Wednesday, 30 March 2016

IEEE ScalCom 2016: extended hard deadline April 8, 2016

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Call for Paper IEEE ScalCom 2016

18-21 July 2016, Toulouse France

**** New EXTENDED paper submission HARD deadline: APRIL 8th, 2016 ****

Parallel and distributed computing have undergone impressive change over recent
years. The whole hardware industry shifted to both multicore and mobile
platforms expanding the arena of communicating devices to an unprecedented
scale. Communication networks  have known great developments and many new
applications in the same time. Scalability has rapidly become one of the central
aspect of the disciplines. It is of paramount importance to review and assess
these new developments in comparison with recent research achievements in the
well-established areas of scalable computing and communications, from industry
and the scientific community.
The 16th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications
(ScalCom 2016) will provide a forum for the presentation of these and other issues
through original research presentations and will facilitate the exchange of
knowledge and new ideas at the highest technical level.

We invite submissions of high-quality research papers describing fully developed
results or on-going foundational and applied work relating to all aspects of
scalable computing and communications. The program committee will interpret it
very broadly; everything from engineering principles to practical experiences on
different levels of a parallel and distributed system. We particularly encourage
submissions on topics of emerging interest in the research and development

+ Cloud & fog computing:
     - X as a Service, where X includes Backend, Business Process, Database,
       Information, Infrastructure, Network, Platform, Security,
       Software, and Storage
     - performance, dependability, and service level agreements
     - cloud programming models and tools
     - fog computing algorithms and infrastructures

+ GPU, accelerators and novel architectures for Scalability-Rethinking:
     - parallel programming models
     - embedded parallel and distributed systems
     - heterogenous platforms
     - GPU, MIC, and FPGA based parallel systems
     - parallel I/O
     - memory organisation

+ Modelling and Simulation of Large Complex Systems
     - complex systems modelling and simulation
     - cellular automata, genetic algorithms, neural networks,
       swarm Intelligence implementations
     - integrated approach to optimization and simulation
     - high-performance Software developed to solve science (e.g., biological,
       physical, and social), engineering, medicine, and humanities problems

+ Extreme scale systems and applications
     - peta-scale and exa-scale workloads
     - high-performance and high-throughput computing
     - run-time systems for extreme scale applications
     - fault-tolerance in large scale applications
     - near-data processing and data-centric approaches

+ Mobile, wireless and pervasive computing
     - queueing theory
     - design and performance analysis of communication networks
     - communication protocols
     - distributed applications with emphasis on scalability
     - distributed applications deployment
     - internet of things
     - pervasive computing
     - distributed robotics
     - energy
     - convergence of communication and computing

Submission guidelines
Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding *8* pages in length
(and in the Conference proceedings format – double column, 10pt)
including a 150-200 word abstract to

Important dates
Paper submission: April 8, 2016
Acceptance notification: May 6, 2016
Camera ready due: May 20, 2016
Registration due: May 20, 2016
Conference: July 18-21, 2016

Honorary Chair:
Faming GONG, University of Petroleum, China

General Chairs:
Umit CATALYUREK Ohio State University, USA
Didier EL BAZ, LAAS-CNRS, France

Program an Workshops Co-Chairs:
Marco ALDINUCCI, University of Torino, Italy
Massimo TORQUATI, University of Pisa, Italy

Publicity Chair:
Claudia MISALE, University of Torino, Italy
Daniele D’AGOSTINO, CNR, Italy

Local Organisation Committee:
Didier EL BAZ, LAAS-CNRS, France (chair)
Bilal FAKIH, LAAS-CNRS, France
Brigitte DUCROCQ, LAAS-CNRS, France (Communication)
Isabelle LEFEBVRE, LAAS-CNRS, France (Web Site)
Caroline MALE, LAAS-CNRS, France (Secretariat)

Advisory Committee:
Zaiyue YANG, Zhejiang University China
Zhongshan ZHANG, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China 

Steering Committee:
Laurence T. YANG (Chair), St Francis Xavier University, Canada
Albert Y. ZOMAYA (Chair), University of Sydney, Australia
Pavan BALAJI, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Rajkumar BUYYA, University of Melbourne, Australia
Jinjun CHEN, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Samee U. KHAN, North Dakota State University, USA
Joanna KOLODZIEJ, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Jianhua MA, Hosei University, Japan
Manish PARASHAR, Rutgers University, USA
Lizhe WANG, Chinese Academy of Science, China
Stephen S. YAU, Arizona State University, USA.

Topic chairs:
Marco BECCUTI, University of Turin
Javier GARCIA-BLAS, Carlos III University of Madrid
Jose Daniel GARCIA SANCHEZ, Carlos III University of Madrid
Ewa NIEWIADOMSKA-SZYNKIEWICZ, Warsaw University of Technology
William SPATARO, University of Calabria
Jose Luis VAZQUEZ-POLETTI,  Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Marco Aldinucci
Computer Science Dept - University of  Torino - Italy


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CFP: International Workshop on Architecture-Aware Simulation and Computing (AASC 2016)

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Papers (CFP)]

Call For Papers

International Workshop on Architecture-Aware Simulation and Computing
(AASC 2016)

WHEN:     July 18-22, 2016,
WHERE:    The University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
DEADLINE: April 21, 2016 (anywhere on earth)

Will take place during The International Conference on High Performance
Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016) (


To keep pace with the performance increase predicted by Moore's Law and to
with energy efficiency requirements, homogeneous/heterogeneous processor
aggregates have been extensively adopted both at the High Performance
(HPC) and at the embedded system domains.

Realizing the full potential of such systems has become increasingly
due to: limited parallelization opportunities; reduced memory throughput
complex cache hierarchies; limited communication bandwidth; and thermal,
and energy constraints. At the same time, because the prevailing HPC and
embedded computing architectures, integrate different types of
co-processors and
accelerator components (e.g., Intel Xeon Phi, GPUs, FPGAs, reconfigurable
etc.), has made the task of developing efficient HPC applications

It is widely recognized that next generation HPC and embedded systems can
benefit from the hardware's full potential if both processor and
features are taken into account at all development stages - from the early
algorithmic design to the final implementation stage.

The AASC workshop strives to address all aspects related to these issues,
including, but not limited to:

- Hardware-aware compute/memory-intensive simulations of real-world
  in computational science and engineering domains (e.g., applications in
  electrical, mechanical, physics, geological, biological, or medical

- Architecture-aware approaches for large-scale parallel computing,
  scheduling, load-balancing and scalability studies.

- Architecture-aware parallelization on HPC platforms, including multi- and
  many-core architectures comprising co-processor/accelerator components
  Intel Xeon Phi, GPUs, FPGAs, etc.).

- Architecture-aware approaches for energy-efficient implementations of
HPC or
  embedded applications (e.g., ARM, mobile GPUs, reconfigurable SoCs,

- Programming models and tool support for parallel heterogeneous platforms
  (e.g., CUDA, OpenCL, OpenACC, etc.).

- Software engineering, code optimization, and code generation strategies
  parallel systems with multi-/many-core processors.

- Performance and memory optimization tools and techniques (including cache
  optimization, data reuse, data streaming, etc.) for parallel systems with
  multi-core processors.


Paper Submissions: ------------------------------------------- April 21,
Acceptance Notification: ------------------------------------- April 28,
Camera Ready Papers and Registration Due by: ----------------- May 15, 2016
Conference Dates: -------------------------------------------- July 18-22,


You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on the
and other topics related to Architecture-Aware Simulation and Computing.
Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously submitted

Two types of papers are allowed. Full papers, whose length must not exceed
pages, and short papers, whose length must not exceed 4 pages. Additional
will be charged additional fee.

The papers must be formatted using IEEE's manuscript templates for
proceedings and US Letter size pages and must include up to 6 keywords.
Additional information and style files can be found at:

Submit the PDF file of your paper to the Workshop paper submission site at:

Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected
based on their originality, relevance, significance, technical clarity and
presentation, and references. At least one of the authors of each accepted
will have to register and attend the HPCS 2016 conference to present the
at the Workshop.


Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings which will
made available at the time of the meeting. Instructions for final
format and requirements will be posted on the HPCS 2016 Conference web
site. It
is our intent to have the proceedings formally published in hard and soft
and be available at the time of the conference. The proceedings is
projected to
be included in the IEEE Digital Library and indexed in major indexing

If you have any questions about paper submission or the workshop, please
the workshop organizers.


David Parello
Universite de Perpignan, Perpignan, France

George Karypis
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA


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HPCA 2017 Call for Papers

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HPCA-23 Call for Papers
23rd IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
Austin, Texas, USA, February 4 - 8, 2017
(collocated with PPoPP-2017 and CGO-2017)

Important dates:
- Abstract submission: July 25, 2016, 11:59 PM CDT (firm deadline)
- Paper submission: August 1, 2016, 11:59 PM CDT (firm deadline)
- Notification of paper outcome: October 12, 2016

The International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture provides
a high-quality forum for scientists and engineers to present their latest
research findings in this rapidly-changing field. Authors are invited to
submit papers on all aspects of high-performance computer architecture. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Processor, cache, and memory architectures
- Parallel computer architectures
- Multicore and multiprocessor architectures
- Impact of technology on architecture
- Power-efficient architectures and techniques
- Dependable/secure architectures
- High-performance I/O systems
- Embedded, reconfigurable, and heterogeneous architectures
- Interconnect and network interface architectures
- Architectures for cloud-based HPC and data centers
- Innovative hardware/software trade-offs
- Impact of compilers and system software on architecture
- Performance modeling and evaluation
- Architectures for emerging technology and applications

Authors should submit an abstract by July 25, 2016 11:59 PM CDT. They should
submit the full version of the paper August 1, 2016, 11:59 PM CDT.  No
extensions will be granted. The full version should be a PDF file following
the submission guidelines that will be made available at the submission
website.  Papers should be submitted for blind review. We anticipate making a
Best Paper award; all papers will be evaluated based on their novelty,
fundamental insights, experimental evaluation, and potential for long-term
impact.  New-idea papers as well as papers that significantly advance
established areas are strongly encouraged. Submission issues should be
directed to the program chair at .  HPCA-23 will host an
Industrial Paper Session presenting novel insights from industry. Submission
details will be announced soon.

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society TC on Computer Architecture

General Chair: Derek Chiou, Microsoft and UT Austin
Program Chair: Daniel A. Jimenez, Texas A&M University

Organizing Committee:
Industrial Session Chair: Chris Wilkerson, Intel Labs
Local Arrangements Chair: Mohit Tiwari, UT Austin
Workshops and Tutorials Chair: Mike Ferdman, Stony Brook University
Finance Chair: Dam Sunwoo, ARM
Publications Chair: Xuehai Qian, USC
Travel Awards Chair: Zhenman Fang, UCLA
Publicity Chair: Michael Papamichael, Microsoft Research
Web and Submissions Chairs: Hung-Wei Tseng, UCSD and Elvira Teran, Texas A&M and Intel Labs

Program Committee: TBD


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Saturday, 26 March 2016

* Deadline Extension * EnA-HPC 2016

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                            CALL FOR PAPERS
 1st International Workshop on Energy-Aware High Performance Computing
                             EnA-HPC 2016
 at ISC High Performance 2016, Frankfurt, Germany, June 23, 2016.

The EnA-HPC Workshop brings together researchers, developers, vendors, and users to discuss the energy consumption challenge that HPC is facing.
EnA-HPC Workshop is the successor of the International EnA-HPC Conference series, which was held five times since 2010.
In 2016, EnA-HPC Workshop will take place at ISC High Performance 2016 in Frankfurt, Germany on June 23rd.

Papers Due:               April 1st, 2016 (Extended Deadline)
Author Notification:      April 21st, 2016
Camera-Ready Submission:  April 30th, 2016

**** TOPICS ****
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- APPLICATIONS: How to develop energy-efficient algorithms?
- MODELING: How can we model the overall energy consumption of an HPC environment for given applications?
- SIMULATION: How can we simulate the behavior of energy saving concepts for a given HPC environment and a given program?
- BENCHMARKING: How can we benchmark the program/architecture energy efficiency?
- MEASUREMENT: How can we measure relevant data in the hardware/software environment?
- ANALYSIS: How can we understand the measured data and deduce means to mitigate the energy problem?
- DEPLOYMENT OF MECHANISMS: How can we reduce energy consumption by changing the HW/SW-environment?
- DEPLOYMENT OF NEW HARDWARE: Energy optimized processors, network components, storage components, etc.
- FACILITY ISSUES: How can we optimize our computer room for optimal power efficiency?
- BUSINESS CONCEPT: How to budget raising electricity costs?

- We accept papers with no more than eight pages in two-column layout.
- The only language accepted is English.
- Author guidelines are available from Springer. Select "Instructions for Authors" on the Journal's Homepage -
- Latex template:
- Papers must be submitted via EasyChair as PDF -
- Questions can be sent to
- Papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.
- They will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insights and potential for long-term contribution.
- By submitting a paper you agree to present the paper at EnA-HPC 2016 in Frankfurt, Germany.
- At least one author has to register for ISC High Performance Workshop participation.
- Accepted papers will be published in a special edition of Springer “Computer Science – Research and Development".

**** EnA-HPC 2016 GENERAL CHAIRS ****
- Wolfgang E. Nagel, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
- Thomas Ludwig, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- Matthias S. Müller, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Aachen, Germany
- Vincent Heuveline, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

For more information see

Dr.-Ing. Pablo Reble

Chair for High Performance Computing, HPC Group
Division: Computational Science and Engineering
IT Center
RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 23
52074 Aachen
Tel: +49 241 80-24376


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CFP: International Workshop on OpenPOWER for HPC (IWOPH'16) - Paper deadline extended

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**** PAPER DEADLINE EXTENDED to 15 April 2016 ************

International Workshop on OpenPOWER for HPC (IWOPH’16)
June 23, 2016
Frankfurt, Germany
co-located with ISC 2016 <>

******* CALL FOR PAPERS *********

Paper deadline: 15 April 2016 (Extended)

This workshop will take place within the ISC High Performance conference
2016. It is intended to provide a venue for the broader HPC community to
Further understand OpenPOWER technologies and discuss how they can be
Harnessed for HPC applications needs. The latest advances in OpenPOWER
and how they might be used to address challenges regarding system
architecture, networking, memory designs, exploitation of accelerators,
programming models, and porting applications are of current interest
within the HPC community and this workshop. The workshop is currently
planned as a half-day workshop, but may be extended to a full-day

Full papers or work-in-progress reports are sought that are within the
Scope of the workshop and related to the OpenPOWER ecosystem. Topics
of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Porting applications experiences to OpenPOWER nodes to exploit
its HPC and data analytics capabilities

* Designs and use models for FPGA-accelerated applications

* Co-designing the HPC software stack (scientific libraries, compilers,

* Programming models for HPC and data analytics, including hybrid
  heterogeneous programming (e.g. MPI with OpenCL, OpenACC, CUDA,
  OpenMP4) models, DSLs, PGAS, and exascale runtimes

* Tools eco-system to improve productivity on OpenPOWER architectures
  (compilers, performance analysis, auto-tuning, debugging, verification,
  static analysis tools)

* System architectural choices including memory designs, networking

* Low level communication APIs, I/O frameworks

* Runtime environments and schedulers

* Benchmarking and validation studies on OpenPOWER architectures

All contributions are planned to be published in ISC¹16 Joint Workshop
Proceeding Volume. For full papers and work-in-progress reports a limit
of 18 and 6 pages apply, respectively. Paper submissions should be
formatted with the LNCS style (single column format) using
either the LaTeX document class or Word template. For details on the
author guidelines, please refer to Springer’s website.

Papers should be uploaded here:

Important dates
Paper deadline: 15 April 2016 (Extended)
Paper Notification: 15 May 2016
Camera Ready: 27 May 2016
Talk slides: 15 June 2016

Workshop Organizers:

* Prof. Dirk Pleiter, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)
* Dr. Jack Wells, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF)

Program Committee

* Jim Sexton (IBM)
* Mike Ashworth (STFC)
* Sunita Chandrasekaran (University of Delaware)
* Norbert Eicker (JSC)
* Oscar Hernandez (ORNL) (Co-Chair)
* Graham Lopez (ORNL) (Co-Chair)
* Duncan Poole (NVIDIA)
* Gilad Shainer (Mellanox)
* Tjerk Straatsma (ORNL)
* Bronis de Supinski (LLNL)
* Michael Wolfe (PGI)
* Rob Neely (LLNL)
* Kevin O’Brien (IBM)
* Guido Juckeland (HZDR)
* Costas Bekas (IBM)
* Swaroop Pophale (ORNL)
* Zaid Al-Ars (Delft University)
* Vivek Sarkar (Rice University)
* Barney Maccabe (ORNL)
* Marceij Remiszewski (ICM, University of Warsaw)
* Marek Michalewicz (A*Star Computational Resource Center)
* Sameer Shende (University of Oregon)



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Call for Papers [P2S2 2016] - Deadline extended to April 1st, 2016

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                                   CALL FOR PAPERS

                        Ninth International Workshop on
        Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for
                       High-End Computing (P2S2), 2016
                       Aug. 16th, 2016, in Philadelphia, PA
                           to be held in conjunction with
ICPP 2016: The 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in parallel programming models and systems software for high-end computing architectures. Please join us in a discussion of new ideas, experiences, and the latest trends in these areas at the workshop.

The focus areas for this workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Systems software for high-end scientific and enterprise computing architectures
  + Communication sub-subsystems for high-end computing
  + High-performance File and storage systems
  + Fault-tolerance techniques and implementations
  + Efficient and high-performance virtualization and other management mechanisms for high-end computing
- Programming models and their high-performance implementations
  + MPI, Sockets, OpenMP, Global Arrays, X10, UPC, CAF, Chapel, and others
  + Hybrid Programming Models
- Tools for Management, Maintenance, Coordination and Synchronization
  + Software for Enterprise Data-centers using Modern Architectures
  + Job scheduling libraries
  + Management libraries for large-scale system
  + Toolkits for process and task coordination on modern platforms
- Performance evaluation, analysis and modeling of emerging computing platforms

Proceedings of this workshop will be published in CD format only and will be available at the conference (together with the ICPP conference proceedings).

The published papers will be available at the conference in CD format, and will be submitted to the IEEE CS Digital Library.

Submissions should be in PDF format in U.S. letter size paper, and should be formatted in a double-column format with a font size 10 pt or larger. They should not exceed 10 pages (all inclusive). Submissions will be judged based on relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity.

The paper submission online system is open:

The P2S2-2016 workshop papers will be invited to extend the manuscripts to be considered for a Special Issue on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software of the Elsevier International Journal of Parallel Computing (PARCO), edited by Abhinav Vishnu, Yong Chen and Pavan Balaji. This special issue is dedicated for the papers accepted in the P2S2 workshop. The submission to this special issue is by invitation only and the submission deadline is tentatively set as August 10th, 2016.

Paper Submission:            Feb 20th, 2016  (extended to April 1st, 2016) Anywhere on Earth
Author Notification:          May 10th, 2016
Camera-Ready Copy:        June 3rd, 2016
Workshop Dates:              Aug 16th, 2016

Steering Committee:
                  William D. Gropp, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
                  Vijay Saraswat, IBM Research
Program Chair:
                  Abhinav Vishnu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                  Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
                  Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Publicity Chair:
                  Min Si, Argonne National Laboratory
Technical Program Committee:
See full listing at:

Looking forward to your contributions.


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Friday, 25 March 2016

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Workshop on Performance Modeling: Methods and Applications (PMMA16) at ISC High Performance 2016

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Please accept our apologies if you got multiple copies of this CFP.

Call for papers - DEADLINE EXTENDED

2nd International Workshop on Performance Modeling:
Methods and Applications (PMMA16)

at ISC High Performance 2016, Frankfurt, Germany, June 23, 2016.

EXTENDED DEADLINE (firm): April 4, 2016


Workshop Scope

Understanding the performance characteristics of computer programs has
been the subject of intense research over several decades. The growing
heterogeneity, parallelism, and general complexity of computer
architectures have made this venture more and more
challenging. Numerous approaches provide insights into different
aspects of performance; they range from resource-based analytical
modeling of single loops to complex statistical models or machine
learning concepts that deal with whole groups of full applications in
production environments. In recent years, the energy consumption
aspects of computing have received attention due to rising
infrastructure costs and operational boundary conditions, adding even
more complexity to the model-building process.

This workshop wants to bring together experts in performance modeling
and related fields, such as modeling tools, model-guided code
optimization, systems characterization, and future architectures, to
present their latest research. We explicitly want to address all
layers of hardware from the core up to the exascale level, and all
layers of software from the OS to large-scale applications.  Topics of

Suitable submissions should come from the following or related areas:

+ Analytic (first-principles) performance, energy, and scalability
  modeling of algorithmic building blocks and/or applications
+ Microbenchmarking for exploring hardware architectures and
  performance-related software properties
+ Statistical methods and curve-fitting for analyzing and predicting
  performance behavior
+ Machine learning approaches for (semi-)automated generation of
  performance insight
+ Model-guided code/algorithm optimization for real-world applications
  on the core, the node, or the highly parallel level
+ Hardware design space exploration for performance and energy aspects
  of computation
+ Hardware infrastructure for supporting and validating performance and
  power modeling
+ Approaches for evaluating energy efficiency across architectures in
  a well-defined way
+ Model-based evaluation of performance portability
+ Tool development, including visualization, for supporting all of
  the above

Submissions dealing with algorithms and architectures outside the
scientific computing community are strongly encouraged.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit full papers with unpublished, original
work of no more than 12 pages of single-column text using the Springer
LNCS style. All accepted papers (subject to post-review revisions)
will be published in a separate ISC16 Workshop Proceedings volume by
Springer (approval pending).

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions
of their manuscripts to a journal special issue.

Submissions must be done via EasyChair at:

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline:      Monday, April 4, 2016
Author notification:            Friday, April 29, 2016
Camera-ready submission:        Monday, May 16, 2016
Workshop day:                   Thursday, June 23, 2016

Workshop Committee

Georg Hager, RRZE (organizer)
Gerhard Wellein, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (organizer)
Kevin Barker, PNNL
Jeffrey Vetter, ORNL
Laura Carrington, SDSC
William Jalby, UVSQ
Judit Gimenez, BSC
Sven Apel, University of Passau
Kengo Nakajima, University of Tokyo
Felix Wolf, University of Darmstadt
Trevor Carlson, University of Uppsala
Harald Köstler, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg


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CFP 4th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations (PADABS2016)

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Call for Papers: PADABS 2016
4th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations
August 22nd or 23th, 2016, Grenoble (France), jointly with Euro-Par 2016, August 22-26th,

Important Dates
- Workshop papers due: May 6, 2016
- Workshop author notification: June 17, 2016
- Workshop: August 22/23, 2016
- Workshop camera-ready papers due:  October 3, 2016

- Vittorio Scarano (Universita' degli Studi di Salerno, Italy), chair
- Gennaro Cordasco (Seconda Universita' di Napoli, Italy)
- Paul Richmond (University of Sheffield, UK)
- Carmine Spagnuolo (Universita’ degli Studi di Salerno, Italy)

Program Committee (tentative)
- Maria Chli (Aston University, United Kingdom)
- Claudio Cioffi-Revilla (George Mason University, USA)
- Biagio Cosenza (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Nick Collier (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
- Rosaria Conte (CNR, Italy)
- Andrew Evans, (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
- Bernardino Frola (The MathWorks, Cambridge, UK)
- Joanna Kolodziej (Cracow University of Technology and AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland)
- Nicola Lettieri (Universita' del Sannio e ISFOL, Italy)
- Sean Luke (George Mason University, USA)
- Michael North (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
- Mario Paolucci (CNR, Italy)
- Paul Richmond (The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
- Arnold Rosenberg (Northeastern University, USA)
- Flaminio Squazzoni (University of Brescia, Italy)
- Michela Taufer (University of Delaware, USA)

Objectives of the Workshop
Agent-Based Simulation Models are an increasingly popular tool for research and
management in many fields such as ecology, economics, sociology, etc..
In some fields, such as social sciences, these models are seen as a
key instrument to the generative approach, essential for understanding complex social
But also in policy-making, biology, military simulations, control of
mobile robots and economics, the relevance and effectiveness of Agent-Based
Simulation Models is recently recognized.
Computer science community has responded to the need for platforms
that can help the development and testing of new models in each specific field by
providing tools, libraries and frameworks that speed up and make massive simulations       possible.The key objective of this Third Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Agent-Based Simulations is to bring  together the researchers that are interested
in getting more performances from their simulations, by using synchronized, many-core
simulations (e.g., GPUs), strongly coupled, parallel simulations (e.g. MPI) and
loosely coupled, distributed simulations (distributed heterogeneous setting).
Several frameworks have been recently developed and are active in this field.
They range from the GPU-Manycore approach, to Parallel, to Distributed
simulation environments. In the first category, you can find FLAME GPU, that
allows also non GPU specialists to harness the GPUs performance for real time simulation and visualization. For tightly-coupled, large computing clusters and supercomputers
a very popular framework is Repast for High Performance Computing (REPAST-HPC),
a C++ based modeling system. On the distributed side, recent work on
Distributed Mason, allows non specialists to use heterogeneous hardware and
software in local area networks for enlarging the size and speeding up the
simulation of complex Agent-Based models.

Topics of interest
- Frameworks for parallel/distributed ABSs.
- Case studies of ABSs in parallel/distributed settings, with an emphasis on the technical implementation, architectural choices and their impact on performances.
- Benchmark parallel/distributed ABSs.
- Open benchmark models contributing towards OpenAB initiative (
- Debugging parallel/distributed ABSs.
- Formal methods and algorithms for ABSs in parallel/distributed models.
- Load Balancing algorithms, techniques and frameworks.
- Management and deployment of parallel/distributed ABSs.
- Visualization of parallel/distributed ABSs.

Paper submission
The papers will be presented in the regular format (10 pages LNCS format)
and will be reviewed, anonymously by at least 3 reviewers of the Program Committee.
Acceptance will depend upon scientific value, originality and relevance to the Workshop theme. Euro-Par Workshops Proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture
Notes for Computer Science series after the Workshops. Submissions and
reviewing will be through EasyChair via

Workshop Co-Chairs
- Vittorio Scarano:
- Gennaro Cordasco:
- Paul Richmond:
- Carmine Spagnuolo:


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Deadline Approaching: IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing

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Extended Deadline: IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing (CBDCom 2016)

18-21 July 2016, Toulouse France



Cloud is a virtual computing resource, which realizes self-maintenance and management, usually in the form of some large server cluster, including computing servers, storage servers, bandwidth resources, etc. Cloud computing is the fusion and development of grid computing, distributed computing, parallel computing, utility computing, network storage technologies, virtualization, load balancing and other traditional computer technologies and network technology. Virtualization, dynamicity and scalability, the distributed mass data storage and management, as well as flexible service, are the main technologies of cloud computing. There are still many challenges in cloud systems and platform, cloud computing, database, virtualization, reuse and elasticity problems.

Big data overall architecture consists of three layers: data storage, data processing and data analysis. Data storage layer stores complex type and mass data, data processing layer realizes real-time processing of massive data, and only through data analysis layer, smart, in-depth and valuable information are got. When talking about big data, one thinks first to the 4V characteristics of big data, namely Volumes, Variety, Velocity, and Veracity. Big data processing key technology generally includes: data acquisition, data pre-processing, data storage and data management, data analysis and mining, big show and application (big data retrieval, data visualization, big data applications, data security, etc.).

The IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing is a premier forum for researchers, practitioners, developers and users who are interested in cloud computing and big data to explore new ideas, techniques and tools, as well as to exchange experience. Besides the latest research achievements. This conference also covers innovative commercial data management systems, innovative commercial applications of cloud computing and big data technology, and experience in applying recent research advances to real-world problems. After the success of IEEE CBDCom 2015, Beijing China,. CBDCom 2016 will be the second edition of the international Conference.


The IEEE CBDCom 2016 topics include but are not limited to the following. Authors are encouraged to submit unpublished original research works in one of the following topics.
01. Big Data Algorithms, Applications and Services
02. Big Data Mining and Analytics
03. Big Data Processing and Querying
04. Cloud and Big Data for Internet of Things (IoT)
05. Government and Industrial Experiences for Cloud and Big Data
06. Green Computing and Networking Technologies for Cloud and Big Data
07. Software Engineering for Cloud Computing and Big Data
08. Cloud Computing Solutions and Platforms
09. Privacy and Security for Cloud and Big Data
10. Big Data Visualization
11. Big Data Education
12. Virtualization Technologies, Cloud Data Management and Storage, Cloud Resource Management and QoS


Submission deadline: March 25, 2016
Author notification: May 6, 2016
Camera ready: May 20, 2016
Conference: July 18 - 21, 2016


Conference papers need to be prepared according to the IEEE CPS format, 8 pages
and submitted in PDF format via the EasyChair submission system

Paper Publication

Accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE CPS (IEEE-DL and EI indexed). At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the conference; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.

Best Paper and Best Demo Awards will be presented to high quality work. Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions, will be recommended to special issues. More details will be available soon.


* Mazin YOUSIF, T-Systems International, USA

* Didier EL BAZ, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Julien BOURGEOIS, FEMTO-ST, France
* Christophe CERIN, University of Paris XIII, France

* Carson LEUNG, University of Manitoba, Canada

* Yinglong XIA, Huawei Research America, USA
* Weishan ZHANG, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao China

* Wookey LEE, Inha University, South Korea

Publicity Chair:
* Samia BOUZEFRANE, CNAM, France

* Mianxiong DONG, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan

General Chair:
* Didier EL BAZ, LAAS-CNRS, France

* Moussa ELKIHEL, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Pascal BERTHOU, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Bastien PLAZOLLES, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Li ZHU, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Bilal FAKIH, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Brigitte DUCROCQ, LAAS-CNRS, France
Web Site:
* Isabelle LEFEBVRE, LAAS-CNRS, France
* Caroline MALE, LAAS-CNRS, France

Advisory Committee:
* Mohammad S. OBAIDAT, Monmouth University, USA
* Zhikui CHEN, Dalian University of Technology, China


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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

EASC2016 - Call for Participation

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EASC2016 - Exascale Applications and Software Conference 2016
April 26-29, 2016
Stockholm, Sweden

The aim of this conference is to bring together developers from different application fields to present the problems they face on the road to exascale, their approach to solve these challenges and to share their experience gained during the petascale period.


Registration website:

The registration fee categories are:
- Early bird fee (deadline: April 8, 2016):  3200 SEK
- Regular fee (after April 8, 2016): 4000 SEK
- On-site registration Fee: 5000 SEK


Information about hotels are provided at

Conference Dinner

The conference dinner will take place at Vaxholms Kastell restaurant ( on April 28. The restaurant will be reached by boat from Stockholm downtown.

- Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology
The Inevitable End of Moore’s Law beyond Exascale will Result in Disruptive Change from Computing to Data

- Karlheinz Meier, Human Brain Project
Neuromorphic computing - Extreme approaches to weak and strong scaling

- John Shalf, NeRSC and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Exascale Computing Architecture Trends and Implications for Programming System

- Erland Källén, ECMWF
 Weather prediction and the scalability challenge

Satellite Events

The tutorial will take place on Monday 25th 11:00-17:00 at the CSC KTH Library (Lindstedtsvägen 3 Level 4). 
This event is free of charge. For registration, please contact Christian Simmendinger (christian.simmendinger[at]

- Collaboration Meeting of the European exascale projects (
This EASC session will take place on Thursday 28 April 14:40-17:00
and Friday 29 April 11:00-13:00.


- Apostolos Vasileiadis apovas[at] 
- Stefano Markidis markidis[at]


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CFP-SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Heterogeneous Computing-with PLDI 2016

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The 1st ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Programming Heterogeneous Computing Systems

To be held in Santa Barbara, California, USA, June 13, 2016, In conjunction with PLDI 2016
Heterogeneous computing systems are emerging as one of the most common sense and challenging features of the cutting-edge parallel and high performance environments. The heterogeneity of computing tasks is boosting significantly from different levels of parallelism. However, traditional parallel programming models, memory hierarchies, algorithms, tools, designed for or homogeneous or symmetric multiprocessors, will be able to achieve limited performance improvement and productivity in next generation highly diverse heterogeneous computing systems. Novel ideas, innovative algorithms, and programming paradigms and specialized software tools should be considered to efficiently utilize the hardware resources on the new heterogeneous architectures (e.g., GPU, FPGA). 
The workshop is intended to be a forum for researchers to present and discuss innovative ideas and solutions in the design, modeling, prototyping, programming, and experience of heterogeneous architectures and Systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
 Programming paradigms and middleware for heterogeneous platforms (hybrid clusters, Grids or Clouds)
 Programming models for heterogeneous systems, including manycores and hardware accelerators (FPGAs, GPUs, etc.)
 Programming languages, libraries, runtime support and interfaces for diverse heterogeneous programming models (CUDA, OpenCL, etc.)
 Programming with memory hierarchies and novel explicit memory systems (NVRAM, STT-RAM,3D Memory, etc.)
 Software tooling (e.g., testing, debugging, tuning, and analysis tools) for programs on heterogeneous platforms.
 Applications and case studies on heterogeneous computing systems, such as neural networks, deep learning, neuromorphic engineering, scientific computing, and computational biology data-intensive applications.
 Fault tolerance of heterogeneous computations on heterogeneous platforms

Authors are encouraged to submit original, unpublished research or overviews on programming models, algorithms and tools on heterogeneous platforms, namely addressing the topics referred above.
Submitted manuscripts may not exceed a total of 6 pages in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings style, including figures, tables, and references. The results of the workshop will be made available on-line to participants before the workshop event. The posters and slides will be available on-line after the workshop event. Submissions will be with EasyChair.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in ACM Digital Library.

For any questions about the workshop, send an email to

Important Dates:
Paper submissions: April 2, 2016 (AOE)
Notification of authors: April 27, 2016 (AOE)
Workshop date:   June 13, 2016 (AOE)

Travel Fund:
As the workshop is sponsored by the ACM SIGPLAN, the attendees are eligible for the PAC travel fund, please refer to for more details.

Workshop Organizers:
Yuan Xie, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,  University of California at Santa Barbara
Wen-mei Hwu, the Walter J. Sanders III-Advanced Micro Devices Endowed Chair, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chao Wang, School of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China
Tao Xie, Associate Professor and Willett Faculty Scholar, Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

Best Regards

Chao Wang
Embedded System Lab, School of Computer Science
University of Science and Technology of China
No.188,Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, P.R. China 215123

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[Deadline Approaching] Advanced Cloud and Big Data, 4th Intl. Conf. on (CBD 2016)

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CBD2016 Call for Papers 
The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data (CBD2016) 
Chengdu, Sichuan, China, August 13-14, 2016 

The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data(CBD 2016)
will be held in Chengdu, China, as a sequence of CBD2013 in Nanjing, CBD2014
in Huangshan, CBD2015 in Yangzhou. 

CBD2016 provides an international forum for presenting emerging ideas 
and trends in advanced cloud and big data from both the research community as 
well as the industry. It permits researchers, developers, and providers from 
academia and industry to address the challenges and discuss their new ideas, 
research results, applications, and experience in the big data. CBD aims to 
improve international communication and cooperation and to promote big data 

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to: 

Fundamentals, Models and Algorithms 
       - Cloud Data Security and Privacy 
       - Big Data Acquisition and Integration 
       - Cloud Resource Management and Performance    
       - Big Data Processing (Analytics, Querying, Mining) 
       - Cloud Data Management                
       - Big Data Storage and Management 
       - Storage Architecture of Cloud       
       - Big Data Graph algorithms 
       - Green Cloud                      
       - Personal Data Protection and Usage 
       - Networking Technologies for Data Center      
       - Algorithms for Enhancing Data Quality 
       - Virtualization Technologies Design Methodologies and Tools 
       - Cloud Computing Platforms
       - Big Data Platforms 
       - Cloud Computing Specifications and Standards
       - Big Data Toolkits 
       - Big Data As A Service 
Applications and Interdisciplinary Topics 
       - Cloud Computing Solutions               
       - Big Data in Enterprise Models and Practices 
       - Mobile Cloud Computing Applications        
       - Big Data Analytics in e-Government and Society 
       - Big Data in Business Performance Management  
       - Big Data Applications in Social Credit System 

In addition to research papers, CBD2016 also seeks exhibitions of modern 
products and equipment for computer science and information engineering. 


Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard CPS templates and must be
as PDF files. The review version is limited to 8 pages (CPS proceedings format),
including references and illustrations. Submitted papers should not be
previously published in or be under consideration for publication in another 
conference or journal. Submission of a paper should be regarded as an undertaking
that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will attend the 
conference to present the paper. Accepted papers will be all published by 
Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and will be submitted for indexing to EI. 

The selected best papers will be published in special issues of Journal of 
Computer and System Sciences, Scientific Programming, Concurrency and 
Computation: Practice and Experience, Tsinghua Science and Technology


General Chairs: 
Tarek El-Ghazawi, George Washington University, USA 
Christophe Cérin, University of Paris XIII, France 
Bing Guo, Sichuan University, China 

Program Committee Chairs: 
Qiang He, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia 
Florin Pop, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania 
Guohui Li, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China 

Steering Committee Chairs: 
Junzhou Luo (Chair), Southeast University, China 
Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada 
Yi Pan, Georgia State University, USA 

Keynote Speakers: 
Qiang Yang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong 
Hui Lei, IBM USA 


Deadline for submission April 10, 2016 
Notification of acceptance June 1, 2016 
Deadline for final version June 20, 2016 
Deadline for registration June 20, 2016 


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Sunday, 13 March 2016

Call for Nominations: SC'16 Test of Time Award -- Deadline April 1st

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The SC¹16 Test of Time Award (ToTA) recognizes an SC conference paper from
2006 or earlier for its influence on the supercomputing field.  Because of
its emphasis on sustained impact, ToTA is one of the most meaningful
recognitions a paper can receive. Nominations are open now through April
1st, so please participate in this year¹s selection process by nominating
a paper that you think deserves this recognition.

More info:
Web Submissions:
Email Contact:


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Call for Papers [P2S2 2016] - paper submission deadline extended to March 24

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                                   CALL FOR PAPERS

                        Ninth International Workshop on
        Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for
                       High-End Computing (P2S2), 2016
                       Aug. 16th, 2016, in Philadelphia, PA
                           to be held in conjunction with
ICPP 2016: The 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in parallel programming models and systems software for high-end computing architectures. Please join us in a discussion of new ideas, experiences, and the latest trends in these areas at the workshop.

The focus areas for this workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Systems software for high-end scientific and enterprise computing architectures
  + Communication sub-subsystems for high-end computing
  + High-performance File and storage systems
  + Fault-tolerance techniques and implementations
  + Efficient and high-performance virtualization and other management mechanisms for high-end computing
- Programming models and their high-performance implementations
  + MPI, Sockets, OpenMP, Global Arrays, X10, UPC, CAF, Chapel, and others
  + Hybrid Programming Models
- Tools for Management, Maintenance, Coordination and Synchronization
  + Software for Enterprise Data-centers using Modern Architectures
  + Job scheduling libraries
  + Management libraries for large-scale system
  + Toolkits for process and task coordination on modern platforms
- Performance evaluation, analysis and modeling of emerging computing platforms

Proceedings of this workshop will be published in CD format only and will be available at the conference (together with the ICPP conference proceedings).

The published papers will be available at the conference in CD format, and will be submitted to the IEEE CS Digital Library.

Submissions should be in PDF format in U.S. letter size paper, and should be formatted in a double-column format with a font size 10 pt or larger. They should not exceed 10 pages (all inclusive). Submissions will be judged based on relevance, significance, originality, correctness and clarity.

The paper submission online system is open:

The P2S2-2016 workshop papers will be invited to extend the manuscripts to be considered for a Special Issue on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software of the Elsevier International Journal of Parallel Computing (PARCO), edited by Abhinav Vishnu, Yong Chen and Pavan Balaji. This special issue is dedicated for the papers accepted in the P2S2 workshop. The submission to this special issue is by invitation only and the submission deadline is tentatively set as August 10th, 2016.

Paper Submission:            Feb 20th, 2016  (extended to Mar 24th, 2016) Anywhere on Earth
Author Notification:          May 10th, 2016
Camera-Ready Copy:        June 3rd, 2016
Workshop Dates:              Aug 16th, 2016

Steering Committee:
                  William D. Gropp, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
                  Vijay Saraswat, IBM Research
Program Chair:
                  Abhinav Vishnu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
                  Yong Chen, Texas Tech University
                  Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory
Publicity Chair:
                  Min Si, Argonne National Laboratory
Technical Program Committee:
See full listing at:

Looking forward to your contributions.


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