadline:      April 26, 2013
* Submission deadline:          May 10, 2013
* Notification of acceptance:   June 16, 2013
* Symposium:                    August 21-22, 2013
* Tutorials:                    August 23, 2013

In a change from previous years, this year we invite papers to be
submitted either as regular, long papers (6-8 pages) or as short papers
(3-4 pages). Short papers could be positional papers, industry papers,
or papers describing hot-off-the-press breaking research results, and
will judged accordingly and independently from the regular long papers.

* Papers need sufficient technical detail to judge quality and
   suitability for presentation.
* Submissions should include title, author, abstract, and paper in
   double-column, IEEE format.
* Long paper limit: 8 pages, single-spaced, 2 columns.
* Short paper limit: 4 pages, single-spaced, 2 columns.
* Papers should be submitted electronically through EasyChair at
* Paper title and abstract should be submitted by April 26.
* Full paper manuscript should be submitted is by May 10.
* Accepted papers will be published in proceedings by the IEEE Computer
* Regular paper presentations are 30-minute talks in a single-track
   conference format.


Madeleine Glick, APIC Corporation
Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zurich
Fabrizio Petrini, IBM T.J. Watson


Cyriel Minkenberg, IBM Research Zurich
Sudipta Sengupta, Microsoft Research


Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Christian Bell, Myricom
Keren Bergman, Columbia University
Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories
Luca Carloni, Columbia University
David Cohen, EMC
Hans Eberle, Oracle
Yashar Ganjali, University of Toronto
Ada Gavrilovska, Georgia Institute of Technology
Patrick Geoffray, Myricom
Paolo Giaccone, Politecnico di Torino
Brice Goglin, INRIA
Mitchell Gusat, IBM Research - Zurich
Ron Ho, Oracle
Ajay Joshi, Boston University
Isaac Keslassy, Technion
Sameer Kumar, IBM Research
Rami Melhem, University of Pittsburgh
Mondrian Nuessle, University of Heidelberg
Greg Pfister, Independent Computer Hardware Professional
Galen Shipman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Tor Skeie, University of Oslo/Simula
Craig Stunkel, IBM Research
Keith Underwood, Intel
Anujan Varma, University of California
Phil Watts, University College London
Eitan Zahavi, Mellanox

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

Go to the Hot Interconnects web site for updates:

IMUDI -- Call For Papers Special Session on Improving MPI User And Developer Interaction

   IMUDI -- Call For Papers
       Special Session on Improving MPI User And Developer Interaction


The IMUDI special session, to be held as a full-day meeting at the EuroMPI
2013 conference in Madrid, Spain, focuses on bringing together the MPI
end-user and MPI implementor communities through discussions on MPI usage
experiences, techniques, and optimizations. This meeting will focus on
evaluating the MPI standard from the perspective of the MPI end-user
(application and library developers) and address concerns and insights of MPI
implementors and vendors.

Unlike workshops associated with other conferences, the IMUDI session is still
considered to be a part of the Euro MPI conference. Submissions will be
reviewed separately to facilitate bringing together research publications
falling into these "special focus" areas.

Topics of Interest:

The topics include but are not limited to:

* Software development and optimization challenges for MPI-based applications
   and libraries
* Evaluation of existing MPI features and use cases by the MPI application and
* library development community
* Analysis of MPI-based and alternative programming model implementations of
   applications and libraries
* New techniques and features to improve the MPI programming model and usage
   by current MPI end-users
* Analysis of the evolution of the MPI programming model and implementation
   for future HPC systems
* Analysis of alternative programming model features implemented within MPI
* Issues related to deploying and supporting MPI on parallel machines
* Experiences in porting applications and libraries to MPI

Author instructions:

Contributors are invited to submit a full paper as a PDF document not
exceeding 6 pages in English. The title page should contain an abstract and
five specific, topical keywords. The paper must be formatted according to
double-column ACM ICPS proceedings style. The usage of LaTeX for preparation
of the contribution as well as the submission in camera ready format is
strongly recommended. Style files can be found

New work that is not yet mature for a full paper, short observations, and
similar brief announcements are invited as well. Accepted submissions will be
given an appropriate length time slot.

All contributions, including short papers and work-in-progress contributions,
will be fully peer reviewed by the program committee.

Submissions can be uploaded through EasyChair:


Accepted papers will be published in the EuroMPI proceedings (published by the
ACM Digital Library). Accepted contributions are expected to be presented by
one of the authors at EuroMPI 2013 during the IMUDI special session.

Session Organizers:

Ahmad Afsahi, Queen's University
Dries Kimpe, Argonne National Laboratory.

Program Committee:
To be announced.

Important Dates:
Submission of full and short papers: Extended to April 19th!
Author Notification: June 1st, 2013.
Camera Ready papers due: June 15th, 2013.
Conference: September 15-18, 2013.

Conference Venue:
IMUDI 2013 (as part of EuroMPI 2013) will be held in Madrid, Spain.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Call for Papers 1st Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations

Call for Papers
1st Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations

August 26th-27th, 2013, Aachen (Germany), jointly with Euro-Par 2013
Submission deadline: May 31st, 2013


? Vittorio Scarano (Universit? di Salerno, Italy), chair
? Gennaro Cordasco (Seconda Universit? di Napoli, Italy),
? Rosario De Chiara (Poste Italiane, Italy),
? Ugo Erra (Universit? della Basilicata, Italy)

Program Committee

? Maria Chli (Aston University, United Kingdom)
? Claudio Cioffi-Revilla (George Mason University, USA)
? Biagio Cosenza (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
? Nick Collier (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
? Rosaria Conte (CNR, Italy)
? Andrew Evans, (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
? Bernardino Frola (The MathWorks, Cambridge, UK)
? Nicola Lettieri (Universit? del Sannio e ISFOL, Italy)
? Sean Luke (George Mason University, USA)
? Michael North (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
? Mario Paolucci (CNR, Italy)
? Paul Richmond (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
? Arnold Rosenberg (Northeastern University, USA)
? Michela Taufer (University of Delaware, USA)

Objectives of the Workshop

Agent-Based Simulation Models are an increasingly popular tool for research and
management in many fields such as ecology, economics, sociology, etc..
In some fields, such as social sciences, these models are seen as a
key instrument to the generative approach, essential for understanding
complex social phenomena.
But also in policy-making, biology, military simulations, control of
mobile robots
and economics, the relevance and effectiveness of Agent-Based
Simulation Models is  recently recognized.
Computer science community has responded to the need for platforms
that can help  the development and testing of new models in each
specific field by providing tools,  libraries and frameworks that
speed up and make massive simulations possible.

The key objective of this First Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based
Simulations is to bring  together the researchers that are interested in getting
more performances from their simulations, by using synchronized, many-core
simulations (e.g., GPUs), strongly coupled, parallel simulations (e.g. MPI) and
loosely coupled, distributed simulations (distributed heterogeneous setting).
Several frameworks have been recently developed and are active in this field.
They range from the GPU-Manycore approach, to Parallel, to Distributed
environments. In the first category, you can find FLAME GPU, that
allows also non
GPU specialists to harness the GPUs performance for real time simulation and
visualization. For tightly-coupled, large computing clusters and supercomputers
a very popular framework is Repast for High Performance Computing
(REPAST-HPC), a C++-based modeling system. On the distributed side,
recent work on
Distributed Mason, allows non specialists to use heterogeneous hardware and
software in local area networks for enlarging the size and speeding up the
simulation of complex Agent-Based models.

Topics of interest

? Frameworks for parallel/distributed ABSs.
? Case studies of ABSs in parallel/distributed settings, with an emphasis
    on the technical implementation, architectural choices and their
impact on performances
? Benchmark parallel/distributed ABSs
? Debugging parallel/distributed ABSs
? Formal methods and algorithms for ABSs in parallel/distributed models
? Load Balancing algorithms, techniques and frameworks
? Management and deployment of parallel/distributed ABSs
? Visualization of parallel/distributed ABSs

Paper submission
The papers will be presented in the regular format (10 pages LNCS format,
5 pages for short papers) and will be reviewed, anonymously by at least 2
reviewers of the Program Committee. Acceptance as regular/short papers will
depend upon scientific value, originality and relevance to the Workshop theme.

Euro-Par Workshops Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes for Computer Science series after the Workshops. Submissions and
reviewing will be through EasyChair and details will be given by end
of April on the Workshop web site .

Important Dates
? May 31st 2013, Submission deadline
? July 8th, 2013: Authors notification
? August 26th or 27?, 2013: Workshop
? October 3rd, 2013: Camera-ready papers due

Contact information:
? Vittorio Scarano:
? Ugo Erra:
? Gennaro Cordasco:
? Rosario De Chiara:

Vittorio Scarano
Dipartimento di Informatica,
Universit? di Salerno, Fisciano (SA) -- 84084 ITALY

Phone :        +39 089 96 9733 (office), 9308 (ISISLab 1), 9307 (ISISLab 2)
Fax:             +39 089 96 9600


Wednesday, 27 March 2013

AMD Embedded Solutions: Developer Resources

Getting Zen with Soldered-down Memory Layout for AMD Based Embedded Systems
- +
The following paper offers the insights you need to create a quality layout for embedded systems, including:
  • Basics of AMD memory layout guidelines and DDR3 memory modules
  • Overview of memory interface training, including write leveling, DQS receiver and DQS position
  • How to create optimal trace lengths for ACC/CLK and DDD components
  • Example placement topologies for embedded designs
Download now

AMD Embedded Developer Support Site
- +
The AMD Embedded Developer Support Site is an invaluable resource for customers and potential customers who are serious about developing embedded designs based on AMD Embedded Solutions products. Please note that the site requires an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) because it contains confidential information. However, once you apply and are granted access, you can find AMD embedded design documentation including design collaterals, processor information and development platforms. In addition you will find embedded software information, FAQs, training modules, and partner links to assist you in your design.
Sign up today

March Partner Focus: Fujitsu D3003-S
- +
The AMD Embedded G-Series APU-based Fujitsu Mainboard D3003-S is specially designed for industrial applications. The Mainboard D3003-S provides dual GBE LAN Ethernet Controller on board, Serial ATA III RAID, Audio on board (HDA), AMD Radeon™ Graphics (DirectX 11), m-SATA support for Embedded OS, LVDS/DVI/Display Port Connector, USB 2.0, and an improved Thermal Management/System Monitoring. Further specifications:
  • DDR3 1333/1066 SDRAM (SO-DIMM)
  • 1x, PCI, 33MHz, 32-bit, PCI 2.2 Compliant; 1x, PCIe, X2
  • Long-life components for 24/7 use in industrial applications
  • Revision control & extended lifecycle (up to 5 years)
  • Enhanced operating temperature range (0°C-60°C)
Learn More

AMD Embedded Solutions will be exhibiting at Design West 2013, April 23-25 in San Jose, CA. Stop by our booth (#1308) to see, first-hand, the latest technology. AMD will be hosting several technical sessions in our booth from industry leaders covering a wide variety of topics, including multicore optimization, development tools and platforms, and the latest methods to debugging. Prizes will be raffled off after each session, so be sure to arrive early! Stop by our booth for the complete schedule.

AMD Embedded Seminar Series at RTECC (when signing up, make sure to mention that AMD invited you!):
Nashua, NH – 05/07
Boston, MA – 05/09

If you wish to set up a meeting with an AMD Embedded Solutions representative at any of these events, please email us at

New AMD Embedded Solutions Guest Blog: Innovative GizmoSphere Ideas Come From the Global Community
New GizmoSphere Introductory Video Interview with the RTC Group
New AMD Video Interview with the RTC Group about Current and Future Trends in the Embedded Industry
New OpenSystems Media Video Demo at Embedded World 2013

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

AMD News Flash

Einstein@Home – Powered by BOINC
Einstein@Home is a volunteer distributed computing project using idle time on computers provided by more than 300,000 volunteers worldwide for astrophysical data analysis. The Einstein@ home team says “Thanks to OpenCL, one of the project’s data analysis applications now runs up to 20 times as fast as before.” Read more about Einstein@Home.

AMD 2013 Developer Summit Call For Proposals deadline extended
You still have a chance to secure a position at the forefront of the heterogeneous technology movement among your peers, academics, the tech media and the financial community. Based on feedback and interest to expand to scope of the conference, we’re extending the CFP deadline & adding additional topics such as Surround Computing and Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA). Visit the AMD 2013 Developer Summit Blog Web site for more details.

Aviary Releases C++ AMP Optimized SDK
Aviary brings its easy-to-integrate, cross platform functionality to Windows 8. Now developers can add a powerful and intuitive photo editor to their apps in minutes. The functions are performed on highly parallel GPU cores inside the AMD APU, which allows for instant processing. Check out the SDK and come to PhotoHackDay4 on April 6-7th at the Facebook HQ to hack with fellow developers.

AMD CodeXL 1.1 Released on
AMD CodeXL is a unified developer tool suite that enables you to quickly and easily identify performance issues and programming errors in applications without requiring source code modifications. Version 1.1 improvements include support for Windows 8, Windows Vista, Linux & Kabini APU as well as Visual Studio 2012 integration. Please send your CodeXL feedback to Marty Johnson and team via the CodeXL forum.

Come say "Howdy" during the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2013
If you’ll be at the GDC 2013 from March 25-29 in San Francisco, you should head over to the AMD booth (#814). You can check out the AMD Eyefinity multi-monitor displays including 3x1 and 5x1 screen configurations. We’ll also be showing off our suite of development tools for optimizing the gaming experience for your customers as well as showcasing some of the best digital content creation tools on AMD FirePro™ Workstation graphics cards.

Check out OpenCV 2.4.4 with OpenCL-based Hardware Acceleration
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions for the real-time computer vision. Version 2.4.4 improvements include:

  • interop with OpenCL enables very easy integration of OpenCV in existing OpenCL applications;
  • the ocl::Mat can now use “special” memory (e.g. pinned memory); &
  • the ocl module can detect if the underlying hardware supports “integrated memory,” and if so use “device-local” memory by default for all operations.

From the Twitterverse…
@postgoodism writes “I know PC GPU dev tools are meant to suck and all, but in ~10 minutes w/AMD's CodeXL I fixed a nasty bank conflict & sped up my kernel 5x.” Learn more about CodeXL.

 Training  Date  Location
OpenCL Programming Course by Acceleware April 9-12, 2013 Los Angeles, CA
OpenCL Programming Course by Acceleware October 22-25 2013 Houston, TX

OpenCL Software Development Downloads
OpenCL Training Online
Recommended Reading
University hcResources
Regional hcResources

How much do you know about small temporary arrays in OpenCL? drallen writes on the AMD Developer Forums “But beware the devil.  When the array indices are not known at compile time, both gcn and VLIW will access registers serially one thread at a time. gcn scans the 'lanes' for threads looking for an index. It will then read/write all threads with the same index in parallel using v_movereld/s, then repeat until all threads are processed.  Worst case is all 64 indexes in a wave are different = 64 read/write loops (yes branching too). Best case, all indexes are the same and there is only one read/write. (actually that's pretty cool.)  Although VLIW uses A0 register, it also does something similar to serially access different indices.” Learn more on the AMD Developer Forums.

Submit your Tips&Tricks to

AMD is Hiring!

Featured Job:
Submit Heterogeneous Compute job listings to

Connect with the heterogeneous community and be a part of this new era of computing!

NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition 3.0 Release Candidate Updated with Improved Stability and Bug Fixes

NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio Edition 3.0 Release Candidate Updated with Improved Stability and Bug Fixes

Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 3.0 Release Candidate 2 is now available for download! The early access is a fully featured release candidate of NVIDIA® Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 3.0 which supports OpenGL frame debugging and profiling, GLSL GPU shader debugging, local single GPU shader debugging, the new Kepler GK110 architecture found in Tesla® K20 and CUDA 5.0®.
Please note that this release candidate build of Nsight™ Visual Studio Edition 3.0 requires NVIDIA Display Driver Release 306.94 or newer.
  • Improved stability and bug fixes from Release Candidate 1.
  • Support OpenGL 4.2 for frame debugging, pixel history and frame profiling.
  • Support for OpenGL GLSL GPU shader debugging.
    • GLSL 3.3 and higher applications are supported on a remote debugging setup.
    • GLSL 4.2 core applications are supported on a local debugging setup.
  • Local, single GPU shader debugging and pixel history is now supported for HLSL and GLSL.
  • Support for the CUDA 5.0® Toolkit.
  • Support for the Kepler GK110 architecture (for example, found in the Tesla® K20).
  • CUDA Dynamic Parallelism is now supported when building, debugging, and running analysis. For more information, see CUDA Dynamic Parallelism.
  • Attaching to a CUDA application during a kernel launch is now supported. Attachable programs will raise an attach dialog if a GPU assert or exception occurs.
  • New CUDA Source-Level Experiments allow you to correlate profiling data to individual kernel source code lines, supporting CUDA-C, PTX, and SASS assembly.
  • And many more improvements and new features...

Call for Papers ALGOSENSORS 2013 9th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics

Call for Papers


"9th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for
Sensor Systems, Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics"

September 5-6, 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France

Deadline: June 26, 2013

ALGOSENSORS is an international Symposium dedicated to the algorithmic
aspects of wireless networks, static or mobile. Originally focused solely
on sensor networks, it now covers more broadly algorithmic issues arising
in all wireless networks of computational entities, including sensor
networks, sensor-actuator networks, and systems of autonomous mobile
robots. In particular, it focuses on the design and analysis of discrete
and distributed algorithms, on models of computation and complexity, on
experimental analysis, in the
context of wireless networks, sensor
networks, and robotic networks. The goal is to reinforce the foundational
and algorithmic aspects of the research in these areas.

This year ALGOSENSORS has three tracks:
Track A: Sensor Network Algorithms
Track B: Wireless Networks and Distributed Robotics Algorithms
Track C: Experimental Algorithms

Topics include, but are not limited to: Computational Models, Complexity
and Computability, Approximation/Randomized Algorithms, Communication
Protocols, Deployment, Topology Control, Infrastructure Discovery, Routing,
Data Propagation, Data Aggregation, Data Fusion, Localization, Tracking,
Energy Management, Power Saving Schemes, Resource Efficiency, Game
Theoretic Aspects, Fault Tolerance, Dependability, Self-stabilization,
Self-* Properties, Error/Erasure Correcting Codes, Cryptography, Security
and Trust, Mobile Sensor Networks, Autonomous Mobile Robots,
Sensor-Actuator Networks, Dynamic Networks, Swarm Computing, Pattern
Formation, Obstacle
Avoidance, Algorithms for RFID, Performance Evaluation,
Systems and Testbeds, Experimental Analysis, Medium Access Control, Time
Synchronization, Virtual Infrastructures.

Submission: June 26, 2013
Notification: July 26, 2013
Symposium: September 5-6, 2013

As in previous years, the proceedings of ALGOSENSORS will be published by
Springer-Verlag as a volume of the LNCS series. Selected papers will be
invited to a special issue of the Journal "Theoretical Computer Science".


Christian Blum, Ikerbasque and University of the Basque Country
Prosenjit Bose, Carleton University
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, University of Patras & CTI
Shantanu Das, Aix-Marseille University
Shlomi Dolev, Ben-Gurion University
Alon Efrat,
University of Arizona
Sandor Fekete, Technische Universitt, Braunschweig
Paola Flocchini, University of Ottawa (Program Chair)
Hannes Frey, University of Koblenz
Jie Gao, Stony Brook University (co-Chair, Track A)
Maria Gradinariu Potop-Butucaru, Paris 6
Himanshu Gupta, Stony Brook University
Qiangsheng Hua, Tsinghua University
Taisuke Izumi, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Ralf Klasing, CNRS & U. Bordeaux
Dariusz R. Kowalski, U. Liverpool & IMDEA Networks
Evangelos Kranakis, Carleton University (co-Chair, Track B)
Danny Krizanc, Wesleyan University
Alexander Krller, Braunschweig University of Technology
Pierre Leone, University of Geneva
Xiangyang Li, Illinois Institute of Technology
Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan
Zvi Lotker, Ben-Gurion University
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide, University of Paderborn (co-Chair, Track C)
Lata Narayanan, Concordia University
Alfredo Navarra, University of Perugia
Amiya Nayak, University of Ottawa
Dennis Pfisterer, University of Lbeck
Prencipe, University of Pisa
Michael Rabbat, McGill University
Rik Sarkar, University of Edinburgh
Elad Michael Schiller, Chalmers University of Technology
Christian Schindelhauer, University of Freiburg
Subhash Suri, UC Santa Barbara
My Thai, University of Florida
Andrea Vitaletti, Sapienza University Rome
Masafumi Yamashita, Kyushu University

Sunday, 24 March 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS, International Workshop on Exploitation of Hardware Accelerators (WEHA 2013)

International Workshop on Exploitation of Hardware Accelerators (WEHA 2013)


As part of
The International Conference on High Performance Computing &
Simulation (HPCS 2013)

July 1st ? July 5th 2013
Helsinki, Finland

Submissions are invited for full papers, short papers, and poster papers

Paper Submissions:  ------------------------------
------- March 28, 2013
Acceptance Notification: --------------------------------- April 11, 2013
Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due: ------ April 25, 2013
Conference Dates: ---------------------------------------- July 1 ? 5, 2013

The importance of hardware accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, Cell,...) is
increasing rapidly, especially in the computationally demanding
disciplines such as realistic 3D computer graphics and
high-performance scientific computing.  The use of these accelerators
for General-Purpose computing enables speedups of orders of magnitude
over optimized CPU implementations.  They have become powerful,
capable, and inexpensive coprocessors useful for a wide variety of

The aim of this workshop is to strongly encourage the exchange of
experiences and knowledge in novel solutions exploiting and defining
new trends in hardware accelerators, including hardware architecture,
software tools, and applications.

The authors of the papers selected for the workshop may be invited to
submit extended versions of their manuscripts to be considered for
publication in a special issue.

The Workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

?   Languages and Compilers for Hardware Accelerators
?   Libraries and Tools to Simplify the Programming of Hardware Accelerators
?   Manual and Automatic Optimization Techniques
?   Application Development Experience
?   Benchmarking of Hardware Accelerators
?   Modeling and Performance Prediction for Hardware Accelerators
?   Novel Accelerator Architectures

Accepted papers will be published in the Conference proceedings.
Submission format is available on the HPCS 2013 Conference web site at  Please submit a PDF copy of your full
manuscript by email to the Workshop organizers - Dr. Esam El-Araby
(, Dr. Hoda Elsayed (, and Dr.
Vikram K. Narayana (

If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop,
please feel free to contact the workshop organizers.

--WEHA 2013 chairs

CALL FOR PAPERS, International Workshop on Algorithmic and Application Error Resilience AER 2013

International Workshop on Algorithmic and Application Error Resilience
AER 2013

Held in conjunction with the
27th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2013)

June 11th, 2013
Eugene, Oregon, USA

Circuit and logic variability from process scaling is leading to
significant reliability problems in future systems.  The increasingly
stringent power constraints on system designs are making prior hardware and
software-based fault tolerance approaches impractical due to their heavy
reliance on redundant, worst-case, and conservative designs.  Instead,
algorithm-based approaches provide applications the flexibility to adapt to
inherent application error tolerances and leverage the patterns of higher
level abstractions.

The AER workshop, to be held as a full-day meeting at the ICS 2013
conference in Eugene, Oregon, focuses on techniques, approaches, and
principles for algorithmic and application error resilience.

Topics of Interest:
  * Algorithm design principles for error resilience
  * Algorithmic error resilience implementations
  * Techniques for massively parallel resilient applications
  * Application fault detection and correction
  * Hardware fault and application error models
  * Application error resilience analysis and case studies
  * Tools for analyzing application vulnerability to errors
  * Optimizations for exploiting error resilience
  * System design and automation

The AER workshop proceedings will be published electronically along with
the ICS conference proceedings via the ACM Digital Library.  Submitted
manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM SIG proceedings alternate
format ( The
maximum length is 8 pages. All papers must  be in English. Please visit the
workshop website for further instructions and the submission link (

Submission deadline: May 1st, 2013
Author notification:  May 20th, 2013

Greg Bronevetsky, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Joseph Sloan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Rakesh Kumar, UIUC
Zizhong Chen, UC Riverside
John Daly, DoD
Pedro Diniz, University of Southern California
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
Marc Casas-Guix, LLNL
Ganesh Gopalkrishnan, University of Utah
Nathan DeBardeleben, LANL
Mike Heroux, Sandia


Saturday, 23 March 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS AND PARTICIPATION SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 30, 2013, The International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web (EBW2013)


The International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web
University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Bangkok, Thailand
               May 7-9, 2013

The EBW2013 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Thailand Section.
All papers will be submitted to IEEE for potential inclusion to IEEE Xplore.

The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to)
research topics:

- E-Services
- Cryptography for enabling E-Commerce
- E-Logistics
- Digital Enterprises
- E-business applications
- E-Commerce in developing countries
- Supply chain management
- E-Commerce Strategy Implementation
- E-Commerce Technology
- E-tailing and multi-channel selling
- Global E-Commerce
- Confidentiality Protection
- Critical Infrastructure Management
- Critical Computing and Storage
- Cryptography and Data Protection
- Computational Intelligence
- Marketing on the Web
- Internet payment systems
- Business-oriented
- E-Commerce
- Web advertising and Web Publishing
- Mobile Commerce
- E-Business Applications and Software
- E-Communities
- Consumer-oriented E-Commerce
- Digital Management products
- Digital Innovation Management
- Digital Economy
- Business Technology Intelligence
- IT Management
- Consumer Electronics
- E-Business
- Digital Libraries
- Digital Data Mining
- Customer relationship management
- Evolution of e-commerce
- E-commerce, e-business strategies
- E-commerce business models
- Production of knowledge economy
- Collaborative commerce
- E-commerce technology adoption
- The latest trends in web services
- M-commerce and pervasive computing
- Co-production in e-commerce service
- Economics issues of e-commerce
- Applications of e-commerce service
- E-commerce payment systems

Researchers are encouraged to submit their work electronically. All papers
will be fully refereed by a minimum of two specialized referees. Before
final acceptance, all referees comments must be considered.

Important Dates

Submission Date        : March 30, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 20, 2013
Camera Ready submission: April 30, 2013
Registration           : April 30, 2013
Conference dates       : May 7-9, 2013

The first Energy-Efficient High Performance Computing & Communication workshop

The first Energy-Efficient High Performance Computing & Communication
workshop will be co-located with EuroMPI 2013 in Madrid.
Energy-awareness is now a main topic for HPC systems. The goal of this
workshop is to discuss latest researches on the impact and possibles
leverages of communications for such systems. E2HPC2 solicits original
and non-published or under-review articles on the field of energy-aware
communication in HPC environment. This workshop is co-located with
EuroMPI as MPI is the main communication interface in those environments.

E2HPC will be held on Tuesday 17th of September 2013.
Submission of full papers: March 29th, 2013

Program Chair : Georges Da Costa


Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to the
  * Energy efficient MPI implementation
  * Performance/Energy tradeoffs in MPI programs
  * Energy evaluation and models of HPC applications and communication
  * Energy-Aware large scale HPC runtime
  * Return of experience on complex applications from an energy/power
point of view

  * Submission of full papers: March 29th, 2013
  * Author notification: May 11th, 2013
  * Camera Ready papers due: June 15th, 2013
  * Workshop: September 17th, 2013

Program Committee
  * Georges Da Costa    IRIT/Toulouse III
  * Jesus Carretero    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  * Emmanuel Jeannot    INRIA
  * Jean-Marc Pierson    IRIT
  * Lars Dittmann    Technical University of Denmark, Department of
Photonics Engineering
  * Anne-C?cile Orgerie    CNRS
  * Ariel Oleksiak    Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
  * Manuel F. Dolz    Depto. de Ingenier?a y Ciencia de los
Computadores, Universitat Jaume I
  * Laurent Lefevre    INRIA
  * Julius ?ilinskas    Vilnius University
  * Francisco Almeida    La Laguna University
  * Davide Careglio    Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya


Contributors are invited to submit a full paper as a PDF document not
exceeding 6 pages in English. The title page should contain an abstract
of at most 100 words and five specific, topical keywords. The paper must
be formatted according to double-column ACM ICPS proceedings style. The
usage of LaTeX for preparation of the contribution as well as the
submission in camera ready format is strongly recommended. Style files
can be found at
Selected and presented during the workshop papers will be published in
the digital library of ACM.
All contributions will be fully peer reviewed by the program committee.
Papers shall be submitted electronically via Easychair, see

Thursday, 21 March 2013


** Due to multiple requests, the PPAM 2013 paper submission **
** deadline is extended to May 6th, 2013.                   **
** For workshops and minisymposia further extensions are    **
** provided - see webpage !!!                               **

PPAM 2013

Warsaw, Poland,
September 8-11, 2013<

The PPAM 2013 conference, tenth in a series, will cover topics in parallel
and distributed processing, including theory and applications, as well as
applied mathematics. The focus will be on models, algorithms, and software
tools which facilitate efficient and convenient utilization of modern
parallel and distributed computing architectures, as well as on large-scale

PPAM is a biennial conference started in 1994, with the proceedings
published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences series.
This year the jubilee PPAM conference will take place in Warsaw,
the capital and largest city of Poland, a major international tourist
destination and an important economic hub in Central Europe, known
as the "phoenix city" because it has survived many wars throughout
its history.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Parallel/distributed architectures, enabling technologies
- Cloud computing
- Multi-core and many-core parallel computing
- GPU computing
- Heterogeneous/hybrid computing and accelerators
- Cluster computing
- Parallel/distributed algorithms: numerical and non-numerical
- Scheduling, mapping, load balancing
- Performance analysis and prediction
- Performance issues on various types of parallel systems
- Autotuning: methods, tools, and applications
- Power and energy aspects of computation
- Parallel/distributed programming
- Tools and environments for parallel/distributed computing
- Security and dependability in parallel/distributed environments
- HPC numerical linear algebra
- HPC methods of solving differential equations
- Evolutionary computing, meta-heuristics and neural networks
- HPC interval analysis
- Applied Computing in mechanics, material processing, biology and
   medicine, physics, chemistry, business, environmental modeling, etc.
- Applications of parallel/distributed computing
- Methods and tools for parallel solution of large-scale problems
- Large-scale social network analysis

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (tentative list)

Fran Berman  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Ewa Deelman  University of Southern California, USA
Jack Dongarra  University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA
Geoffrey Ch. Fox  Indiana University, USA
Laura Grigori  INRIA, France
Fred Gustavson  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Georg Hager University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Alexey Lastovetsky University College Dublin, Ireland
Miron Livny University of Wisconsin, USA
Piotr Luszczek University of Tennessee, USA
Rizos Sakellariou University of Manchester, UK
Leonel Sousa Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
Boleslaw K. Szymanski  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Denis Trystram Grenoble Institute of Technology, France
Jeffrey Vetter  ORNL and Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Richard W. Vuduc Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Jerzy Wasniewski   Technical University of Denmark
Robert Wisniewski Intel, USA
Katherine Yelick  University of California, Berkeley, USA


- Minisymposium on GPU Computing
- Special Session on Multicore Systems
- Workshop on Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Hierarchical
   Parallelism in New HPC Systems
- Workshop on Numerical Algorithms on Hybrid Architectures
- Minisymposium on Communication Avoiding Algorithms for
   Linear Algebra
- Workshop on Applied High Performance Numerical Algorithms in PDEs
- Workshop on Scheduling for Parallel Computing
- Workshop on Language-Based Parallel Programming Models
- Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Parallel Applications
   on Large-Scale Systems
- WS on Power and Energy Aspects of Computation
- Workshop on Parallel Computational Biology
- Minisymposium on Applications of Parallel Computation in Industry
   and Engineering
- Minisymposium on HPC Applications in Physical Sciences
- Minisymposium on High Performance Computing Interval Methods
- Workshop on Complex Collective Systems
- Workshop on Service Oriented Architecture in Distributed Systems

TUTORIALS (preliminary list)

"Scientific Computing with GPUs"  by Dominik Goeddeke team
"Design and implementation of parallel algorithms for highly heterogeneous HPC
   platforms"  by Alexey Lastovetsky
"Node-level performance engineering"  by Georg Hager

The first day of PPAM 2013 is reserved for tutorials.

Original papers are invited for the conference. Authors should submit full
papers (draft version, PDF file, together with abstract) using the online
submission system before April 21, 2013. Regular papers are not to exceed
10 pages (LNCS style). Papers will be refereed and accepted on the basis
of their scientific merit and relevance to the conference topics.
Abstracts of accepted papers will be available during the conference in
form of a brochure. Only papers presented at PPAM 2013 will be included
into the proceedings, which will be published after the conference
by Springer in the LNCS series. Full camera-ready versions of
accepted papers will be required by November 15, 2013.

The authors of the best papers selected by the Program Committee will be
invited to submit an extended version of their work to special issues of
the following  journals: Scientific Programming (IOS Press),  and Concurrency
and Computation: Practice and Experience (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.).


PPAM 2013
Institute of Computer & Information Science
Czestochowa University of Technology
Dabrowskiego 73, 42-201 Czestochowa, Poland
Phone: +48 668 476 840
Fax: +48 34 3250 589

Submission of Papers:  April  21, 2013
deadline is extended to May 6th, 2013.  
Notification of Acceptance:  May   31, 2013
Camera-Ready Papers:  Nov.   15, 2013

Roman Wyrzykowski   Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Ewa Deelman  University of Southern California, USA

Call for Papers, EuroMPI Workshop: International Workshop on Parallelism in Bioinformatics (proceedings published by ACM Digital Library)

Call for Papers
EuroMPI Workshop: International Workshop on Parallelism in
Bioinformatics (proceedings published by ACM Digital Library)
Special Issue in the Journal Parallel Computing (Elsevier) (Impact
Factor: 1.311, Quartile Q1)


We seek original, high-quality research papers, clearly focused on the
application of Parallelism to any possible Bioinformatics problem. In
particular, contributions are solicited on, but are not limited to, the
following topics:
- MPI implementations in Bioinformatics.
- Parallel and distributed algorithms in Bioinformatics.
- Workload partitioning strategies in Bioinformatics.
- Memory-efficient algorithms in Bioinformatics.
- Parallel tools and applications in Bioinformatics.
- Multicore and cluster computing in Bioinformatics.
- Supercomputing in Bioinformatics.
- Grid/Cloud/P2P computing in Bioinformatics.
- Volunteer computing in Bioinformatics.
- Hardware accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs, Cell processors, etc.) in

With regard to the Bioinformatics problems, many different alternatives
exist: biological sequence analysis, comparison and alignment; motif,
gene and signal recognition/discovery; molecular evolution;
phylogenetics and phylogenomics; determination or prediction of the
structure of RNA and protein; DNA twisting and folding; gene expression
and gene regulatory networks; deduction of metabolic pathways;
microarray design and analysis; proteomics; functional genomics;
molecular docking; design of DNA sequences for DNA computing; etc.

All the details (paper format, submission system, important dates, etc.) at:

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

CPP-EMS'2013, The 2013 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems

The 2013 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems
to be held in conjunction with
The 42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'2013)

October 1-4, 2013    Lyon, France

Embedded systems with Multicore designs are of major focuses from both
industry and academia. While embedded Multicore systems will look to
play an important role ahead for system designs, many challenging
issues remain. Applications, programming models, architecture designs,
emerging memory architectures, and software tools all need to help for
the advance of embedded Multicore computing ahead.

The 2013 International Workshop on Embedded Multicore Systems
(ICPP-EMS 2013) will bring researchers and experts together to present
and discuss the latest developments and technical solutions concerning
various aspects of embedded Multicore computing.

ICPP-EMS 2013 seeks original unpublished papers focusing on emerging
applications, embedded compilers, embedded memory and architecture
design, DSP/GPU systems, ESLs, embedded Multicore programming models,
and WCET analysis. Moreover, ICPP-EMS 2013 also welcomes
work-in-progress, case studies, visionary idea, new application
challenges, and industrial practice studies.

Topics of Interest
- Memory Architectures for embedded Multicore systems
- Design for emerging embedded memory systems
- Compilers for DSP processors
- Embedded Multicore processors
- Compilers for heterogeneous embedded Multicore systems.
- Programming models for embedded Multicore systems
- Signal processing on embedded Multicore systems
- Multimedia signal processing algorithms on embedded Multicore systems
- Multimedia applications on embedded Multicore systems
- Human-computer interaction on Multicore systems
- Augmented reality applications on Multicore systems
- Software for Multicore, GPU, and embedded architectures
- VM for embedded systems
- 3D IC and Multicore architectures
- Real-time system designs for embedded Multicore environments
- Compiler for low-power
- ESL designs for embedded Multicore systems
- Applications for Automobile electronics of Multicore designs
- Embedded OS designs and performance tuning tools
- hardware/software co-design framework
- embedded devices + cloud computing framework
- Compiler for worst-case execution time analysis
- Formal method for embedded systems

Papers should present original research and should provide sufficient
background material to make them accessible to the community. Full
paper submissions should not exceed 10 pages in standard IEEE
conference format. Papers should be submitted electronically through
the workshop web site at Easychair

Important dates
Submission due date: May 1, 2013
Notification date: June 15, 2013
Camera Ready due date: July 15, 2013
EMS Workshop date: October 3, 2013
ICPP Conference dates: October 1-4, 2013

General Chairs
Albert Cohen, INRIA, France
Jenq Kuen Lee, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan

Program Chairs
Barbara Chapman, University of Houston, USA
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan

For additional information, please send your email to