Saturday, 25 April 2015

(CFP) P2S2 with special issue on Journal of Supercomputing


The Eighth International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems
Software for High-end Computing (P2S2)

September 1st 2015, Beijing, China.

To be held in conjunction with ICPP 2015: The 44th International Conference on
Parallel Processing.


The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners
in parallel programming models and systems software for high-end computing
systems. Please join us in a discussion of new ideas, experiences, and the
latest trends in these areas at the workshop.

The focus areas for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

* Systems software for high-end scientific and enterprise computing architectures
o Communication sub-subsystems for high-end computing
o High-performance file and storage systems
o Fault-tolerance techniques and implementations
o Efficient and high-performance virtualization and other management
mechanisms for high-end computing

* Programming models and their high-performance implementations
o MPI, Sockets, OpenMP, Global Arrays, X10, UPC, Chapel, Fortress and others
o Hybrid Programming Models

* Tools for Management, Maintenance, Coordination and Synchronization
o Software for Enterprise Data-centers using Modern Architectures
o Job scheduling libraries
o Management libraries for large-scale system
o Toolkits for process and task coordination on modern platforms

* Performance evaluation, analysis and modeling of emerging computing platforms

Proceedings of this workshop will be published in CD format and will be
available at the conference (together with the ICPP conference proceedings).
The accepted papers will be included in and indexed by the IEEE CS digital

Submissions should be in PDF format in U.S. Letter size paper. They should not
exceed 10 pages (all inclusive). Submissions will be judged based on
relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity. Please visit
workshop website at:

for the submission link.

Paper Submission: April 30th, 2015(Extended Deadline)
Author Notification: June 1st, 2015
Camera Ready: June 15th, 2015
Workshop Date: September 1st, 2015

The P2S2-2015 workshop papers will be invited to extend the manuscripts to be considered for a
Special Issue on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing of the Journal
of Supercomputing, edited by Yong Chen, Pavan Balaji, and Abhinav Vishnu.
Submission to this special issue is by invitation only and the
submission deadline is tentatively set as Nov, 2015.

* Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
* Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
* Abhinav Vishnu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

* Jialin Liu, Texas Tech University

* William D. Gropp, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
* Vijay Saraswat, IBM Research

*Ahmad Afsahi, Queen's University
*Patrick Bridges, University of New Mexico
*Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories
*Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
*Daniel Chavarría, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
*Zhihui Du, Tsinghua University, China
*Zhiyi Huang, University of Otago
*Christos Kartsaklis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
*Zhiling Lan, Illinois Institute of Technology
*Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories
*Xiaoyi Lu, The Ohio State University
*Yin Lu, Texas Tech University
*Huiwei Lu, Argonne National Laboratory
*Miao Luo, The Ohio State University
*Rui Mao, Shenzhen University
*Chao Mei, Google
*Scott Pakin, Los Alamos National Laboratories
*Xuanhua Shi, Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech., China
*Bronis de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
*Guangming Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
*Lucas Wilson, Texas Advanced Computing Center
*Yonghong Yan, Oakland University
*Yunquan Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
*Ziliang Zong, Texas State University

If you have any questions, please contact us at p2s2-chairs<>

Best Regards,
Jialin Liu, Ph.D.
Computer Science Department
Texas Tech University
Phone: 806.742.3513(x241)
Office:Engineer Center 304

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Call for Papers- PELGA'15 : Workshop on Performance Engineering for Larg-scale Graph Analytics (with EuroPar'15)

              CALL FOR PAPERS
      PELGA: Performance Engineering for Large Scale Graph Analytics

                   held in conjunction with EuroPar'15
                    August 25, 2015 - Vienna, Austria

*** Important Dates
Submission Deadline: May 15, 2015, AoE
Author Notification: June 15, 2015
Workshop paper (for informal workshop proceedings): July 15, 2015
Workshop camera-ready papers due: September 25, 2015

Graph analytics is becoming a significant consumer of computing
resources as the graphs grow in size (social networking, advanced
marketing, life sciences, health and bioinformatics services, academic
networks) and the analysis tasks grow increasingly complex. To enable
existing algorithms to fit modern architectures and scale with these new requirements, there is a growing need for performance engineering.
PELGA’15 is a venue for specialists from both industry and academia to
discuss the state of the art of graph processing systems, with a special focus on performance. Contributions focusing on graph-centric
performance engineering tools and methods, workload characterization,
and performance modeling are especially welcome. We also invite
contributions covering surveys, performance studies, comparative
analyses, new algorithms and new graph processing systems. This broad
mix of ideas will stir discussion and lead to new collaborations and new ideas.

We invite mature papers (regular, 12-pages long, LNCS format), work-in-progress and experience papers (short, 6-pages long, LNCS format), and position papers (also short, 6-pages long, LNCS format). All papers will be peer-reviewed and published in the workshop informal proceedings (available during the conference). The camera-ready versions of the papers will be published by Springer in a common EuroPar Workshop Proceedings volume, *after the conference*.

We are happy to introduce our *Program Committee*, who will work hard to review your submissions and build a balanced program for PELGA’15:

Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Amsterdam
Arnau Prat-Perez, UPC, Spain
Claudio Martella, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hannes Muhleisen, CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hassan Chafi, Oracle Labs, USA
Jan Hidders, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Josep Lluis Larriba Pey, UPC, Spain
Matei Ripeanu, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Mihai Capota, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Ted Willke, Intel, USA

For more details and our suggested list of topics and the submission
procedure please visit our website:

We are looking forward to your submissions!

With best regards,
on behalf of the program committee,
Ana Lucia Varbanescu

PS> For any additional information, please contact Ana Lucia Varbanescu at

CFP: IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2015 -- Paper submission 26 April 2015

The 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining
Paris, France, August 25-28, 2015

Paper submission (extended deadline)  April 26, 2015 (Sunday) 11:59 PM American Samoa Zone (UTC-11) (final and firm)

The study of social networks originated in social and business communities. In recent years, social network research has advanced significantly; the development of sophisticated techniques for Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) has been highly influenced by the online social Web sites, email logs, phone logs and instant messaging systems, which are widely analyzed using graph theory and machine learning techniques. People perceive the Web increasingly as a social medium that fosters interaction among people, sharing of experiences and knowledge, group activities, community formation and evolution. This has led to a rising prominence of SNAM in academia, politics, homeland security and business. This follows the pattern of known entities of our society that have evolved into networks in which actors are increasingly dependent on their structural embedding.
The international conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2015) will primarily provide an interdisciplinary venue that will bring together practitioners and researchers from a variety of SNAM fields to promote collaborations and exchange of ideas and practices. ASONAM 2015 is intended to address important aspects with a specific focus on the emerging trends and industry needs associated with social networking analysis and mining. The conference solicits experimental and theoretical works on social network analysis and mining along with their application to real life situations.
Papers will be reviewed and assessed by the program committee and a "Best Paper Award" ceremony will be organized at the banquet.

Keynote speakers:
1. Sinan Aral, MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
2. Ricardo Baeza-Yates, University of Chile, Chile and Yahoo! Research labs at Barcelona, Spain
3. Vincent Blondel, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
4. Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University School of Communication, USA
5. Jaideep Srivastava, University of Minnesota, USA and Qatar Foundation, Qatar

Key Dates
Paper submission deadline  April 26, 2015 (Sunday) 11:59 PM American Samoa Zone (UTC-11)
Notification of acceptance   June 19, 2015 (Friday)
Camera-ready papers due   July 3, 2015 (Friday)
Conference events    August 25-28, 2015

All types of submissions are welcome, including full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, posters, demos.

You may consider one of the following options for your submissions:

Main Research Papers Track: For more information visit:

Industrial Track: For more information visit:

PhD Forum and Posters Track: For more information visit:

Multidisciplinary Track: For more information visit:

Exhibitions and Demos Track: For more information visit:

Tutorials: For more information visit:

FOSINT-SI 2015: The 2015 International Symposium on Foundations of Open Source Intelligence and Security Informatics; Paris, France, August 26-27, 2015. For more information visit:


HI-BI-BI 2015: The 2015 International Symposium on Network Enabled Health Informatics, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics,  Paris, France, August 26-27, 2015. For more information visit:

FAB 2015: The 2015 International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Big Data Analytics, Paris, France, August 27-28, 2015. For more information visit:

All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings which will be included in the digital libraries of both sponsors: ACM and IEEE Computer Society.

Following the trend from previous years, extended versions of accepted papers from ASONAM 2015 will be invited for publication in one of the following prestigious venues by Springer:

1. Social Networks Analysis and Mining Journal

2. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics Journal

3. Edited book in the Lecture Notes in Social Networks Series

New CFP: 5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2015)

*** New Call for Papers ***
5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics

WIMS 2015

July 13-15, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus 

*** New Submission Deadline: 16th May 2015 ***
(Due to continuous submissions and many requests for additional time
we have given a further extension to the submission deadline.

Furthermore, this updated call includes new information about financial
assistance to students, a special issue in a reputable journal with
the best papers accepted at the conference, and invited speakers.)

Conference Purpose and Scope

WIMS is a series of peer-reviewed International Computer Science
conferences. It is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their
state-of-the-art results in building Intelligent Web, to examine performance
characteristics of various approaches in Web-based intelligent information
technology, and to cross-fertilize their ideas on the development of Web
-based intelligent information management solutions across different

The purpose of the WIMS series is to:

* Provide a forum for established researchers and practitioners to present
their contributions to the state of the art research and development in Web
technology and applications.

* Give doctoral students an opportunity to present their research to a friendly
and knowledgeable audience and receive valuable feedback.

* Provide an informal social event where Web technology researchers and
practitioners can meet.

WIMS traditionally hosts a small number of short tutorials on the topics
related to the scope of the conference series. The role of a WIMS tutorial is to
be a theme-oriented comprehensive survey. The call for WIMS 2015 tutorials
is published separately.

WIMS also offers its infrastructure and facilities for the organizers of satellite
workshops that complement the scope of the conference. The call for WIMS
2015 workshops is also published separately.

Companies or individuals interested in presenting their industrial products or
methodologies are invited to contact the conference chairs.

Keynote Speakers
* Dr. Diana Mayfield, University of Sheffield, UK
"What you Tweet is What You Get: challenges and opportunities for social media
analysis in industry".

* Professor Nikolay Mehandjiev, University of Manchester, UK
"Understanding the Tribal Web".

Best Papers
Selection of the best papers from the conference will be recommended for
publication at the Elsevier Journal of Web Semantics,
Financial AssistanceWIMS 2015 is offering up to $4000 as financial assistance for students whose
papers are accepted at the conference. 

Conference Scope
WIMS solicits regular and work-in-progress research, discussion papers and
industry experience report papers in related fields. Papers exploring new
directions or areas are also welcome. In particular but not exclusively the
submissions within the following areas are relevant:

* Scalable Web and Data Architectures and Infrastructures- Crawling, caching and querying Linked (Semantic) Data
- Dataset dynamics and synchronization
- Big Data computing
- User Interfaces and visualization for the Web of (Linked Semantic)
Data at scale
- Indexing and information extraction from the (Semantic) Deep Web
- 3D media and content
- Sensing Web and the Web of Things
- Web-based Health- and Bio- Information Systems
- Web security, integrity, privacy, and trust
- Nature-inspired models and approaches in Web and data processing

* Web Intelligence (WI)- Semantic Agent Systems for WI
- Advanced Interaction and Communication Paradigms with WI
- Natural Language / Ontology-/Taxonomy-based / Hybrid Interfaces
- Intelligence for Visualizing (Linked Semantic) Web Data at scale
- Intelligence for Big Data Analytics
- Ubiquitous Intelligence and the Internet of Things
- WI in Social Media
- WI in Human Computation and Social Games
- Opinion Mining / Sentiment Analysis on the Social Web
- Social Monetization and Computational Advertising
- Visualising social network data
- WI for services, grids, and middleware
- Nature-inspired Models and approaches for WI

* Web Mining, Information and Knowledge Extraction- Text, data stream, web and multimedia content mining
- Contextualization and clustering in web mining and information extraction
- Knowledge extraction and ontology learning from the Web
- Linked Data mining
- Information Extraction and Knowledge Discovery from Big Data
- Mining and Information Extraction from the Deep Web
- Semantic Deep Web data fusion

* Web Semantics and Reasoning- Knowledge Representation for the Web
- Ontology specification: expressivity versus usability
- Ontologies and Linked Semantic Data
- Development and re-use of ontologies for the Web
- Crowdsourcing for ontology engineering and management on the Social
- Lifecycle, management, and evolution of Web ontologies
- Ontology merging and alignment
- Rule markup languages and systems
- Semantic annotation
- Reasoning: scalability, expressivity, incompleteness, vagueness, and/or

* WIMS Applications- Web applications of semantic agent systems
- Semantics-driven information retrieval
- Semantic search
- Intelligent e-Technology and the Semantic Web
- Intelligence and semantics for business information management and
- Intelligence and semantic technologies in Digital Media
- Semantic technologies in e-Business, e-Commerce, e-Finance, e-Health,
e-Science, e-Government, e-Learning
- WI for multimedia, sensors, and situational awareness
- WI for software and systems engineering
- Quality of Life Technology for Web Access
- Nature-inspired models and approaches in WIMS applications

* Evaluation and Validation of WIMS Technologies and Applications- Evaluation and validation Methodologies
- Datasets and Benchmarks for cross-evaluations and competitions
- Evaluation and validation Infrastructures
- Evaluation and validation metrics (e.g. fitness, quality, completeness,
correctness, etc.)

Submission Guidelines
Four types of submissions are solicited for the main conference:
i. Regular research papers
ii. Short research papers
iii. Case Studies and Applications papers
iv. Posters

The papers in all the categories should describe original results that have not
been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be
evaluated by at least three members of the international program committee.

Regular Research Papers
The papers in this category are the reports on accomplished research work or
in-depth discussions and analysis of a certain problem. The first type of
papers can present a novel method, technique or analysis with appropriate
empirical or other type of evaluation as a proof of validity. The main
evaluation criteria for this category are originality, technical soundness, and
the soundness of evaluation. For the second type within the genre we expect
receiving reasonable overviews placing a problem onto the state-of-the-art
landscape and analyzing how far current solutions fall short. We also expect
in-depth discussions and analysis of a certain problem, with clear definitions
and argumentation in terms of qualitative or quantitative representation of
the main characteristics of the problem.

Page limit: 12 ACM pages

Short Research Papers
The papers in this category are the short reports of the preliminary results or
describing the work in progress. The main evaluation criteria for this category
are originality, technical correctness, and possible value of the planned
results in a short to mid-term perspective.

Short papers can be also presented in a form of a poster.

Page limit: 6 ACM pages

Case Studies and Applications Papers
The papers in this category describe case studies of deployed applications,
lessons learnt, and examples of measurable benefits. This category also
includes papers that reports innovative applications of WIMS in areas of
industry and government, as well as industrial experience and
demonstrations of innovative systems.

Page limit: 12 ACM pages


WIMS poster track is a venue for late-breaking results, ongoing research
activities, and speculative or innovative work in progress. This track is
intended to provide authors and participants with the ability to connect with
each other and to engage in discussions about the work. Posters provide
authors with a unique opportunity to draw attention to their work during the

Page limit: 4 ACM pages

Submissions should be made electronically in PDF or DOC/DOCX (MS/Open
Word) format via the electronic submission system of the WIMS2015
Conference Management system at:


Accepted papers/tutorials/posters will be published by ACM and
disseminated through the ACM Digital Library through the International
Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Important Dates

16.05.2015 Submission of papers/posters (new submission deadline)

06.06.2015 Notification of acceptance for papers/posters (new date)

13.06.2015 Camera ready versions of the accepted papers and posters (new date)

16.06.2015 Author registration deadline (new date)

13-15.07.2015 Conference

All the above deadlines are 23:59 Hawaii Time.

WIMS Conferences Chair
Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute, Norway

General Chair
Marios D. Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Achilleas P. Achilleos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Tope Omitola, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Advisory Committee
Grigoris Antoniou, University of Huddersfield, UK
Harold Boley, Faculty of Computer Science,
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
James Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
Guus Schreiber, VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amit Sheth, Ohio Center of Excellence on Knowledge-enabled Computing, Ohio, USA

Industrial Track Chair
John Davies, BT Research & Innovation, UK

Publicity Chair
Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Local Organization Chair
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Web Chair
Kyriakos Georgiadis, EasyConferences LTD, Cyprus

The proceedings of the previous WIMS conferences are available at:
- WIMS2011:
- WIMS?2012:
- WIMS?2013:
- WIMS?2014:

Look for updates and more details at:

IEEE PRDC 2015 CFP with SCI&EI indexed Special Issues, Zhangjiajie, China, November 18-20, 2015

Call for Papers for the 21st IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on 
Dependable Computing (PRDC 2015)

Highlight 1: 

Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in several SCI & EI indexed special issues (confirmed):
(1) Information Sciences - Elsevier (SCI&EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.893)
(2) Future Generation Computer Systems - Elsevier (SCI&EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.639)
(3) Mobile Information Systems - Hindawi (SCI&EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 1.789)
(4) Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience - Wiley (SCI&EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 0.784)
(5) IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems (SCI&EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 0.191)
(6) International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) - INDERSCIENCE (EI Indexed)
(7) International Journal of Embedded Systems (IJES) - INDERSCIENCE (EI Indexed)
(8) International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN) - INDERSCIENCE (EI Indexed)

Hightlight 2:

Panel Discussion: Training Innovative Talents with Cooperation of Industry, Academics and Research. We will invite
professors, professionals, practioners, entrepreneurs and govenment leaders to discuss this hot topic.

Hosted by:
Trusted Computing Institute, Central South University, China

Sponsored by:
IEEE Computer Society, TC on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (TCFT)

In Cooperation with:
IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)

Venue & Dates:
Zhangjiajie, China, November 18-20, 2015

Conference Website:

Co-Located Conference:
The 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015)


IEEE PRDC 2015 is the twenty-first event in the series of symposia started in 1989 that are devoted to dependable and fault-tolerant computing. PRDC is recognized as the main event in the Pacific area that covers many dimensions of dependability and fault tolerance, encompassing fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and commercial components and systems. As applications of computing systems have permeated into all aspects of daily life, the dependability of computing systems has become increasingly critical. This symposium provides a forum for countries around the Pacific Rim and other areas of the world to exchange ideas for improving the dependability of computing systems. 

Topics of interest include (but not limited to):

(1) Software and hardware reliability, testing, verification, and validation
(2) Dependability measurement, modeling, evaluation, and tools
(3) Self-healing, self-protecting, and fault-tolerant systems
(4) Software aging and rejuvenation
(5) Safety-critical systems and software
(6) Architecture and system design for dependability
(7) Fault-tolerant algorithms and protocols
(8) Reliability in cloud computing, Internet, and web systems and applications
(9) Cloud and Internet Information security
(10) Dependability issues in computer networks and communications
(11) Dependability issues in distributed and parallel systems
(12) Dependability issues in real-time systems, database, and transaction processing systems
(13) Dependability issues in autonomic computing
(14) Dependability issues in aerospace and embedded systems
(15) Dependability issues in cyber-physical systems
(16) Dependability issues in socio-technical systems 

Submission and Publication Information

Manuscripts should be submitted in the following categories: Regular Papers and Practical Experience Reports. Regular Papers should describe original research (not submitted or published elsewhere) and be not more than 10 pages using IEEE format guidelines or 20 pages double-spaced ( Practical Experience Reports (max 6 pages using IEEE format guidelines or 12 pages double-spaced) should describe an experience or a case study, such as the design and deployment of a system or actual failure and recovery field data. The title page should include a 150-word abstract, five keywords, authors' names and affiliations, and a line specifying whether the submission is a Regular Paper or a Practical Experience Report. The full mailing address, phone, fax, and email address of the corresponding author should be specified.

All submissions must be made electronically (in PDF format) on the submission web site ( Papers will be reviewed internationally and selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. All accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. One outstanding paper will be selected to receive the Best Paper Award. Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in several SCI & EI indexed special issues (Pending).

Important Dates
(1)  Paper Submission Deadline:  May 15, 2015
(2)  Author Notification:        July 15, 2015
(3)  Camera-ready Papers Due:    September 15, 2015
(4)  Conference Dates:           November 18-20, 2015

General Co-Chairs
Guojun Wang, Central South University, China
Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Program Co-Chairs
Dong Xiang, Tsinghua University, China
Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Osaka University, Japan 

Fast Abstract Chair
Masayuki Arai, Nihon University, Japan

Industrial Track Chair
Peter Mueller, IBM Zurich Research, Switzerland

Poster Chair
Xiangjian (Sean) He, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia 

Program Committee
Please check the conference website for detail.

Steering Committee
Yennun Huang, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Chair)
Leon Alkalai, California Institute of Technology, USA
Takashi Nanya, Canon, Japan
Nobuyasu Kanekawa, Hitachi Research Lab., Japan
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Karthik Pattabiraman, University of British Columbia, Canada
Gernot Heiser, University of New South Wales, Australia
Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Michael Lyu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Zhi Jin, Peking University, China

Publicity Co-Chairs
Scott Fowler, Linkoping University, Sweden
Md. Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Central South University, China
Hiroshi Yamada, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Kuan-Ching Li, Providence University, Taiwan

Publication Co-Chairs:
Jin Zheng, Central South University, China
Wenjun Jiang, Hunan University, China

Finance Co-Chairs:
Pin Liu, Central South University, China
Wang Yang, Central South University, China

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs:
Fang Qi, Central South University, China
Qin Liu, Hunan University, China

Zhe Tang, Central South University, China
Yinglong Dai, Central South University, China

Yuxin Ye, Central South University, China

Please email inquiries concerning IEEE PRDC 2015 to:
Prof. Guojun Wang (csgjwang AT gmail DOT com) and the conference organizers (PRDC2015 AT gmail DOT com).

Copyright @ Trusted Computing Institute, CSU

At the rear of this Call for Papers, we are also soliciting Call for Fast Abstracts,
Call for Industry Track Submissions, and Call for Posters for PRDC 2015:
Call for Fast Abstracts
Fast Abstracts are lightly-reviewed 2-page manuscripts in IEEE format describing unpublished, 
in-progress, novel work, opinions or ideas. 
Fast Abstract Deadline: July 22, 2015
Notification of Acceptance for Fast Abstracts: August 15, 2015
Call for Industry Track Submissions
The Industry Track provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and debate 
R&D challenges, practical solutions, case studies, and share field reliability data. Industry 
Track submissions should be a maximum of 6 pages using IEEE format guidelines.
Submission Deadline: July 22, 2015
Notification of Acceptance for Industry Track: August 15, 2015
Call for Posters
The Poster Session provides a forum to present and discuss works-in-progress with topics 
related to dependable systems. A poster paper should use the same format as a regular paper 
but with a maximum of 2 pages. 
Submission Deadline: August 20, 2015
Notification of Acceptance for Posters: September 7, 2015
Call for Workshop Papers in conjunction with ICA3PP 2015 (Co-Located with IEEE PRDC 2015)
(1) The Sixth International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData 2015)

(2) The Fifth International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Emerging Applications (TSP 2015)

(3) The Third International Workshop on Network Optimization and Performance Evaluation - (NOPE 2015)

(4) The Second International Symposium on Sensor-Cloud Systems (SCS 2015)

(5) The Second International Workshop on Security and Privacy Protection in Computer and Network Systems (SPPCN 2015)

(6) The First International Symposium on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2015)