Sunday, 29 November 2015

ALERT: Dec 1, 2015 Deadline for ISC2016 Workshop Proposals with Proceedings!


Are you interested in hosting a workshop at the ISC High Performance
conference? ISC is now accepting proposals for full- or half-day workshops. 

Proposals for workshops that want to disseminate their own call
for papers and implement the peer-review process should be submitted by
December 1, 2015. Proposals for "regular" workshops without call for
papers should be submitted by February 15, 2016. 


* Pre-submission Deadline Tuesday, December 1, 2015, 11:59pm AoE
* Pre-submission Notification Tuesday, December 15, 2015
* Final Submission Deadline Monday, February 15, 2016, 11:59pm AoE
* Final Notification Tuesday, March 15, 2016
* Workshop Day Thursday, June 23, 2016

Workshop proposals can be submitted now via the ISC 2016 Linklings
conference system at:

Proposals need to be uploaded as a single PDF file.

The Workshops Committee will peer review all workshop proposals
submitted, select the workshops and allocate their time slots. Note that
the Workshops Committee will also make early acceptance decisions for
workshops submitted to the pre-submission deadline. This will give
workshop organizers more time to promote and prepare their workshops. We
strongly encourage workshop organizers to submit their proposal as early
as possible so that there is enough time to organize the workshop
program before the conference.




Michela Taufer
David and Beverly J.C. Mills Career Development Chair
Computer and Information Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
University of Delaware
101 Smith Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Phone: (302) 831 0071 
Fax: (302) 831 8458

Global Computing Lab:

Active Projects and SW Repository:

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IEEE ISCC 2016, Messina, Italy Submission Deadline 21 Jan 2016

[Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

*** Call for Papers ***

The 21th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2016)

27-30 June 2016, University of Messina, Messina, Italy

*** Submission Deadline: January 21th, 2016 ***

ISCC 2016, in its 21st year, will provide an insight into the unique world stemming
from the interaction between the fields of computers and communications. ISCC 2016 
will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia 
to exchange ideas and present results of on-going research in most state-of-the-art 
areas of computers and communications. This year, special focus will be on the 
challenging issues related to all the opportunities of computing, sensing and 
communication in the era of the integration of Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, 
and Big Data. You are invited to submit a full paper, a proposal for a panel/invited 
session, or a tutorial, related to the following indicative topics of interest.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

* 5th Generation Networks
* Access Networks
* Advances in Internet Protocols
* Artificial Intelligent Systems applications in Computers and Communications
* Big Data, Data Mining and Database Applications
* Bio-inspired Computing in Communications
* Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics
* Cloud Computing (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)
* Cognitive Radio Networking 
* Communications Services and Management
* Connected Vehicles
* Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things
* Digital Media Technologies
* Digital Satellite Communications Service
* Distributed and Mobile Middleware
* Distributed Systems Architecture and Management
* E-Commerce and E-Services
* Economic and Regulatory Issues
* Fault-Tolerance and Error Recovery 
* Fog Computing
* Green Networking and Smart Grid
* Grid and Cluster Computing 
* Human Language Technologies
* Image Processing and Visualization
* Internet of the Future
* Internet of Things and Smart Cities
* Internet Services and Applications
* Management of Telecommunications and Networks
* Mobile Cloud and Mobile Cloud Networking
* Modeling and Simulation
* Network Design, Optimisation and Management
* Network Reliability, Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
* Next Generation Networks Infrastructures and Management
* Optical Networking
* Overlay and Programmable Networks
* Peer-to-Peer Computing
* Real Time Communication Services
* Routing and Multicast
* Security, Cryptography and Privacy
* Sensor Networks and Mobile Sensing
* Services and Support for Smart Cities
* Social Networks, Crowdsourcing and Crowdsensing
* Software Defined Datacenters
* Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization
* Software Defined Smart Objects
* Software Engineering
* Standards Evolution 
* Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures
* Wireless Body Area Network and Wireless Health
* Wireless, Cellular and Mobile Communications

Review manuscripts should describe original work and should be no more than 8 pages 
in the IEEE double column proceedings format including tables, figures and references. 
Note that accepted papers up to 6 pages will be published with no additional charge. 
Exceeding pages will be charged an additional fee. Extended versions of selected best 
papers will be recommended for publication in a Special Issue of a prestigious 
International Journal.

Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, on-line via the EDAS system: 

IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference 
(e.g. removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Accepted papers will be included in IEEE-ISCC Proceedings, to be submitted for 
inclusion to IEEE Xplore. Please note that final paper acceptance is conditional 
upon proper formatting (IEEE Xplore compliant) and a satisfactory standard of English.
At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the symposium to 
present the paper in order to include the paper in the conference proceedings.

Please note that final paper acceptance is conditional upon:
* One of the authors registers and one of the registered authors presents the paper.
* Payment is made and online copyright transfer form is signed and uploaded.
* The paper follows given format and the PDF file is IEEE Xplore compliant
* The standard of English is satisfactory

In the last years, the IEEE-ISCC Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore have been indexed 
by ISI, dblp and Scopus. This makes the IEEE ISCC one of the publication venues with 
very high visibility and impact in both Computer and Communications areas.

If you have any questions, please contact the Technical Program committee at:

Important Dates:
* Paper Submission Deadline: January 21, 2016
* Notification of paper acceptance:  March 15, 2016
* Submission of camera-ready papers due:  March 31, 2016

General Co-Chairs:
* Antonio Corradi, University of Bologna, Italy 
* Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA 
* Massimo Villari, University of Messina, Italy 

Technical Program Co-Chairs:
* Antonio Celesti, University of Messina, Italy 
* Luca Foschini, University of Bologna, Italy 
* Burak Kantarci, Clarkson University, USA 

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs:
* Maurizio Giacobbe, University of Messina, Italy 
* Davide Mulfari, University of Messina, Italy 
* Alfonso Panarello, University of Messina, Italy 
* Antonio Puliafito, University of Messina, Italy 
* Massimo Villari, University of Messina, Italy 

Finance and Registration Co-Chairs:
* Reda Ammar, University of Connecticut, USA 
* Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus, Greece 

Publication Co-Chairs:
* Periklis Chatzimisios, Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki, Greece
* Tolga Soyata, University of Rochester, USA 

Keynote Speakers Co-Chairs:
* Kaushik Chowdhury, Northeastern University, USA 
* Rajiv Ranjan, Newcastle University, United Kingdom.  

Industrial Co-Chairs:
* Roberto di Bernardo, Engineering SPA, Italy  
* Carlos Roberto De Rolt, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina and BRy, Brazil
* Prasad Saripalli, Edifecs, USA  

Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs:
* Maria Fazio, University of Messina, Italy
* Noura Limam, University of Waterloo, Canada
* Luiz Angelo Steffenel, UniversitÈ de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France  

Publicity Co-Chairs:
* Habib M. Ammari, University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
* Stefano Chessa, University of Pisa, Italy
* Alex Galis, University College London, United Kingdom
* Salil Kanhere, University of New South Wales, Australia
* Djamel Sadok, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
* Ahmet Sekercioglu, Monash University, Australia
* Qing Yang, Montana State University, USA

Steering Committee:
* Reda Ammar, University of Connecticut, USA
* Antonio Corradi, University of Bologna, Italy
* Mario Dantas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
* Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus, Greece
* Adel S. Elmaghraby, University of Louisville, USA
* Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada
* Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA
* Susana Sargento, Instituto de TelecomunicaÁıes, University of Aveiro, Portugal
* Shie-Yuan Wang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Prof. Eng. Massimo Villari, PhD
Dip. di Ingegneria Civile, Informatica, Edile, Ambientale
e Matematica Applicata (DICIEAMA)
Universita' di Messina
C.Da Di Dio, N°1 - 98166 - Messina
phone: +39 090 397 7342


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ISC 2016: CFP Deadline Extension


The ISC research paper sessions provide first-class open forums for
engineers and scientists in academia, industry and government to
present and discuss issues, trends and results that will shape the
future of high performance computing.

ISC is now calling for excellent contributions in all HPC-related
fields, such as computer architecture, algorithms, performance
analysis, storage, extreme parallelism and software
engineering. Submitted work will be reviewed by the ISC 2016 Research
Papers Committee, which is headed by Prof. Jack Dongarra, University
of Tennessee & ORNL, and Dr. Pavan Balaji, Argonne National

The ISC organizers as well as the German Gauss Center for
Supercomputing and PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in
Europe, will again sponsor the call for papers with three awards for
outstanding papers: the Hans Meuer Award, the GAUSS Award and the

The research paper sessions will be held from Monday, June 20, through
Wednesday, June 22.



* Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 11:59 pm AoE
* Full Submission Deadline (final extended deadline): Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 11:59 pm AoE
* Author Rebuttal: Monday, February 15, 2016
* Author Notification: Monday, March 7, 2016
* Camera-Ready Submission: Thursday, May 12, 2016
* Research Paper Sessions: Monday, June 20 - Wednesday, June 22, 2016

This year, we are planning a significant revamp of the research paper
review process. Apart from a longer review cycle, allowing for more
thorough reviews, we have an in-person Research Papers Committee
meeting where each paper will be discussed before the acceptance
decisions are made. We hope that this will allow us to further improve
the quality of the research paper session.



We encourage the submission of high-quality papers reporting original
work in theoretical, experimental and industrial research and
development in the following areas:

* Future design concepts of HPC systems
* Multicore/manycore systems
* Heterogeneous systems
* Network technology
* Programming models

Storage & Data
* From big data to smart data
* Memory systems for HPC & big data
* File systems & tape libraries
* Data intensive applications
* Databases

Algorithms & Analysis
* Scalability on future architectures
* Performance evaluation & tuning
* Innovative domain-specific algorithms

Software Engineering in HPC
* The art of parallel programming
* Application of methods
* Surveys

Large Scale Simulations
* Workflow management
* Data analysis & visualization
* Coupled simulations
* Industrial simulations
* Scalable Applications: 50k+

Data Centers
* Batch job management
* Job mix & system utilization
* Monitoring & administration tools
* Production efficiency
* Energy efficiency

Future Trends
* Trends in the HPC chip market
* Exascale HPC
* HPC in the cloud

NOTE: Submissions on other innovative aspects of high performance
computing are also welcome.



* Abstracts and papers need to be submitted via the Linklings
  submission site at

* We only accept paper submissions which are formatted correctly in
  LNCS style (single column format) using either the LaTeX document
  class or Word template. For details on the author guidelines, please
  refer to Springer's website. Incorrectly formatted papers will be
  excluded from the reviewing process.

* Papers submissions are required to be within 18 pages in the above
  mentioned LNCS style. This includes all figures and references.

* The submissions are "single-blind", i.e. submissions are allowed to
  include the author names.

* Research papers will be peer-reviewed by the Research Papers
  Committee. Papers will be evaluated by reviewers based on their
  novelty, fundamental insights and potential for long-term
  contribution. Borderline papers will go through a rebuttal phase to
  give authors the chance to respond to reviewer comments and to
  discuss them with the Research Papers Committee.

* By submitting a paper, you agree to present the paper at ISC High
  Performance 2016 in Frankfurt, Germany. Presenters need to be
  registered participants.



The proceedings are managed by the proceedings chair, Dr. Julian

All accepted research papers will be published in the Springer's
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The publication is
free of charge to paper authors regardless of the number of pages. The
papers can be downloaded from Springer's website for a limited time
after ISC 2016, and a limited number of hardcopies will also be
available during ISC 2016. The proceedings are indexed in the ISI Web
of Science, EI Engineering Index, ACM Digital Library, dblp, Google
Scholar, IO-Port, MathSciNet, Scopus, and Zentralblatt MATH.

The ISC organizers will include the presentation slides, if provided
to them as PDF files no later than Monday, June 27, in the conference
proceedings, which will be available online to ISC 2016 attendees a
few days after the event.



* Hans Meuer Award

The Hans Meuer Award honors the most outstanding ISC research paper
submitted to the conference's Research Papers Committee. This award
has been introduced in the memory of the late Dr. Hans Meuer, general
chair of the ISC conference from 1986 through 2014, and co-founder of
the TOP500 project.  From all submitted research papers, the Research
Papers Committee will select the overall best paper for the award. The
winner will be announced at the ISC High Performance Opening Session
and will be given the opportunity to present a keynote talk on their
work in one of the research paper sessions. The winner will also
receive a cash prize of 3,000 Euros, an award certificate, and a free
conference pass for ISC High Performance in 2017.

* Gauss Award

The Gauss Award is sponsored by the German Gauss Center for
Supercomputing, which is a collaboration of the German national
supercomputing centers at Garching, Julich and Stuttgart.

From all papers accepted for the ISC Research Paper Sessions, the
Gauss Award Committee will choose the most outstanding paper in the
field of scalable supercomputing. The winner will receive a cash prize
of 3,000 Euros, courtesy of the Gauss Center, which will be presented
by Professor Michael Resch, chairman of the Gauss Award Committee,
during the ISC Opening Session. The award winner will also have the
opportunity to present a keynote talk on their paper during one of the
research paper sessions.


PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, will award a
prize to the best paper submitted to the ISC Research Paper Sessions
in one of the following areas:

* a breakthrough in science achieved through high performance
* an algorithm or implementation that achieves a significant
  improvement in scalability or performance;
* a novel approach to performance evaluation on a massively parallel

PRACE, with the help of its Scientific Steering Committee will select
the paper to receive the award, which will be announced at the ISC
Opening Session. The winner of the PRACE ISC Award will receive
sponsorship for participation in a training event, or a conference
relevant to petascale computing, and will have the opportunity to give
a keynote talk on their work during the Research Papers Sessions.


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Saturday, 28 November 2015

CFP: Design Methods for Software Architectures in the Service-oriented Computing and Cloud Paradigms (special issue in the SPE journal)

*Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (SPE)*

Special Issue on

*/Design Methods for Software Architectures in the
Service-oriented Computing and Cloud Paradigms/*

Guest Editors: Manuel Mora, Rory V. O’Connor, Frank Tsui, Jorge Marx Gómez

Edited by: Rajkumar Buyya and R. Nigel Horspool



The design of the architecture of a system has been a critical relevant
activity in the systems engineering discipline from several decades for
the design of physical man-made systems. However, a reduced set of
design methods and complementary decision-making techniques have been
consistently used with successful results. In contrast, in the software
engineering discipline there is a body of academic research on the
foundations, methods, and complementary techniques with a scarce
accumulative knowledge. Every design stream on software architecture
elaborates their own vocabulary and methods and usually ignores other
design streams. Additionally, there are most proprietary than open
access design methods, and a reduced set of well-accepted methods,
techniques and practices are still missing. Thus, software architecture
design methods are inconsistently or little used in the practice during
the application of software development methodologies except by the
large system and software development companies.

In particular software systems are widely demanded at present in two
co-existing paradigms:Software-oriented Computing (SOC) and the Cloud
Computing paradigms. SOC paradigm aims the development of medium-sized
and large distributed inter-organizational systems by assembling it
(ideally) as a system of service providers and consumers, known as a
Service-oriented Computing Application (SOCA). Thus, the design of SOCAs
inherently includes the challenges of high quality software architecture
design, given its naturalcomposition by services provided by some
entities and consumed by others (independently of the self-services in
the same SOCA). In turn, the Cloud Computing paradigm aims to provide a
cost-effective, scalable and dynamic provision of IT resources
(processing, storage, networking) for elastic demands. This convergence
of SOC and this emergent paradigm, introduces new software architecture
design challenges and trade-off problems for achieving functional and
non-functional requirements of Software as Service (SaaS) as a whole
entity assembled by other composed and atomic services in the cloud.

Hence, we consider that: 1) the SOC and Cloud Computing applications
strongly dependently of their architectural designs; 2) practitioners
demand well-structured and practically applicable software architecture
design methods: 3) there are a scarcity of well-accepted software
architecture design methods; and 4) there is a wide gap between
theoretical recommendations and their daily utilization in the practice
for software engineers working in small, medium-sized and large
companies. Thus, a call for papers is required for high quality
conceptual proposals or already applied software architecture design
methods for SOC and Cloud Computing paradigms.This special issue aims
lately to improve our understanding and encourage the utilization of
software architecture design methods by being perceived as useful, ease
of use, ease of learn, compatible, and highly valued by practitioners.
Accepted papers must demonstrate clearly how their contributions advance
the current status of scholastic software architecture design methods.

*The topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not
limited to:*

•Case studies of successful applied software architecture design methods
for SOC and Cloud Computing paradigms

•Case studies of failed utilizations of software architecture design for
SOC and Cloud Computing paradigms

•Usability studies on specific software architecture design methods for
SOC and Cloud Computing paradigms

•Successful examples of inclusion of software architecture design
methods into agile software development methodologies for SOC and Cloud
Computing paradigms from practitioners perspectives.

•Software architecture design methods for SOC and Cloud Computing
paradigms based on ISO/IEC standards (e.g. ISO 42010, ISO 12207, ISO
15288, among others).

•Comparative studies of most recognized software architecture design
methods for SOC and Cloud Computing paradigms.

•Cases on the development of prototype tools for supporting the software
architecture design tasks for SOC and Cloud Computing paradigms.


*Open for manuscript submission in ScholarOne: May 1, 2016*

*Closed for submissions: June 1, 2016*

*Results of first round of reviews: August 1, 2016*

*Submission of revised manuscripts: September 1, 2016*

*Results of second round of reviews: November 1, 2016*

*Publication materials due: December 1, 2016***


*Major Guidelines*

The special issue requests original applied research papers that
challenge or confirm the current status of software architecture design
methods and complementary techniques through the report of usable
well-structured software architecture design methods in the SOC and
Cloud Computing paradigms.Papers based on original ideas are expected.
Papers elaborated as extended versions of previous published research
must provide at least 50% of new material. For this case, authors must
submit a cover letter/document with: 1) a comparative table of findings,
contributions and limitations from extended and initial paper; and 2) a
brief justification on the extended sections in the new paper. Each
submitted paper will be reviewed by two international reviewers at
least. The editorial review committee will be conformed by academic and
industry based people involved in the special issue themes.Selection and
Evaluation Criteria are:

- Evidences of advances on the current status of scholastic software
architecture design methods

- Practical relevance to use and apply the method or contributions of
the paper

- Scope and criticality of the application domain of the method or
contributions of the paper

- Correctness of the applied research method (problem definition, work
hypothesis, materials and methods, application of materials and methods,
discussion of results, contributions and limitations, and conclusions).

-Clarity and readability of the paper


*Author Submission Guidelines*

Papers should be formatted according to the SPE Author Guidelines below:

Manuscript length:

Regular papers should not exceed the length of 15 pages including
figures and tables (in SPE format). Please note, the special issue’s
page limit is different from SPE regular paper submissions. Papers that
exceed the length of 15 pages may not be considered for review and
publication. In special cases, up to 20 pages will be allowed subject to
approval from the Guest Editors. Authors desiring a 20 page limit should
contact the Guest Editors in advance.

*Submission Instructions*

The article will be submitted in the usual way via the online submission
site ( When submitting a
manuscript for this special issue, authors should take care to select
“Special Issue: Practical Design Methods for Software Architectures in
the Service-oriented Computing and Cloud Paradigms: Challenging or
Confirming Extant Scholastic Methods” as the Manuscript Type and to
select Manuel Mora as the preferred editor.


*Prof. Manuel Mora**,– Corresponding Guest Editor*

Information Systems Department, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes,

Ave. Universidad 940, Aguascalientes, AGS. Mexico 20131

Email: <>

*Prof. Rory V. O’Connor*

School of Computing, Dublin City University

Glasnevin,Dublin 9, Ireland

Email: <>


*Assoc. Prof. Frank Tsui *

Department of Software Engineering and Game Design, Kennesaw University

1000 Chastain Road, Kennesaw, GA 30144, USA

Email: <>

*Prof.Jorge Marx Gómez*

Department of Informatics, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg

Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118, 26129 Oldenburg / Germany



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Thursday, 26 November 2015

CfP - IEEE ISORC 2016.

MAY 17 - 20, 2016

Important Dates

            Submission deadline January 12, 2016

            Acceptance notification February 20, 2016

            Camera-ready papers March 20, 2016

The best papers from ISORC 2016 will be invited for submission to the ISORC special issue of a suitable IEEE / ACM Journal

ISORC has become established as the leading event devoted to state-of-the-art research in the field of object/component/service-oriented real-time distributed computing (ORC) technology. In 2016, we have adopted a new theme, Real-Time Issues and Challenges for novel applications and systems: Medical devices, intelligent transportation systems, Industrial automation systems, Internet of Things and Smart Grids. In addition to high-quality theoretical papers, we solicit high-quality papers pertaining to the above application domains.

We invite original submissions  pertaining  to  all  aspects  of  ORC technology and especially those that are well aligned with the 2016 theme. These include, but are not limited to:

Programming and system engineering: real-time programming challenges, ORC paradigms, object/component models, languages, synchronous languages, RT CORBA, Embedded .NET, RT RMI, RT Java, UML, model-maintenance, system of systems, time-predictable systems and hardware.

Distributed computing and communication infrastructures: real-time communication, networked platforms, protocols, Internet QoS, peer-to-peer computing, sensor networks, VANETS and V2V and V2I communication, trusted and dependable systems.

System software: real-time kernels and OS, middleware support for ORC, QoS management, extensibility, synchronization, resource allocation, scheduling, fault tolerance, security.

Applications: Medical devices, intelligent transportation systems, Industrial automation systems, Internet of Things and Smart Grids, embedded systems (automotive, avionics, consumer electronics, building systems, sensors, etc), multimedia processing, RT Web-based applications.

System evaluation: output accuracy, timing, dependability, end-to-end QoS, overhead, fault detection and recovery time.

Cyber-physical systems: mobile systems, wireless sensor networks, real-time analytics.

Guidelines for Manuscripts

IEEE ISORC 2016 invites papers in three categories. According to program committee guidelines, papers presenting practical techniques, ideas, or evaluations will be favored, with papers reporting experimentation results and industrial experiences particularly welcome. Originality will not be interpreted too narrowly, but papers that are based on severely unrealistic assumptions will not be accepted however mathematically or logically sophisticated the discussion may be. Submission guidelines for each category of paper are as follows:
Papers should describe original work and be maximum 8 pages in length using the IEEE paper format (link to templates). A maximum of two extra pages may be purchased.  Industrial papers and practitioner reports, describing experiences of using ORC technology in application or tool development projects, are an integral part of the technical program of ISORC. A majority of these papers are expected to be shorter and less formal than research papers. They should clearly identify and discuss in detail the issues that represent notable industrial advances. Reports with project metrics supporting their claims are particularly sought, as well as those that show both benefits and drawbacks of the approaches used in the given project.

Short papers (4 pages or less using the IEEE format) on substantial real-time applications are also invited, and should contain enough information for the program committee to understand the scope of the project and evaluate the novelty of the problem or approach.

Acceptance Criteria

According to program committee guidelines, papers presenting practical techniques, ideas, or evaluations will be favored. Papers reporting experimentation results and industrial experiences are particularly welcome. Originality will not be interpreted too narrowly.

Papers that are based on severely unrealistic assumptions will not be accepted however mathematically or logically sophisticated the discussion may be.

Publication information

Papers are to be submitted through the Easychair system.
All accepted submissions will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE. A person will not be allowed to present more than 2 papers at the symposium.

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid





Call for Papers - ICCS ECA-2016 Workshop (San Diego June 6 - 8 2016) - deadline 18th December 2015

Environmental computing applications - state of the art 
ECA 2016 ICCS 2016 workshop
Jun 6, 2016 - Jun 8, 2016 San Diego, California, U.S.A.

There are several domain- or problem-specific areas – such as meteorology or seismic analysis – that use multi-model and multi-data approaches to analyse environmental phenomena and their impact. However, a more general approach to produce actionable knowledge from different environmental data sources is needed. The topic is of acute interest due to societal challenges and technical developments that require developing approaches to generalise, productise and mature current state-of-the-art environmental modelling solutions for managing disasters and disaster risks.

The workshop will bring together together practitioners, policymakers, environmental modelling experts to present the latest developments in Environmental Computing. Paper submissions by groups working on these or related fields are encouraged in order to inspire communication across different specialties.

The topics of interest include:

* Case studies
* Environmental modelling techniques (and optimisation of them)
* Multi-model systems
* Civil protection (and related engineering challenges)
* Scalability of environmental HPC and Big Data applications
* Risk assessment and management
* Interdisciplinary collaboration
* Dynamic model coupling approaches
* Interdisciplinary metadata frameworks
* Visualisation

Paper submission

Papers should be submitted via the ICCS 2016 easychair ( - select “Environmental Computing Applications – State of the Art” in the first menu).

Organisation and contact

Dieter Kranzlmüller, LMU Munich and LRZ, Germany
Matti Heikkurinen, LMU Munich

Matti Heikkurinen - LMU - +41 76 716 05 31





Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Special Issue on Workflows for Data-Driven Research in FGCS - Deadline 30 April 2016

* Special Issue on Workflows for Data-Driven Research
* Journal Future Generation Computer Systems

Data-intensive Workflows (a.k.a. scientific workflows) are routinely used in the majority of data-driven research disciplines today, often exploiting rich and diverse data resources and parallel and distributed computing platforms. This special issue focuses on the many facets of data-intensive and data-dependent workflows, from their use as a notation for describing, refining and sharing data-driven methods to the underpinning management systems that enact those methods. As such, it will welcome insights and clarity about any relevant topics including notations, strategies and tools for creating high quality data-intensive methods, and all aspects of mapping such methods onto platforms and organizing their execution, during their development and during their production use. The special issue therefore covers a broad range of topics in the scientific workflow lifecycle that include: the representation of data-intensive workflows and their enactment; workflow design and composition interfaces; workflow mapping techniques that may optimize the execution of the workflow; workflow enactment engines that need to deal with failures in the application and execution environment; and a number of computer science problems related to scientific workflows such as semantic technologies, compiler methods, fault detection and tolerance.

The special issue welcomes research as well as position papers. Areas include, but are not limited to:
  •     Workflow applications and their requirements
  •     Abstract models and notations for data-intensive workflows
  •     Methods for designing, refining and quality assuring workflows
  •     Workflow composition, tools and languages
  •     Workflow interoperability
  •     Workflow debugging methods and tools
  •     Workflow provenance collection, representation and use
  •     Interactive workflows engaging domain specialists’ judgment
  •     Workflow user environments, including portals
  •     Methods and tools for mapping workflows to target platforms
  •     Diverse platforms: e.g. HPC, HTC, Cloud and specialized data-intensive clusters, and smart devices
  •     Exascale computing with workflows
  •     Data streaming systems
  •     Data-driven workflow processing
  •     Workflow execution in distributed environments
  •     Adaptive workflows
  •     Dynamic data-dependent workflow systems
  •     Big Data analytics workflows
  •     Workflow fault-tolerance and recovery techniques
  •     Workflow monitoring
  •     Workflow optimizations
  •     Performance analysis of workflows
  •     Workflows for live data streams or dynamic networks e.g. sensor nets, Internet of Things (IoT) or mobile devices
  •     Current and future challenges for data-driven workflow research

Submission Guidelines
Original, high quality contributions that are not yet published or that are not currently under review by other journals or peer-reviewed conferences are sought. Exceptions that may be accepted are invited high-quality papers from the last 10 years of the workshop WORKS and which are very significantly updated and extended. These must have at least 40% difference from the original conference papers. Papers will be peer reviewed by independent reviewers and selected based on originality, scientific quality and relevance to this Special Issue. The journal editors will make final decisions on the acceptance of the papers.

Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Guide for Authors available from the online submission page of the Future Generation Computer Systems at Authors should select “SI: WORKS” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.

Important Dates
Paper submission due: 30 April, 2016
First-round acceptance notification: 30 June 2016
Revision submission: 15 September 2016
Notification of final decision: 15 January 2017
Submission of final paper: 28 February 2017
Expected publication: May 2017

Guest Editors

Ian Taylor, University of Cardiff, UK and University of Notre Dame, USA
Johan Montagnat, CNRS, France
Malcolm Atkinson, University of Edinburgh, UK
Sandra Gesing, University of Notre Dame, USA





Call for Ideas Papers - DOE Workshop on Advancing Cross-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science

Dear Colleagues,

Given the short time frame to submit ideas papers, and the proximity to the holidays, we are pleased to announce that we can extend the deadline for submission to COB on Dec 1, 2015. This is the last extension we can give and still allow accepted paper authors to plan to attend. We thank you for considering this event and hope to see a wide array of submissions from the community.


Dear Colleagues,

A workshop to discuss bold, new computational ideas to address longer-term science needs for climate modeling is being convened January 26-28, 2016 in Rockville, MD. As the climate science community explores a host of critical science questions to be answered over the next 10+ years, with the aim of informing stakeholders about the ongoing changes in global and local climate, there is a growing recognition of the expanding requirements for multiscale, global, coupled Earth system models. We expect them to provide much more detail and fidelity, with a much better understanding of their uncertainties, while still executing robustly and efficiently on ever larger and more complex computing systems.

The DOE Office of Science BER and ASCR programs are sponsoring the event, titled “Advancing Cross-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science”, or AXICCS 2016. It is a grassroots effort to generate fresh thinking that will mold the optimal science directions and motivate the latest and as yet to be uncovered ASCR developments that will be required to handle new requirements. A report outlining the challenges, strategies to address them, and possible avenues for execution will be one of the outcomes of the event. A website with details and logistics will be provided shortly.

A key aspect to achieve the workshop goals is to brainstorm before the event, and to accomplish this we are soliciting community input in the form of “ideas” papers. Overall space at the event is limited, but we plan to accommodate the lead authors of these ideas papers via a presentation (oral or poster) and acknowledgement in the workshop report. Some of those selected will be included in the workshop write-up. Details about the format for the ideas papers and templates to download are provided at Ideas papers must be submitted through a link to EasyChair no later than 5:00pm Eastern Time on Nov 24, 2015, and official invitations to present will be sent to selected lead authors by Dec 9, 2015. Attendees will need to cover their own travel expenses.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the workshop sponsors, the DOE Office of Science BER and ASCR programs, and in particular, Drs. Dorothy Koch and Randall Laviolette for their encouragement to proceed. We also thank those who have volunteered to become a part of the organizing committee.

Katherine Evans, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory




Call for Papers - CrossCloud'16

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this email]

============================ Call for Papers ==========================
      The 3rd Workshop on CrossCloud Infrastructures & Platforms

   Collocated with European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys'16) 
                     April 18-21, 2016 - London, UK


CrossCloud is  an  international workshop series that aims to bring to
light  several issues related to cross-cloud systems: cloud federation,
multi-cloud architectures, cross-cloud applications, and hybrid clouds.

CrossCloud aims to attract researchers from  both academia and industry
to share and discuss their recent research and experiences in designing
and  operating   multiple  cloud   systems. Work  in  this area extends
over    various  topics  including  cross-cloud   resource  management,
monitoring,  service   migration,  API  interoperability,  portability,
policy enforcement, benefit–cost analysis, and fault mitigation.


Authors are encouraged, but not limited, to cover the following topics: 

- Cross-cloud  systems:  resource  management  across  multiple  clouds
(e.g., load balancing,  performance  optimization, security and privacy
policy enforcement).

- Containers and Virtual Machine (VM) management across  several  cloud
infrastructures (e.g., VM placement and migration).

- Micro-services:  system  design,   monitoring  and  management  using
 containers and/or microkernels to achieve cloud provider independence.

- Cross-Cloud agility: dynamic  application deployment across  multiple
cloud  platforms,  flexibility  in  moving  between different providers 
and vendors.

- Hybrid cloud infrastructures management: public  and  private clouds,
heterogeneous cloud systems, cloud and cluster/grid systems.

- Cloud-bursting: workload offloading, multi-cloud resource  scheduling

- Cross-cloud  SDKs  and  APIs:  design,   maintenance,   support   and
performance evaluation.

- Application  portability:  priorities,  restrictions,  and    lock-in
mitigation techniques and measures.

- API interoperability:  study  cases  and  experiences  with  data and

- Interoperability  between   managed  services (e.g.,  MapReduce,  DB,
message queues, etc.).

- Decision support systems: efficient  and  open application deployment
and monitoring across different cloud platforms  and  providers,  cloud
brokerage as a means of complexity outsourcing.

- Scalable multi-cloud  monitoring: monitoring  among  different  cloud
environments,  relevant  metrics  at  the different levels of the stack
(e.g., network access), monitoring overhead analysis.

- Experiences:  assembling  and  (re)deploying  in heterogeneous multi-
cloud  environments,  costs  and  benefits  of  cross-cloud  management 
and  deployment,  challenges  in  existing  cross-cloud platforms, case
studies on building or federating multi-cloud systems.

- Cross-Cloud security:  identity    and   access   management   across
infrastructure boundaries, reconciling application security and privacy
requirements across multiple SLAs.


Paper submission: February 8, 2016
Author notification: February 29, 2016
EuroSys Grant application: March 11, 2016
Camera-ready version: March 21, 2016
All deadline times are Anywhere on Earth.


We  solicit  two  types  of  submissions:  (1)  technical  papers  (max
6 double-column pages), and (2) posters (max  2  double-column  pages).
Each  submission  will  receive  at  least 3 single-blind peer reviews.
Authors  of  technical  papers are also encouraged to prepare a  poster
to be displayed in a joint poster session on the workshop day.


Like in  the former  editions  of  the workshop, authors  of  the  best
technical papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their
work to the Springer Open Journal of Internet Services and Applications
thematic series on cross-cloud computing (JISA-CCC).


General and Technical Program Co-Chairs:
    Yehia Elkhatib (Lancaster University, UK)
    Mohamed Faten Zhani (École de Technologie Supérieure, Canada)

Steering Committee:
    Gordon S. Blair (Lancaster University, UK)
    Raouf Boutaba (University of Waterloo, Canada)
    Renato Cerqueira (IBM Research, Brazil)
    Wouter Joosen (iMinds-Distrinet, KU Leuven, Belgium)

Publicity Co-chairs:
    James Hadley (Lancaster University, UK)
    Liang Wang (Cambridge University, UK)






Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Fwd: CFP: Workshop on Parallel Programming for Resilience and Energy Efficiency. Submission deadline extended till Dec. 15.

Workshop on Parallel Programming for Resilience and Energy Efficiency -- PP4REE
(to be held as part of Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming -- PPoPP 2016)

Barcelona, Spain
March 12-16, 2016


Nowadays, the number of components in High Performance Computing (HPC) systems increases at the pace
dictated by Moore's Law, but the mean time between failures (MTBF) for the complete system is significantly shrinking.
For example, when accounting for the instruction & data caches and register files, the mean time
between soft errors for the Sequoia supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is estimated to be 1.5 days. 
As HPC systems move into the Exascale era, the number of system components will increase by up to
three orders of magnitude, and MTBF will further deteriorate, thus promoting resilience into a fundamental
challenge. This scenario renders current system solutions to resilience, such as coordinated checkpointing, unfeasible,
and motivates the use of algorithmic, programming model, or runtime system approaches to improve
the resilience of parallel applications at scale.

While a resilience crisis is looming in the HPC domain, the end of Dennard~scaling (i.e., the ability to shrink the feature size of integrated circuits while 
maintaining a constant power density) has pushed energy consumption into a primary design principle, in par with performance, 
for which holistic solutions are currently necessary, from the hardware to the application software.
The Green500 ranking, based on the LINPACK benchmark, shows remarkable improvements in the MFLOPS/W (millions of floating-point 
arithmetic operations per Joule) 
of recent HPC facilities. However, with the cost of 1~MW being close to $1~million, any improvement on this
metric will surely have an enormous positive impact on the deployment of future Exascale systems. Despite a flurry of research
in recent years on techniques that improve the energy-efficiency of HPC systems via software intervention, energy remains transparent to existing
parallel programming models used in production settings.

The quest for higher energy-efficiency in future HPC systems is inherently connected to the quest for enhanced resilience for two reasons:
First, resilience techniques have a non-trivial energy cost. Second, ongoing efforts to further improve the energy-efficiency of hardware
at the device level (such as operating hardware below its nominal margins or replacing DDR technology with non-volatile memory technologies)
may compromise hardware reliability.  


The purpose of this workshop is to explore the space of techniques for improving the resilience and energy-efficiency (REE) of parallel programs at the
algorithmic and language levels. We are particularly interested in papers that present cross-cutting techniques that trade energy-efficiency with resilience. 
We solicit original papers that include but are not limited to the following topics:
* Programming languages, interfaces, and general software techniques for REE.
* Scheduling and mapping for REE.
* Run-times for REE.
* Algorithmic techniques for REE.
* Programming models for computing paradigms that improve REE, such as near-threshold computing, approximate computing, or neuromorphic computing.
* Applications and cases studies of success.


Papers should not exceed ten single-space double-column pages (including figures, tables and references) using a 10-point font on 8.5x11-inch pages. 
We suggest to use IEEE two-column template for conference proceedings. Submissions will be judged based on correctness, originality, technical 
strength, significance, presentation, quality and appropriateness. Submitted papers should not have appeared in or be under consideration for another 
venue. A full peer-process will be followed with each paper being reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee. Submissions will be made through EasyChair

Important dates

Submission of Papers: December 15, 2015 (extended).
Notification of Acceptance: January 21, 2016.
Workshop: March 12-16, 2016 (half day).


* Christos D. Antonopoulos, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Thessaly, Greece.
* Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, EEECS, at Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
* Oscar Plata, Department of Computer Architecture at the University of Malaga, Spain.
* Enrique S. Quintana-Orti, Department of Computer Engineering & Sciences, Universidad Jaume~I of Castellon, Spain.

Program Committee

To be confirmed.

Special Issue

Extended versions of best papers will appear, after an additional review process, in a special issue of Elsevier Parallel Computing journal.

Enrique S. Quintana-Orti
Catedrático de Universidad, Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores
Depto. de Ingenieria y Ciencia de Computadores
Escuela Superior de Tecnología y Ciencias Experimentales
Universidad Jaume I
12.071 - Castellon de la Plana (Spain)

+34 964 728 257





CFP The 7th International Conference on Data Communication Networking - DCNET 2016

The 7th International Conference on Data Communication Networking – DCNET 2016
26 - 28 July, 2016
Lisbon, Portugal
Paper Submission: March 1, 2016
Authors Notification: May 18, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: June 2, 2016
Paper Submission: April 13, 2016
Authors Notification: May 18, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: June 2, 2016

Workshop Proposal: February 19, 2016

Paper Submission: May 20, 2016
Authors Notification: May 30, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: June 9, 2016

Special Session Proposal: March 1, 2016

Tutorials, Demos and Panels Proposals
March 31, 2016
Sponsored by:
INSTICC - Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
INSTICC is Member of:
WfMC – Workflow Management Coalition
OMG – Object Management Group
FIPA – Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents

Technically Co-sponsored by:
IEEE Systems Council

Logistics Partner:
SCITEVENTS – Science and Technology Events

The purpose of DCNET 2016 is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested on communication networking between computer systems or other digital devices.
Computer networking is a combination of knowledge related to the areas of telecommunications, computer science, information technology and/or computer engineering. Data communication networks rely heavily upon the theoretical and practical application of these scientific and engineering disciplines. DCNET encompasses a diversity of aspects, from network architecture and protocols, to network management, monitoring and control, performance analysis, sensor nets, services over networks, LANs and WANS, to higher education in the data communication field.
DCNET is part of ICETE, the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications.
ICETE 2016 will be held in conjunction with PECCS 2016 and PhyCS 2016.
Hamid Aghvami, King's College London, United Kingdom
Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Anastasios Economides, University of Macedonia, Greece
Erina Ferro, CNR-ISTI, Italy
Mateo Valero, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support. 
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef ( and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). 
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the 
SCITEPRESS Digital Library. 
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Engineering Village Index) and Scopus.

The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing session.
Please check the websites for further information:

Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fordham University, United States

Program Chair
Christian Callegari, University of Pisa, Italy

  • Network Protocols
  • Next-generation Communication Networks
  • Mobile & Ubiquitous Communication Networks
  • Mobile Cloud
  • Cloud and Systems Management
  • Cloud Computing and Networking
  • Internet Technologies
  • Information-Centric Networking
  • Big Data Communication and Analytics
  • Data Network Management
  • Data as a Service
  • Data Sharing and Infrastructures
  • Network Architectures
  • Modeling & Simulation of communication networks and Systems
  • Network Monitoring and Control
  • Traffic Measurement, Analysis, Modeling and Visualization
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Routing and Flow Control in LANs, WANs and PANs
  • Sensor Nets and Embedded Systems
  • Network applications (web, multimedia streaming, gaming, etc.)
  • Social Computing and Networks
  • Software-Defined Networking
  • Network Security


DCNET Secretariat
Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setúbal - Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +351 265 520 186

Please check further details at the conference website





Monday, 23 November 2015

GPGPU9: Call for Papers

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this email.]
                Call for Papers for GPGPU 9
          [Deadline extended (December 1, 2015)]

           Held in cooperation with PPoPP 2016
          March 12 - 16, 2016, Barcelona, Spain
The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum to discuss 
new and emerging general-purpose purpose programming 
environments and platforms, as well as evaluate 
applications that have been able to harness the horsepower 
provided by these platforms. This year’s workshop is 
particularly interested in exploring new heterogeneous GPU 
platforms, new forms of concurrency, and novel/irregular 
applications that can leverage these platforms. Papers are 
being sought on many aspects of GPUs, including (but not 
limited to):

GPU applications
GPU programming environments
GPU runtime systems
GPU compilation
GPU architectures
Multi-GPU systems
GPU power/efficiency
GPU reliability
GPU benchmarking/measurements
Heterogeneous GPU platforms that incorporate GPUs

All submissions must be made electronically through the 
EasyChair system 
paper submissions must be in PDF formatted for US 
lettersize paper. They must not exceed 10 pages (all 
inclusive) in standard ACM two-column conference format 
(preprint mode, with page number). Templates for ACM format 
are available for Microsoft Word, and LaTeX here 
9 pt template). All accepted papers will be published in 
the ACM Online Conference Proceedings Series. For 
questions, contact David Kaeli (

Important Dates
Papers due: December 1, 2015
Notification: December 21, 2015
Final paper due: January 4, 2015

Travel Awards
PPoPP 2016 has received funds to support travel to 
Barcelona for student authors of GPGPU-9 papers. Student 
authors will be contacted after acceptance of their paper 
on how to apply for these funds.



