Thursday, 31 July 2014

Seventh International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures

Seventh International Workshop on
Network on Chip Architectures
To be held in conjunction with the
47h Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-47)
December 13 (or 14), 2014
Cambridge, UK

General Information
Modern Systems-on-Chip (SoCs) today contains hundreds of Intellectual Properties (IPs)/cores, including, programmable processors, co-processors, accelerators, application-specific IPs, peripherals, memories, reconfigurable logic, and even analog blocks. We are now entered in the so called many-core era. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors foresees that the number of Processing Elements (PEs) that will be integrated into a SoC will be in the order of thousand within the 2020. As the number of communicating elements increases, there is a need for an efficient, scalable and reliable communication infrastructure. In addition, with shrinking technology geometrics to deep submicron scale, the communication delay and power consumption of global interconnections become the major bottleneck. The Network-on-Chip (NoC) design paradigm, based on a modular packet-switched mechanism, can address many of the on-chip communication issues such as performance limitations of long interconnects, and integration of large number of PEs on a chip.
The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers to present and discuss innovative ideas and solutions related to design and implementation of many-core systems-on-chip with a special focus on on-chip communication infrastructures and issues related to design, analysis and testing of on-chip networks. We also look for new type of NoC-based computing paradigms inspired by biological systems to solve hard computational problems such as learning, recognition, and complex decision making.

Areas of Interest
The workshop will focus on issues related to design, analysis and testing of on-chip networks. We also look for new type of NoC-based computing paradigms inspired by biological systems to solve hard computational problems such as learning, recognition, and complex decision making.
The topics of specific interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
  • Topologies selection and synthesis for NoCs and MPSoCs
  • Routing algorithms and router micro-architectures
  • QoS in on-chip communication
  • Mapping of cores to NoC slots
  • Power and energy issues
  • Fault tolerance and reliability issues
  • Memory architectures for NoC
  • Autonomous SoCs and Dynamic on-chip network reconfiguration
  • Modeling and evaluation of on-chip networks
  • On-chip interconnection network simulators and emulators
  • Analytical analysis methods for NoC performance and other properties
  • Verification, debug and test of NoC
  • 3D NoC architectures
  • Emerging technologies and new design paradigms
  • Industrial case studies of SoC designs using the NoC paradigm
  • Heterogeneity
  • NoC-based Neuromorphic Architectures
  • NoC-based HPC devices
Besides regular papers, papers describing work in progress or incomplete but sound new innovative ideas related to the workshop theme are also encouraged.

Submission Guidelines
Both research and application-oriented papers are welcome. All papers should be submitted electronically by EasyChair. Submissions must be limited to 6 pages. Please, visit the workshop webpage ( for additional information about the submission process.

Important Dates
·         Abstract submission deadline:                        September 1, 2014
·         Paper submission deadline:                 September 8, 2014
  • Author notification:                            October 7, 2014
  • Camera-ready version due:                 October 18, 2014
  • NoCArc Workshop:                            December 13 (or 14), 2014

Best Regards,
Workshop Organizers

Publicity Chair: Masoumeh Ebrahimi

Sixth HotPlanet 2014 Workshop

Sixth HotPlanet 2014 Workshop
In conjunction with IEEE MASS in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Monday, October 27th, 2014

Call For Papers

The last decade has seen a rapid, planet-scale growth in deployment and usage of smart mobile devices, ambient sensors, smartphone applications and advanced communication technologies. This era has prompted for planet-scale data collection, storage, processing and dissemination technologies, advancing our knowledge about human behavior and interactions. Evolution of such technologies and methodologies, in addition to the high investments in Internet of things (IoT) in Asia, has inherently led to a number of security, privacy and ethical issues as well as new systems, networking, and application challenges.  What are the emerging research challenges when we think about sensing at the town, country, or planet scale?

This 6th ACM HotPlanet workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners in networking, wireless, mobile computing and systems to understand the challenges ahead and advance the dialogue on topics related to large-scale measurements and big data analytics centered around individuals. It aims to attract publications on: large-scale data collection, data analysis and knowledge-discovery; large-scale deployment experiences, measurement technologies, and applications; large-scale mobile sensing systems and social media data analytics.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
* Scaling challenges for sensing
* Large-scale data analytics (social media, mobility traces, mobility prediction, etc.)
* Large-scale Mobile Sensing systems
* Big Data privacy & pecurity
* Large-scale measurement methodologies
* Large-scale social sensing applications
* Large-scale virtualized sensing infrastructure
* Cloud support for large-scale mobile applications
* Incentive models for encouraging users and businesses to collect and contribute data
* Profiling, personalization, geotargeting
* Programming paradigms for large scale data collection
* Data quality issues
* Internet of Things
* Smart energy-aware systems
* Large scale mobile application marketing experience
* Regulatory, legal and ethical issues in planet-wide data collection
Important Dates:

Paper Due Date:                     August 2nd, 2014
Notification:                            August 10th, 2014
Camera Ready:                         August 21st, 2014             
Submission Link:

Program Committee

Steering Committee
* Pan Hui HKUST/T-labs

Workshop Co-Chairs
* Aaron Striegel University of Notre Dame
* Yanyong Zhang Rutgers University

Technical Program Committee
* Geoffrey Challen SUNY-Buffalo, USA
* Christos Efstratiou University of Cambridge, UK
* Hamed Haddadi Queen Mary University of London, UK
* Tristan Henderson University of St. Andrews, UK
* Mohamed Ali Kaafar INRIA/NICTA
* Wing Cheong Lau CUHK, Hong Kong
* Hengchang Liu UIUC, USA
* Hong Lu                          Intel Labs, USA
* Emiliano Miluzzo AT&T Labs - Research, USA
* Mirco Musolesi University of Birmingham, UK
* Christian Poellabauer University of Notre Dame

Chenren Xu

E&CE/WINLAB, Rutgers University

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

CFP : Workshop on energy-aware scheduling in distributed computing platforms

CFP : Workshop on energy-aware scheduling in distributed computing platforms

November 3-5, 2014, Dallas, TX, USA
in conjunction with International Green Computing Conference - IGCC 2014

Submit now :

Submissions due: August 15, 2014
Review decisions: September 7, 2014
Final Manuscript due: September 30, 2014



Current large scale IT systems are becoming pervasive. Data centers are used from web searches to protein analysis. Energy consumption of these systems is part of the fastest growing of the energy consumption systems. As an example, worldwide cloud computing systems’ consumption fits between the electricity consumption of Germany and Russia and would rank 6th as a country. With the rise of smart cities, and the connexion of all objects from fridges to heaters, IT systems energy consumption will rise even faster.
With the rise of high level services, from Internet of Things, to HPC systems passing through Cloud systems, more and more possibilities are offered and the quality of the decision systems have a large impact on their energy consumption. Consuming such quantities of energy produces a lot of heat. Thermal-aware management aims to improve power consumption efficiency by coordinating resource management and thermal based decisions.

This workshop is focused on scheduling policies to address energy efficiency for large scale Data Centers and Internet of Things.

The main topics to be covered by this workshop include (but are not limited to):

    Energy-aware scheduling for Data Centers, Grid, Cloud and IoT
    Thermal-aware scheduling of Data Centers, Grid, Cloud and IoT
    Resources provisioning and scheduling
    Resources management and Quality of service
    Energy-aware metrics for Data Centers, Grid, Cloud and IoT
    Data Center optimization
    Cloud optimization
    Energy-aware simulations
    Thermal-aware simulations
    Energy- and Thermal models of Data Centers, Grid, Cloud and IoT
    Resources prediction
    Applications characterization
    Tools and simulators for resource management
    Energy- and Thermal-aware runtimes for Data Centers, Cloud and IoT
    Return of experiment on improving energy efficiency of Data Centers or Clouds.

The papers should not exceed six single-spaced pages (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscripts style: two columns, 11-point fonts, IEEE 8.5 x 11 inch) including everything, e.g., abstract, research description, figures, tables, and references. All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed and evaluated on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the scope of the workshop. Papers presented at the workshop will be published in the official conference proceedings (through IEEE Digital Library) contingent on two conditions: (1) at least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference at the time of the submission of the final manuscript and (2) one of the authors must appear to present the paper at the workshop.

Participants will be required to register for the main IGCC'14 conference, which includes access to the workshops.

Program chairs

Georges Da Costa, Assistant professor, IRIT lab, University of Toulouse, France Email : dacosta@irit.Fr
Patricia Stolf, Assistant professor, IRIT lab, University of Toulouse, France

Georges Da Costa, As. prof., +33 (0)5 61 55 6357
IRIT Lab, Toulouse University,
"There's nothing an agnostic can't do if he doesn't know whether he
believes in anything or not"                         - Monty python

The 8th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS 2014)

The 8th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS 2014)
October 7-10, 2014 University of Oregon and Hilton Eugene Eugene, Oregon, USA
Held in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC ===============================================
Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming models offer a shared address space model that simplifies programming while exposing data/thread locality to enhance performance. This facilitates the development of programming models that can deliver both productivity and performance. The PGAS conference is the premier forum to present and discuss ideas and research developments in the area of: PGAS models, languages, compilers, runtimes, applications and tools, PGAS architectures and hardware features. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
 Applications. New applications that are uniquely enabled by the PGAS model, existing applications and effective application development practices for PGAS codes.
 Performance.Analysis of application performance over various programming models.
  Developments in Programming Models and Languages.  PGAS models, language extensions, and hybrid models to address emerging optimisations for PGAS languages, low level libraries, memory consistency architectures, such as multicore, hybrid, heterogeneous, SIMD and reconfigurable architectures.
  Tools, Compilers, and Implementations. Integrated Development PGAS Environments, performance analysis tools, and debuggers. Compiler models. Hardware support for PGAS languages, performance studies and insights, productivity studies, and language interoperability. 

The PGAS Programming Models Conference is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of research work in this field. Papers should report on original research, and should include enough background material to make them accessible to the entire PGAS research community. Papers describing experiences should indicate how they illustrate general principles; papers about parallel programming foundations should indicate how they relate to practice.
* Paper submissions due date extended to: August 5, 2014
* Notification to authors of acceptance: September 1, 2014
* Camera-ready papers due: September 6, 2014
* Event takes place: October 7-10, 2014
* Use ACM SIG template:
* No firm page limit. 10 pages are desired; 8-12 pages will be accepted. The content must justify the length in the case of longer papers.
* We are using EasyChair to manage submissions. Papers may be submitted at:
The proceedings will be archived in both the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore, by virtue of SIGHPC.
Organizing Committee
Allen D. Malony, U. Oregon, General Chair
Sameer Shende, U. Oregon, Local Arrangements Chair 
Wyatt Spear, U. Oregon, Web Chair
Khaled Hamidouche, Ohio State University, Publicity Chair
Program Committee
Jeff Hammond, Intel Labs (Chair)
Gheorge Almasi, IBM
Eric Bohm, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Dan 
Bonachea, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Sunita 
Chandrasekaran, University of Houston Sung-Eun Choi, Cray
Jim Dinan, Intel
Michael Ferguson, Department of Defense (USA)
Hal Finkel, Argonne National Laboratory
Michael Garland, NVIDIA
Dave Grove, IBM
Oscar Hernandez, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zürich
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Bill Long, Cray
Jack Poulson, Georgia Tech
Alistair Rendell, Australian National University
Vivek Sarkar, Rice University
Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba
Guangming Tan, Institute of Computing Technology of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Vinod Tipparaju, AMD
Keith Underwood, Intel
Nathan Wichmann, Cray
Steering Committee
Lauren Smith, DoD
Tarek El-Ghazawi, George Washington University William W.
Carlson, IDA
Katherine Yelick, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Contact Information
Allen D. Malony (
Sameer Shende ( 
Jeff Hammond (


PDCAT 2014 DEADLINE EXTENDED: August 15, 2014



C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

The 15th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2014)

December 9-11, 2014 -- Hong Kong

** Extended Submission deadline: August 15, 2014
** Author Notification: Sept. 26, 2014
** Final paper due: October 10, 2014

The International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Applications and Technologies (PDCAT) is a major forum for scientists,
engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their
latest research, results, ideas, developments and applications in all
areas of parallel and distributed computing. Beginning in Hong Kong in
2000, PDCAT will come back to Hong Kong in 2014 after 14 years of
successful journey through various countries/regions including Taiwan,
Japan, China, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Korea across
Asia-Oceania. We are inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not
limited to, the following topics:

[NETWORKING AND ARCHITECTURES] Interconnection networks,
Parallel/distributed architectures, Heterogeneous and multimedia
Systems, ATM networks, Reliability and fault-tolerance Ubiquitous
computing systems, Computer networks, Communication and
telecommunication, Wireless networks and mobile computing, Optical
networks, Cloud/Grid computing systems, Reconfigurable architecture.  

[SOFTWARE SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES] Formal methods and programming
languages, Internet computing, Image processing and computer vision,
Agent technologies, Operating systems, Software tools and
environments, Parallelizing compilers, Web services, Component-based
and OO Technology, Simulation and Visualization.

[ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS] Parallel/distributed algorithms, Task
mapping and job scheduling, Distributed data and knowledge based
systems, Image processing and computer graphics, High-performance
scientific computing, Reconfigurable high-performance computing,
Resource allocation and management, Network routing and communication
algorithms, Bioinformatics, Database applications and data mining,
Intelligent computing and neural networks.

[SECURITY AND PRIVACY] Access control and authorization,
Authentication/biometrics/smartcards, Distributed systems security,
Mobile code and mobile agent security, RFID applications, Privacy
preserving computation, Applied cryptography, Database security,
Intrusion detection and survivability, P2P & ad hoc networks, Cloud
security, Security protocols.

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and
experience are solicited. Papers will be selected based on their
originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of
presentation. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the
conference proceedings. Papers must be written in English and
submitted electronically as a PDF/Word file at Submissions should be made in IEEE
conference proceedings format (template available at
exceed 6 pages in length. Conference proceedings is planned to be
published by IEEE Computer Society. Extended versions of selected
papers will be published in special issues of reputable international

Honorary Chair: Sartaj Sahni / General Chair: Hong Shen / Program
Chairs: Kazuo Iwama, Francis Lau / Program Co-chairs: Ahmed Al-Dubai,
Vipin Chaudhary, Shanika Karunasekera, Graham Kirby, Heon Young Yeom,
Bing Bing Zhou / Organizing Chairs: Francis Lau, Amy Wang / Organizing
Co-chairs: Xiaowen Chu, Patrick Lee, Wei Lou, Cong Wang

Organized by Department of Computer Science, The University of Hong

AMD and Mentor Graphics® to Accelerate Open-Source Linux Development for Embedded Systems

Special Linux Issue
AMD and Mentor Graphics® to Accelerate Open-Source Linux Development for Embedded Systems
- +
AgreementOn April 4, 2014, AMD announced a multi-year agreement with Mentor Graphics Corporation to expand availability of open-source embedded Linux development for heterogeneous and multi-core processors from AMD. Dedicated to providing embedded developers with a more manageable and focused open source framework, the agreement will provide embedded developers with more supported processor options, robust development tools, and greater speed in open platform development.
Read the press release

Webinar: Enabling Linux Development on AMD G-Series and R-Series Embedded Processors
- +
Webinar SlideIn this webinar we introduce you to the Mentor® Embedded Linux runtime and build infrastructure based on technology from The Yocto Project™ in conjunction with the Sourcery CodeBench IDE, and Sourcery Analyzer and show you how these tools accelerate your development on AMD G-Series and R-Series APUs.
Watch The Webinar

July Partner Focus: Mentor Embedded
- +
Mentor Graphics LogoMentor Embedded and AMD have joined forces to announce several embedded products for the AMD G-Series and R-Series family of processors: Mentor Embedded Linux and Sourcery CodeBench IDE tools. To complement the offer, free versions of the Mentor Embedded Linux-Lite and Sourcery CodeBench Lite are available for customers to download.
Download Software

Upcoming Events
- +

Java 8 Webinar, OpenGL Techniques for High Performance

Java 8 Webinar You’re Invited! What’s coming with Java 8?
Join us for a Webinar on August 20 with one of our key partners, Develop Intelligence. We will look at how the new and updated features of Java 8 can positively impact your day-to-day development efforts. This is an opportunity to hear about upcoming features like Lambda Expressions, Java Date-Time Packages, and IO and NIO. Learn more by registering for the Webinar here.
OpenGL OpenGL Techniques to Deliver High Performance
OpenGL is an important vehicle with which to expose new and exciting features of modern GPUs. Through the use of its advanced techniques, it can deliver extremely high performance. The features discussed in this blog post from Graham Sellers, and many more like them, are available right now. Graham is the architect for AMD OpenGL drivers and the author of several OpenGL books. Learn more.
Bolt Bolt v1.2 GA Now Available 
The latest update to the Bolt template library, v1.2, is now available. Learn about the latest features, including C++ AMP, OpenCL, MultiCore and serial path for all routines plus much more, and download it here. The source to Bolt is now available on GitHub, the open source social programming platform.
AMDKFD Driver - HSA in Open Source for Radeon AMDKFD Driver Evolving For Open-Source HSA On Linux
In this Phoronix article, Michael Larabel takes a look at the recently published AMD open-source Linux HSA Kernel driver, now known as the "AMDKFD." This patch-set for the Linux kernel finally implements HSA in open-source for Radeon-family GPUs. Read the full article here.

Heterogeneous Computing for Vision Processing Product Demo of Heterogeneous Computing for Vision Processing
Check out this video demo from the 2014 Embedded Vision Alliance Summit where AMD’s Dr. Harris Gasparakis discusses OpenCV and demonstrates gesture control and Heterogeneous Computing for Vision Processing.
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Education and Events

Monday, 28 July 2014

IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing (BDC) 2014

Call for Papers

IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing (BDC) 2014 
December 8-11, 2014, London, UK 

In conjunction with:
7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014)
Sponsored by: IEEE Computer Society and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)

Rapid advances in digital sensors, networks, storage, and computation along 
with their availability at low cost is leading to the creation of huge 
collections of data -- dubbed as Big Data. This data has the potential for 
enabling new insights that can change the way business, science, and 
governments deliver services to their consumers and can impact society as a 
whole. This has led to the emergence of the Big Data Computing paradigm 
focusing on sensing, collection, storage, management and analysis of data from 
variety of sources to enable new value and insights. 

To realize the full potential of Big Data Computing, we need to address 
several challenges and develop suitable conceptual and technological solutions 
for dealing them. These include life-cycle management of data, large-scale 
storage, flexible processing infrastructure, data modelling, scalable machine 
learning and data analysis algorithms, techniques for sampling and making 
trade-off between data processing time and accuracy, and dealing with privacy 
and ethical issues involved in data sensing, storage, processing, and actions.

The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Big Data Computing (BDC) 2014 -- held 
in conjunction with 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud 
Computing (UCC 2014), December 8-11, 2014, London, UK, aims at bringing 
together international researchers, developers, policy makers, and users and 
to provide an international forum to present leading research activities, 
technical solutions, and results on a broad range of topics related to Big 
Data Computing paradigms, platforms and their applications. The conference 
features keynotes, technical presentations, posters, workshops, tutorials, as 
well as competitions featuring live demonstrations.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
I. Big Data Science
* Analytics
* Algorithms for Big Data
* Energy-efficient Algorithms
* Big Data Search
* Big Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
* Visualization of Big Data 

II. Big Data Infrastructures and Platforms 
* Programming Systems
* Cyber-Infrastructure
* Performance evaluation 
* Fault tolerance and reliability 
* I/O and Data management 
* Storage Systems (including file systems, NoSQL, and RDBMS)
* Resource management 
* Many-Task Computing 
* Many-core computing and accelerators

III. Big Data Security and Policy 
* Management Policies 
* Data Privacy
* Data Security 
* Big Data Archival and Preservation
* Big Data Provenance

IV. Big Data Applications 
* Scientific application cases studies on Cloud infrastructure
* Big Data Applications at Scale
* Experience Papers with Big Data Application Deployments
* Data streaming applications
* Big Data in Social Networks
* Healthcare Applications
* Enterprise Applications

* Papers Due:                   September 15th, 2014
* Notification of Acceptance:   October 15th, 2014
* Camera Ready Papers Due:      October 31st, 2014

Authors are invited to submit papers electronically. Submitted manuscripts 
should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed 10 letter size 
(8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and references using the IEEE format 
for conference proceedings (print area of 6-1/2 inches (16.51 cm) wide by 8-7/8 
inches (22.51 cm) high, two-column format with columns 3-1/16 inches (7.85 cm) 
wide with a 3/8 inch (0.81 cm) space between them, single-spaced 10-point Times 
fully justified text). Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be 
returned without review. Authors should submit the manuscript in PDF format and 
make sure that the file will print on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11) 
paper. The official language of the meeting is English. All manuscripts will be 
reviewed and will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, 
significance, quality of presentation, and interest and relevance to the 
conference attendees. Papers conforming to the above guidelines can be 
submitted through the BDC 2014 paper submission system 

Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not 
currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not 
following these guidelines will be rejected without review and further action 
may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads 
of the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference. Submissions 
received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately 
structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the conference PC 
Chair for more information. The proceedings will be published through the IEEE 
Computer Society Press, USA and will be made online through the IEEE Digital 
Library. Selected papers from BDC 2014 will be invited to extend and submit to 
the Special Issue on Many-Task Computing in the Cloud in the IEEE Transaction 
on Cloud Computing (

General Co-Chairs:
* Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
* Divyakant Agrawal, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

Program Co-Chairs:
* Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology and Argonne National Lab., USA
* Manish Parashar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

Area Track Co-Chairs:
* Big Data Science
  o TBA
* Data Infrastructures and Platforms
  o Amy Apon, Clemson University, USA
  o Jiannong Cao, Honk Kong Polytechnic University
* Big Data Security and Policy
  o Bogdan Carbunar, Florida International University
* Big Data Applications
  o Dennis Gannon, Microsoft Research, USA

Cyber Chair
* Amir Vahid, University of Melbourne, Australia

Publicity Chairs
* Carlos Westphall, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
* Ching-Hsien Hsu, Chung Hua Univ., Taiwan & Tianjin Univ. of Technology, China 
* Rong Ge, Marquette University, USA

Organizing Chair:
* Ashiq Anjum, University of Derby, UK

Ioan Raicu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
Guest Research Faculty, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
Data-Intensive Distributed Systems Laboratory, CS/IIT
Distributed Systems Laboratory, MCS/ANL
Editor: IEEE TCC, Springer Cluster, Springer JoCCASA
Chair:  IEEE/ACM MTAGS, ACM ScienceCloud
Cel:      1-847-722-0876
Office:   1-312-567-5704