Workshop on accelerator programming using directives (WACCPD14)
Website: WACCPD14
Monday November 17th, 2014
In conjunction with SC14: The International Conference for High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Nov 16-21, 2014
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
This workshop brings together leading researchers and software designers
at the forefront of the application of high-level directives to program
accelerator-based architectures. Using directives improve productivity,
and program portability with minimal changes to the applications while
achieving good power-efficiency and performance. HPC researchers and
programmers (including Energy, Climate, Oil & Gas, Computational
Chemistry, and Machine Learning) wishing to tap into the performance
benefits of commodity accelerators are starting to use directives to
program accelerators including OpenACC, OpenMP and other similar
programming interfaces vigorously to tap into commodity accelerators and
speed up applications.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together users, vendors, and tools
providers to share their knowledge and experiences to program
heterogeneous systems using directive-based programming interfaces such as
OpenACC, OpenMP, etc to achieve good performance. This year's workshop
will also emphasize in the future direction of accelerator programming
using directives and how we can address better the user and
tools-ecosystem needs. Although, this is a workshop for accelerator
programming using directives, we welcome ideas used for other
languages/APIs that may be used to interoperate with directives, used to
translate the directives, or target the directives.
Submission topics
Topics of interest for workshop submissions include (but are not limited
*Application experiences in any scientific domain using directives
*Compiler and runtime implementations of accelerator directives
*Extensions to and shortcomings of current accelerator directives APIs
*Experiences with hybrid heterogeneous or many-core programming using
accelerator directives and other models (i.e. MPI, OpenSHMEM)
*Interoperability of Scientific libraries with accelerator directives
*Implementation experiences of accelerator directives on new architectures
*Performance evaluation and studies
*Extending the HPC tool chain (such as profiling, debugging, etc) to
support directives
*Modeling and performance analysis tools
*Auto-tuning or optimization strategies
*Benchmarks and validation suites
Papers Submission Guidelines:
Papers should present original research and should provide sufficient
background material to make them accessible to the broader community.
Format: Submissions are limited to 10 pages in the IEEE format see conferences_events/ conferences/publishing/ templates.htm
The 10-page limit includes figures, tables, and appendices, but does
not include references, for which there is no page limit.
Submissions can be made through EasyChair: conferences/?conf=waccpd14
Proceedings will be published by ACM, and will be available to SIGHPC
members through the ACM Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers and
posters will be required to sign the ACM copyright form. Instructions for
preparing papers for the proceedings will be emailed to authors of
accepted papers.
Program Chair and Co-Chairs
Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Houston
Fernanda Foertter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oscar Hernandez, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Steering Committee:
Barbara Chapman (University of Houston, cOMPunity)
Satoshi Matsuoka (Titech)
Duncan Poole (OpenACC)
Thomas Schulthess (CSCS)
Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Program Committee
Pavan Balaji (Argonne National Laboratory)
Richard Barrett (Sandia National Laboratory)
David Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
James Beyer (Cray Inc)
Henri Calandra (Total)
Stéphane Chauveau(CAPS)
Romain Dolbeau (CAPS)
Markus Eisenbach (ORNL)
Mark Govett (NOAA)
Jeff Hammond (Intel Labs)
Si Hammond (Sandia National Laboratory)
Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratory)
Henry Jin (NASA-Ames)
Wayne Joubert (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Guido Juckeland (TU Dresden)
Christos Kartsaklis (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
John Mellor-Crummey (Rice University)
Jeff Larkin (NVIDIA)
Seyong Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Chunhua Liao (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Carl Ponder (NVIDIA)
Will Sawyer (CSCS)
Sameer Shende (University of Oregon)
Ray Sheppard (Indiana University)
Thomas Schwinge (Mentor Graphics)
Michael Wolfe (NVIDIA/PGI)
Important Deadlines:
Submission deadline: August 22nd, 2014 (Midnight 12:00 Pacific TimeZone Extended Deadline Aug 29thth, 2014
Author notification: September 22nd, 2014
Panel Session
A panel session dedicated to discussion of current open problems,
drawbacks and future evolutions of high-level directive approaches. A
roadmap for accelerator directives will also be discussed.
Best Paper Award
The papers will be peer-reviewed where invited submissions will be
candidates for a best paper award. Criterion for selection will be based
on originality, scientific impact, utility, and quality of presentation.
Monday November 17th, 2014
In conjunction with SC14: The International Conference for High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis
Nov 16-21, 2014
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
This workshop brings together leading researchers and software designers
at the forefront of the application of high-level directives to program
accelerator-based architectures. Using directives improve productivity,
and program portability with minimal changes to the applications while
achieving good power-efficiency and performance. HPC researchers and
programmers (including Energy, Climate, Oil & Gas, Computational
Chemistry, and Machine Learning) wishing to tap into the performance
benefits of commodity accelerators are starting to use directives to
program accelerators including OpenACC, OpenMP and other similar
programming interfaces vigorously to tap into commodity accelerators and
speed up applications.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together users, vendors, and tools
providers to share their knowledge and experiences to program
heterogeneous systems using directive-based programming interfaces such as
OpenACC, OpenMP, etc to achieve good performance. This year's workshop
will also emphasize in the future direction of accelerator programming
using directives and how we can address better the user and
tools-ecosystem needs. Although, this is a workshop for accelerator
programming using directives, we welcome ideas used for other
languages/APIs that may be used to interoperate with directives, used to
translate the directives, or target the directives.
Submission topics
Topics of interest for workshop submissions include (but are not limited
*Application experiences in any scientific domain using directives
*Compiler and runtime implementations of accelerator directives
*Extensions to and shortcomings of current accelerator directives APIs
*Experiences with hybrid heterogeneous or many-core programming using
accelerator directives and other models (i.e. MPI, OpenSHMEM)
*Interoperability of Scientific libraries with accelerator directives
*Implementation experiences of accelerator directives on new architectures
*Performance evaluation and studies
*Extending the HPC tool chain (such as profiling, debugging, etc) to
support directives
*Modeling and performance analysis tools
*Auto-tuning or optimization strategies
*Benchmarks and validation suites
Papers Submission Guidelines:
Papers should present original research and should provide sufficient
background material to make them accessible to the broader community.
Format: Submissions are limited to 10 pages in the IEEE format see
The 10-page limit includes figures, tables, and appendices, but does
not include references, for which there is no page limit.
Submissions can be made through EasyChair:
Proceedings will be published by ACM, and will be available to SIGHPC
members through the ACM Digital Library. Authors of accepted papers and
posters will be required to sign the ACM copyright form. Instructions for
preparing papers for the proceedings will be emailed to authors of
accepted papers.
Program Chair and Co-Chairs
Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Houston
Fernanda Foertter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oscar Hernandez, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Steering Committee:
Barbara Chapman (University of Houston, cOMPunity)
Satoshi Matsuoka (Titech)
Duncan Poole (OpenACC)
Thomas Schulthess (CSCS)
Jeffrey Vetter (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Program Committee
Pavan Balaji (Argonne National Laboratory)
Richard Barrett (Sandia National Laboratory)
David Bernholdt (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
James Beyer (Cray Inc)
Henri Calandra (Total)
Stéphane Chauveau(CAPS)
Romain Dolbeau (CAPS)
Markus Eisenbach (ORNL)
Mark Govett (NOAA)
Jeff Hammond (Intel Labs)
Si Hammond (Sandia National Laboratory)
Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratory)
Henry Jin (NASA-Ames)
Wayne Joubert (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Guido Juckeland (TU Dresden)
Christos Kartsaklis (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
John Mellor-Crummey (Rice University)
Jeff Larkin (NVIDIA)
Seyong Lee (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Chunhua Liao (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Carl Ponder (NVIDIA)
Will Sawyer (CSCS)
Sameer Shende (University of Oregon)
Ray Sheppard (Indiana University)
Thomas Schwinge (Mentor Graphics)
Michael Wolfe (NVIDIA/PGI)
Xinmin Tian (Intel)
Important Deadlines:
Panel Session
A panel session dedicated to discussion of current open problems,
drawbacks and future evolutions of high-level directive approaches. A
roadmap for accelerator directives will also be discussed.
Best Paper Award
The papers will be peer-reviewed where invited submissions will be
candidates for a best paper award. Criterion for selection will be based
on originality, scientific impact, utility, and quality of presentation.