Friday, 31 May 2013

AMD Gaming Evolved Newsletter

Level Up
For a limited time, LEVEL UP with NEVER SETTLE RELOADED! Get extra games FREE* on select AMD Radeon™ products. 

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2013 Gaming Evolved TitlesAMD at E3
Come visit AMD in Booth 423 at E3 and check out games, demos, prizes, cool technologies and more.

    AMD in Booth 423 at E3
AMD A10 APU Chip ShotAMD at Computex
AMD is participating at Computex 2013 so please come visit us if you are in Taipei! See us atTWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall: Booth #L0617a. Keep up on our announcements by following #AMDComputex on Twitter.

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AMD Gaming EvolvedGaming Evolved Trailer
In case you missed it, our trailer featuring many of our exciting Gaming Evolved titles is available to watch here.

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LEVEL UP with Never Settle Reloaded: AMD Radeon™ HD 7900 Series Graphics | Tomb Raider™
*For a limited time, get Key Codes for free downloads of BioShock® Infinite (PC Game), Crysis® 3 (PC Game), Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon (PC Game) and Tomb Raider™ (PC Game) accessed through the Steam®, Origin® and Uplay online gaming platforms when you buy an AMD Radeon™ HD 7970 GHz Edition, AMD Radeon™ HD 7970 or an AMD Radeon™ HD 7950 Graphics Card from a participating retailer between May 15, 2013 and either December 31, 2013 or when supply of Key Codes are exhausted, whichever occurs first. Key Code must be used by January 31, 2014, after which the Key Code is void. LIMIT: One (1) free Key Code per game (4 total Key Codes) per person. Internet connection required. Internet connection fees may apply. You must be 17+ to redeem this offer. Offer is subject to geographical limitations. See for complete details. Void in any jurisdiction where prohibited.

LEVEL UP with Never Settle Reloaded: AMD Radeon™ HD 7870 Graphics | Crysis® 3
*For a limited time, get Key Codes for free downloads of BioShock® Infinite (PC Game), Tomb Raider™ (PC Game), Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon (PC Game) and Crysis® 3 (PC Game) accessed through the Steam®, Uplay and Origin® online gaming platforms when you buy an AMD Radeon™ HD 7870 Graphics Card from a participating retailer between May 15, 2013 and either December 31, 2013 or when supply of Key Codes are exhausted, whichever occurs first. Key Codes must be used by January 31, 2014, after which the Key Codes are void. LIMIT: One (1) free Key Code per game (4 total Key Codes) per person. Internet connection required. Internet connection fees may apply. You must be 17+ to redeem this offer. Offer is subject to geographical limitations. See for complete details. Void in any jurisdiction where prohibited.

LEVEL UP with Never Settle Reloaded: AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 Graphics | Tomb Raider™
*For a limited time, get Key Codes for free downloads of BioShock® Infinite (PC Game), Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon (PC Game) and Tomb Raider™ (PC Game) accessed through the Steam® and Uplay online gaming platforms when you buy an AMD Radeon™ HD 7790 Graphics Card from a participating retailer between May 15, 2013 and either December 31, 2013 or when supply of Key Codes are exhausted, whichever occurs first. Key Code must be used by January 31, 2014, after which the Key Code is void. LIMIT: One (1) free Key Code per game (3 total Key Codes) per person. Internet connection required. Internet connection fees may apply. You must be 17+ to redeem this offer. Offer is subject to geographical limitations. See for complete details. Void in any jurisdiction where prohibited.

© Images for Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc © 2002-2013. Developed by Irrational Games. BioShock, BioShock Infinite, Irrational Games, 2K Games and their respective logos are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Images for Tomb Raider © Square Enix Ltd. 2013. Square Enix and the Square Enix logo are registered trademarks of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. Lara Croft, Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics, and the Crystal Dynamics logo are trademarks of Square Enix Ltd.
Images for DmC Devil May Cry™ © CAPCOM CO., LTD. 2013. All rights reserved.
Images for Crysis 3 © 2013 Crytek GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Crysis, Crytek and CryENGINE are trademarks of Crytek GmbH. EA and the EA logo are trademarks of Electronic Arts Inc.
Images for Far Cry® 3 Blood Dragon © 2013 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. FARCRY®, Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the US and/or other countries. Based on Crytek’s original Far Cry® directed by Cevat Yerli. Powered by Crytek’s technology “CryEngine”.
© 2013 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, Radeon, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., One AMD Place, P.O. Box 3453, Sunnyvale, California 94088-3453 USA

2nd International Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques in Cluster and Grid Computing Systems SCCG 2013

2nd International Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques in Cluster and Grid Computing Systems
SCCG 2013 -

Part of the Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing

October 20-30, 2013



Sergio Nesmachnow, Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay
Bernab? Dorronsoro, University of Lille, France

Publicity chair: Santiago Iturriaga, Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay


The resolution of complex problems often requires using advanced approximate algorithms and huge computational resources to find accurate solutions in reasonable time. We look for high quality publications proposing soft computing techniques designed for large parallel systems as Grid or Cluster computing. Additionally, works proposing novel soft computing/metaheuristic algorithms applied to solve complex problems in the context of Grid and Cluster computing are of interest too. Therefore, the topics covered by this track include (but are not limited to) the following ones:

Soft computing techniques for real-world problems
Soft computing tools and frameworks for cluster and Grid computing
Competitive parallel algorithms
Cooperative parallel algorithms
Massively parallel algorithms
Parallel metaheuristics
Parallel evolutionary algorithms
Performance measures for Grid and Cluster computing
Reliable algorithms on uncertain environments
Parallel algorithms on GPGPU and Clusters of GPGPUs
Test benchmarks
Peer to peer algorithms
Volunteer computing
Ubiquitous computing
Cloud computing
Grid computing
Parallel optimization frameworks
Metaheuristics for scheduling
Complex and real-world problems


Submission Deadline (FIRM): June 3, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2013
Final Manuscript: July 31, 2013
Author Registration: July 31, 2013
Conference Dates: October 28-30, 2013


Authors are invited to submit full papers not more than six (6) pages (CPS proceedings manuscripts: two columns, single-spaced), including figures and references, using 10 pt. font size, and number each page. The formatting instructions for authors are available at the IEEE CPS web page:
Prepare your paper in PDF file and submit it electronically to the 3PGCIC-2013 web page in EDAS:
The submission link will be updated at a later date.

Accepted papers will be published by the IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and archived in the Digital Library (CSDL, IEEE Xplore, IEEE IEL). Authors will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) together with the notification of acceptance.

Authors of the most outstanding contributions will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to The Computer Journal: Special Issue on Parallel Soft Computing Techniques on High Performance Computing Systems (at least 50% of novel scientific contribution is required). The Computer Journal (, 2011 Impact Factor: 0.785 (5-Years Impact Factor: 0.943), is one of the longest-established journals serving all branches of the academic computer science community. It is indexed on Scopus, Computer Science Index, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), and many others.


Enrique Alba, Universidad de M?laga, Spain
Jhon Edgar Amaya, Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tachira, Venezuela
Francisco Brasileiro, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil
Pascal Bouvry, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Juan Carlos Burguillo, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
H?ctor Cancela, Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay
Harold Castro, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia
Gregoire Danoy, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Juan Jos? Durillo, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Juan Luis Jimenez Laredo, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Gonzalo Hern?ndez, Escuela de Ingenieria Industrial, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile
Herbert Hoeger, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Gabriel Luque, Universidad de M?laga, Spain
Francisco Luna, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Antonio Mauttone, Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay
Esteban Mocskos, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Johnatan Pecero, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Marcela Printista, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
Ana Carolina Olivera, Universidad Nacional del Sur , Argentina
Franco Robledo, Universidad de la Rep?blica, Uruguay
El-Gazali Talbi, University of Lille 1, France
Nicol?s Wolovick, Universidad de C?rdoba, Argentina
Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia

CALL FOR PAPERS - SIMUTOOLS 2014 7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques


7th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques

                 March 17-19, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal


Sponsored by ICST, CISUC
Technically co-sponsored by CREATE-NET
Technically co-sponsored by ACM SIGSIM (approval pending)
Endorsed by EAI


SIMUTools 2014 is the seventh edition of the annual International
Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques. The conference focuses on a
broad range of research challenges in the field of simulation, modeling
and analysis, addressing current and future trends in simulation
techniques, models, practices and software. The conference is dedicated to
fostering interdisciplinary collaborative research in these areas and
across a wide spectrum of application domains.

Building on the success of the previous six editions (2008-2013), this
year's edition will provide an exciting forum for interaction among
academic and industry researchers together with practitioners from both
the simulation community and the different user communities.


SIMUTools' general topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the

* Simulation methods: discrete event, parallel and distributed simulation,
time synchronization, load balancing and migration, model partitioning,
hybrid simulation, simulation-interoperation, multi-resolution and
multi-scale simulation
* Simulation techniques: service-oriented, agent-based, web-based,
component-based, symbiotic simulation
* Simulation software: environments, tools, libraries, and frameworks
* Simulation performance: GPU-based simulation, simulation in the cloud,
scalability, performance analysis
* Modeling formalisms: DEVS, Petri Nets, process algebras, state charts,
and others
* Simulation verification, validation, accreditation, and analysis:
benchmark models, simulation-based verification, workflows, simulation
experiment design, and optimization
* Simulation packages: widely used frameworks such as Modelica, ns-2/3,
OPNET, Qualnet, OMNET++, and other open source software for modeling and

The conference invites submissions on the topics above in all application
areas of simulation.

Submissions in interdisciplinary areas are especially encouraged. Specific
topics include, but are not limited to:

* Wireless technologies (cellular, vehicular, mesh, ad hoc, wireless
sensor networks)
* Network models (mobility models, traffic models, network topology)
* Overlay networks, peer-to-peer networks
* Parallel and distributed systems, high-performance computing systems
* Operating systems
* Fault tolerant systems
* Embedded and real-time systems
* Human behavioral models/representations
* Infrastructural networks
* Logistics and manufacturing
* Environmental and biological systems
* Multi-agent systems
* Security and emergency applications
* Military applications
* Social networks
* Epidemiology


Papers describing significant research contributions of theoretical and/or
practical nature are being solicited for submission to the conference.

Authors are invited to submit original, high-quality papers presenting new
research related to simulation software, methodologies, applications, and
practices. While SIMUTools' main focus is on advances in simulation
software and techniques, the submission of papers is encouraged on all
aspects of simulation, modeling, and analysis, including broader
theoretical and practical research contributions.

Papers must be written in English and must not exceed 10 pages. Authors
should submit papers via the SIMUTools conference website in PDF format,
complying with the ACM conference proceedings style. Submitted papers must
not have been submitted for review or published (partially or completely)
elsewhere. Every paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.
Papers will be assessed based on originality, correctness, relevance, and
quality of writing. In exceptional circumstances (such as papers evidently
out of scope) may not receive full-length reviews and may be rejected
summarily. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to
register and present the work in person at the conference. Short papers of
4 to 6 pages describing work in progress can also be submitted in the
short paper category.


Accepted papers presented at the conference will appear in electronic
proceedings, in the ACM DL (approval pending), and in EU-DL. 'Green' open
access is endorsed, i.e., authors may make their papers available on their
own web sites.


Detailed submission and formatting instructions are available at



Main Conference

Main Conference

Abstract submission deadline : October 31, 2013 (Firm)
Short and full paper submission deadline : October 31, 2013 (Firm)
Poster and demo submission deadline : December 15, 2013
Author notification : December 31, 2013
Camera-ready deadline : January 15, 2014
Conference : March 17-19, 2014

Workshops (Pending)

Workshop paper submission deadline : To be announced
Workshop papers camera-ready deadline : To be announced
Workshop days : To be announced

Events of Interest

NS-3 Consortium Annual Meeting : To be announced


General Chair: Fernando Barros (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
Program Chairs: Kalyan Perumalla (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Roland Ewald (University of Rostock, Germany)
Publicity Chair: Srikanth Yoginath (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
Organizing Chair: Ruzanna Najaryan (EAI)
Web Chair: Alessandro Pellegrini (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)


Gianfranco Balbo, University of Torino
Wentong Cai, Nanyang Technological University
Christopher Carothers, RPI
Emiliano Casalicchio, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Dave Cavalcanti, Philip Research North America
Andrea D'Ambrogio, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
Lorenzo Donatiello, University of Bologna
Stephan Eidenbenz, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Marco Gribaudo, Politecnico di Milano
Jan Himmelspach, Capgemini
Maria Hybinette, University of Georgia
Peter Kemper, College of William and Mary
Cameron Kiddle, University of Calgary
Nikolai Kornev, University of Rostock
Samuel Kounev, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Michael Lees, Nanyang Technological University
Margaret Loper, Georgia Tech Research Institute
Johannes L?thi, University of Applied Sciences Kufstein
Fabien Michel, LIRMM - Universit? Montpellier II
Oliver Obst, CSIRO
Alfred Park, Microsoft Corporation
David Parker, University of Birmingham
Luiz Felipe Perrone, Bucknell University
Francesco Quaglia, Sapienza, University of Rome
George Riley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Paolo Romano, INESC-ID/IST
Rob Simmonds, University of Calgary
Giovanni Stea, University of Pisa
Steffen Strassburger, Ilmenau University of Technology
Claudia Szabo, The University of Adelaide
Gary Tan, National University of Singapore
Yong Teo, National University of Singapore
Mirco Tribastone, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t M?nchen
Carl Tropper, McGill University
Adelinde Uhrmacher, University of Rostock
Victor C. Valgenti, Washington State University
Anil Kumar Vullikanti, Virginia Tech
Katinka Wolter, Freie Universitaet zu Berlin
Guanhua Yan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Yiping Yao, National University of Defense Technology
Suiping Zhou, Teesside University
Sabine Zinn, University of Bamberg

ICST is a Member of EAI The European Alliance for Innovation is a dynamic
eco-system for fostering ICT enabled innovation to improve European
competitiveness and to benefit society. EAI uses open e-platforms to
inspire grassroots collaboration among all relevant actors, from
organizations to individuals, to stimulate community driven innovation
to its institutional and individual members worldwide. Through EAI,
organizations find ideas and talent, and individual innovators find
organizations for their ingenuity and craft.
Join the innovation community at



June 29-July 2, 2013, Lyon, France

Web page:

Registration form:

Registration fee: 100 euros.

The third scientific event of the thematic quarter on compilation
organized in Lyon in Spring 2013 (
will be a dive into languages and approaches for high-performance
computing. This event is organized as a set of keynotes by the best
experts of the field, including in particular talks on CAF (Coarray
Fortran), UPC (Unified Parallel C), X10, Chapel, OpenACC & OpenHMPP,
Lime, OmpSs, OpenStream, and some DSL approaches. It will be a unique
opportunity for students, researchers, and engineers, to better
understand the design of parallel languages, the challenges of their
compilation, and the interactions with runtime systems, memory
consistency models, and architectures. It should be of great interest
of course for computer scientists but also for users of parallel
programming from other disciplines such as physics and mathematics.

All details concerning this event are given on For more
information, please contact Alain Darte at
Registration fees are quite low (100 euros) to make this exceptional
event as accessible as possible. Accomodation is not included in the
registration fees, but reduced prices should be available, especially
for students, depending on the number of requests and on a first-in
first-served basis. If you want to attend this event, please register
at the following link:

Please note that this event will be immediately followed by CPC'13,
the 17th international workshop on compilers for parallel computing

Best regards,

Alain Darte.

Third Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Software for Analysis of Massive Graphs (ParGraph )

We invite your submissions to the Third Workshop on Parallel Algorithms and Software for Analysis of Massive Graphs (ParGraph ) to be held in conjunction with HiPC from December 18 ? 21, 2013 in Hyderabad, India. The deadline for submissions is July 7, 2013.
Call for Papers:
Combinatorial algorithms play an important enabling role in several areas of science and engineering. Many combinatorial, machine learning, and graph algorithms in particular, are characterized by irregular data-access patterns that make efficient implementation challenging on both traditional HPC and commodity platforms. Architectural features, algorithmic design and software engineering techniques, and characteristics of the input collectively determine the performance of these algorithms.
In addition, runtime support for irregular applications, programming models, the large-scale graph structure (sparse matrix) deserves attention for efficient storage, graph query and visualization for data analysis. With this workshop we aim to bring together system builders in industry and academia interested in combinatorial (graph), machine learning algorithms, data intensive applications involving them, and parallel computing.
We seek submissions on broad topics of interest as listed below, but not limited to this:

?      Theory and Algorithms:

o   Combinatorial (graph) and machine learning algorithms and libraries

o   Algorithms for analysis of large complex networks (social network analysis)

o   Approximation algorithms and bounds

?      Design and performance evaluation of algorithms on:

o   Traditional architectures: massively parallel distributed-memory systems (IBM BlueGene, Cray XE), shared-memory multicore systems (Intel, AMD)

o   Nontraditional architectures: massively multithreaded architectures (Cray XMT), many core and tiled platforms (Nvidia, AMD, Tilera, Intel)

?      Applications:

o   Combinatorial Scientific Computing; Data Mining; Graph Mining

o   Big Data Application ? Social graph analysis, Graphical Model, pattern matching, time-evolving graphs

o   Bioinformatics; Information (Cyber) security; Mobile computing

o   Visual Analytics; Graph Visualization

?      Programming paradigms and runtime support for irregular applications
Submission Details:
We seek high quality manuscripts detailing creative and original research. The manuscripts should not be currently under review at any other venue. Please do not exceed eight (8) pages following the HiPC paper formatting guidelines ( We will not consider submissions that deviate from the above guidelines. We guarantee at least three independent reviews for all submitted papers. Workshop proceedings will be published as a separate CDROM Proceedings by HiPC. Hardcopy proceedings will not be provided. HiPC is sponsored by ACM and IEEE.
Please submit your work using EasyChair ( Do not use the HiPC Conference submission system. Please contact the organizers if you have any questions.
Important Dates:

?      July 7, 2013 : Submission of manuscripts

?      August 7, 2013 : Notification of decision

?      August 15, 2013 : Submission of camera-ready papers

?      December  18, 2011 : Workshop

Further details of the workshop are available at:
We look forward to your participation in this exciting event. We also request you to kindly forward this call to your colleagues and research associates.


?mit ?ataly?rek (The Ohio State University;), Mahantesh Halappanavar (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), and Nilesh Jain (Intel)

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

International Workshop "Parallel programming in GAP"

This is a reminder that registration deadlines are July 15th 2013
for the full registration, and August 5th 2013 if you don't need
an accommodation. Apologies if you receive this more than once.

* * *

International Workshop "Parallel programming in GAP"

August 18th-24th, 2013, University of St Andrews, Scotland

The workshop is organised by the Centre of Interdisciplinary
Research in Computational Algebra of the University of St Andrews.
It is supported by the EPSRC project "HPC-GAP: High Performance
Computational Algebra and Discrete Mathematics":

In this project we are reengineering the GAP system to take
advantage of computer architectures suitable for parallel
computations. The workshop is organised to present the results
of the project to the GAP community, and we invite everyone who
is interested in parallel programming in GAP. Developers of GAP
and authors of GAP packages are particularly welcome, since your
contribution will be important to eventually transform the HPC-GAP
version of the system into the next mainstream release.

The workshop will comprise of lectures and tutorials given by
the participants of the HPC-GAP project, and case studies sessions
where we intend to look at some particular GAP packages and
estimate main tasks needed to adapt them to HPC-GAP. We plan
to allow enough time to work in small groups and have informal
discussions about HPC-GAP and GAP development in general.


- August 18th (Sunday): Arrival day
- August 19th-23th (Monday-Friday): Workshop
- August 24th (Saturday): Departure day

Registration and accommodation:

The organisers will provide a limited number of B&B places in McIntosh
Hall <>.
These will be provided free of charge and will be allocated on a first
come - first served basis, so early registration is advised. If there
will be larger demand for accommodation, we will help you to find another
place to stay and will partially contribute towards the costs of your
accommodation. We regret that there is no support available for daily
expenses and travel.

To register, please send your contact details to organisers by email to


- for the full registration: July 15th 2013
- for the non-residential registration: August 5th 2013

- Steve Linton
- Reimer Behrends
- Vladimir Janjic
- Alexander Konovalov
- John McDermott
- Angela Miguel
- Max Neunh?ffer