Saturday, 25 March 2017

SC17 Call for Panels: submission deadline April 24

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Recall that the submission deadline for SC17 panel proposals is April 24, 2017
(hard deadline — no extension).  See details below.

SC17 Call for Panels

We solicit panel proposals for SC'17,
the ACM/IEEE International Conference
for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.

Panels bring a rare opportunity for mutual engagement of community
leaders and broad mainstream contributors in a face-to-face exchange
through audience participation and questioning. Surprises are the norm
at panels, which makes for exciting and energetic hour-and-a-half
sessions. Panels explore topics in-depth by capturing the opinions of a
wide-range of people active in the relevant fields. Panels represent
state of the art opinions, and can be augmented with social media
technologies including Twitter, LinkedIn, video feeds, and even
real-time audience polling. Please plan on actively participating in one
or more of the panel offerings at SC17. We look forward to your help,
through your participation, in making panels at SC17 a major success and
lots of fun.

Important Dates:
Submissions Open: February 16, 2017
Submission Deadline: April 24, 2017 (hard deadline - no extension)

Web Submissions:

Email Contact:

Important Note:
The SC conference series is dedicated to promoting equality and
diversity and recognizes the role that this has in ensuring the
success of the conference series. We welcome submissions from all
sectors of society.  SC17 is committed to providing an inclusive
conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, sexual
orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion.

SC17 Panels Chair:
Yves Robert, ENS Lyon, France & Univ. Tenn. Knoxville, USA

SC17 Panels Vice Chair:
Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

SC17 Panels Committee:
Gabrielle Allen, University of Illinois, USA
Rosa M. Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Costas Bekas, IBM Zurich, Switzerland
David L. Brown, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Ewa Deelman, University of Southern California, USA
Tamara Kolda, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Simon McIntosh-Smith, University of Bristol, UK
Chris J. Newburn, NVIDIA Corporation, USA
Karl Rupp, TU Wien, Austria
Michela Taufer, University of Delaware, USA
Bora Ucar, CNRS & ENS Lyon, France
Ana Lucia Varbanescu, University of Amsterdam, NL


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CfP: ROME 2017 - 5th Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era

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                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                         The 5th Workshop on
         Runtime and Operating Systems for the Many-core Era
                             (ROME 2017)

                  August 28/29, 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

                      held in conjunction with
                Euro-Par 2017, August 28 - September 1, 2017
                          Santiago de Compostela, Spain



Since the beginning of the multicore era, parallel processing has become prevalent across the board. However, in order to continue a performance increase according to Moore's Law, a next step needs to be taken: away from common multicores towards innovative many-core architectures. Such systems, equipped with a significant higher amount of cores per chip than multicores, pose challenges in both hardware and software design. On the hardware side, complex on-chip networks, scratchpads, hybrid memory cubes, non-volatile memory and stacked memory, as well as deep cache-hierarchies and novel cache-coherence strategies will enrich the current research areas in the future.

However, the ROME workshop focuses on the software side because without complying system software, runtime and operating system support, all these new hardware facilities cannot be exploited. Hence, the new challenges in hardware/software co-design are to step beyond traditional approaches and to wage new programming models and operating system designs in order to exploit the theoretically available performance of future hardware as effectively and power-aware as possible.


This year, too, authors from all related disciplines are invited to submit unpublished papers regarding software for novel many-core hardware architectures. The call for papers especially emphasizes on the challenges and research questions arising from the upcoming generation of heterogeneous and/or massive parallel systems stepping towards a many-core dominated exascale era. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* New approaches for operating systems on novel many-core architectures
* Operating system extensions for addressing many-core related issues
* Many-core aware runtime support for large-scale applications
* Bare-metal programming and system software for many-cores
* Dealing with legacy software on novel many-core architectures
* Virtualization to deal with hardware limitations on many-cores
* Support for interactivity with and between many-core applications
* Message-passing interfaces and middleware for many-core systems
* Heterogeneity- and/or hierarchy-aware many-core middleware
* Concepts and methods for exploiting deep memory hierarchies
* Operating system extensions for non-volatile memory support
* Software stacks for new concepts of compute acceleration on many-cores
* Interfaces for performance and power analysis on many-core systems
* Runtime support for power-aware many-core computing

Paper Submission
Submissions in PDF format should be between 10–12 pages in the Springer LNCS style, which can be downloaded from the Springer Web site The 12 pages limit is a hard limit. It includes everything (text, figures, references). On acceptance of the submission, at least one author is required to register for workshop attendance at Euro-Par 2017 and present the paper in the workshop session.

Upload your submission to our submission server ( in PDF format. It must not be simultaneously submitted to the main conference or any other publication outlet.

For the workshop, we will prepare hand-outs with the accepted papers. The revised versions will be published after the conference in the workshop proceedings of Euro-Par 2017, part of the LNCS series of Springer.

Further Information

See the ROME'17 website at

Important Dates
* May 5, 2017: Submission deadline
* June 16, 2017: Notification of acceptance
* July 21, 2017: Workshop paper (for informal workshop proceedings)
* October 3, 2017: Workshop camera-ready papers due

Workshop Organizers

* Stefan Lankes, Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems,
  E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
* Carsten Clauss, ParTec Cluster Competence Center GmbH, Germany

Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Lankes
Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems
E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University
Mathieustraße 10
52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49-241-80-49740


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Thursday, 16 March 2017

Call for papers: WDDD 2017 @ ISCA

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Call for paper for the 14th Annual Workshop on Duplicating, Deconstructing and Debunking (
Toronto, Canada
Sunday, June 26, 2017
Held in conjunction with the 44th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA-44)

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission (optional): APRIL 10th, 2017
Paper Submission:  APRIL 14th, 2017.
Acceptance: May 1st, 2017
Final Version: June 20 2017

Workshop Overview

WDDD provides the computer systems research community a forum for work that validates or duplicates earlier results; deconstructs prior findings by providing greater, in-depth insight into causal relationships or correlations; or debunks earlier findings by describing precisely how and why proposed techniques fail where earlier successes were claimed, or succeed where failure was reported.
Traditionally, computer systems research conferences have focused almost exclusively on novelty and performance, neglecting an abundance of interesting work that lacks one or both of these attributes. A significant part of research--in fact, the backbone of the scientific method--involves independent validation of existing work and the exploration of strange ideas that never pan out. This workshop provides a venue for disseminating such work in our community. Published validation experiments strengthen existing work, while thorough comparisons provide new dimensions and perspectives. Studies that refute or correct existing work also strengthen the research community, by ensuring that published material is technically correct and has sound assumptions. Publishing negative or strange or unexpected results will allow future researchers to learn the hard lessons of others, without repeating their effort.

This workshop will set a high scientific standard for such experiments, and will require insightful analysis to justify all conclusions. The workshop will favor submissions that provide meaningful insights, and identify underlying root causes for the failure or success of the investigated technique. Acceptable work must thoroughly investigate and communicate why the proposed technique performs as the results indicate. WDDD has a unique tradition of asking the original paper authors to provide a follow-up comment after the WDDD paper has been presented, where appropriate. The follow-up comment may take the form of a rebuttal or additional insight from the original authors.

Submission Topics
• Independent validation of earlier results with meaningful analysis
• In-depth analysis and sensitivity studies that provide further insight into earlier findings, or identify key parameters or assumptions that affect the results
• Studies that refute earlier findings, with clear justification and explanation
• Negative results for ideas that intuitively make sense and should work, along with explanations for why they do not
• Validation/refutation of controversial advertising claims by industrial competitors
Workshop Scope

In general, any topic that is of interest to computer architecture conferences and related systems areas are of potential interest for WDDD, so long as the paper is in the spirit of the themes of Duplication, Deconstruction, and/or Debunking.  The following lists some topics, but this is by no means an exhaustive list.  If in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizers.

Computer Architecture
• Processor architecture/microarchitecture
• Memory hierarchy
• GPU, GPGPU, SIMD/SIMT, heterogeneous architectures
• Multiprocessor systems
• Data-center and scale-out architectures
• Low-power, energy-efficient architectures
• Dependable/reliable architectures
• Application-specific, reconfigurable, and embedded architecture
• Architectural implications and designs for emerging technologies
Compilers, Tools, and Applications
• Deconstruction/analysis of emerging workloads
• Simulation tools, models, and methodologies
• Feedback-driven and phase-based optimization
• Compiler/architecture interaction
• Dynamic compilation, adaptive/continuous optimization
• Modulo/trace scheduling
• Efficient profiling techniques
• Binary translation/optimization
• Compilation support for thread level speculation
Submission Guidelines
• Submit an anonymous manuscript of up to 10 pages in two-column format by April 14th, 2017 using the submission website. We will use a double-blind review process this year.
• Murali Annavaram, USC
• Andre Seznec, INRIA


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SC17 Doctoral Showcase Program, Call for Application

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As part of the Technical Program of SC17, the Doctoral Showcase provides an important opportunity for students near the end of their Ph.D. to present a summary of their dissertation research in the form of short talks and thesis canvas. (Please note that we have renamed ‘posters’ at the Doctoral Showcase program SC17 to ‘Thesis Canvas’ as it will re ect your entire dissertation and not just portions of a particular project).
Unlike technical paper and poster presentations, Doctoral Showcase highlights the entire contents of each dissertation, including previously published results, to allow for a broad perspective of the work.
This Doctoral Research showcase track provides an opportunity to educate junior graduate students working in high performance computing areas. This program also provides an ideal opportunity for prospective employers in academia, research
laboratories and industry to interact with prospective Ph.Ds.
Who should apply to the Doctoral Research Showcase track?
• D. students who will be graduating in the next 12 months
• D. students looking for a venue to showcase a summary of their research highlights,

including previously published results and display a broad perspective of their work
Students are asked to submit the following:
  1. A four-page summary of their research that includes problem statement, major research highlights, and references;
  2. A Thesis Canvas draft, which is expected to be a single page and must t on a 4-feet tall x 8-feet wide poster display board (PDF format).
  3. A list of the student’s conference/journal publications for consideration by the Doctoral Showcase committee.
The authors of the accepted submissions will be invited to give presentations at the SC17 conference.
Submissions to this program may also be submitted to the SC17 ACM Student Research Competition posters track or published in other venues.
Everyone attending SC17 is encouraged to attend this program. Come to see the latest and greatest dissertation work done by tomorrow’s HPC experts. Students will greatly bene t from your valuable feedback.
Important Dates
Submissions Open: February 16, 2017
Applications for Doctoral Showcase close: July 31, 2017
Notification Sent: September 1, 2017
Web Submissions:
Email Contact and Questions:
SC17 Doctoral Showcase Chair(s)
Chair: Sunita Chandrasekaran, University of Delaware, USA

Vice Chair: Andy Herdman, AWE plc, University of Warwick, UK


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Special Issue Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing - Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press)

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Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley Press) / International Conference on Metaheuristics (MIC)
Special Issue on Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing
Guest Editors: Leonard Heilig, Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz, Stefan Voß, Rajkumar Buyya

** Apologies for cross-postings. Please forward this CfP to anyone who may be interested to contribute to this Special Issue. **

Dear colleagues,

We cordially invite you to contribute to this special issue of the Journal of Software: Practice and Experience. The peer-reviewed journal has a long and successful history (1971-now) of publishing and has expanded its coverage to specifically include cloud computing in recent years.

Please submit your manuscript electronically via ScholarOne ( by selecting the manuscript type Special Issue - Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing until September 15, 2017.

Accepted peer-reviewed manuscripts will be indexed by Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, ProQuest, EBSCO, ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, among others.


We invite high quality papers either on the use of metaheuristics for solving related optimization problems or the application and assessment of metaheuristics within cloud environments for solving well-known optimization problems. Topics of interests include but are not limited to:

  • Mathematical modeling and optimization of cloud-related problems (e.g., resource allocation, scheduling, redundancy allocation, (big) data management)
  • Application of metaheuristics in cloud computing and fog computing environments
  • Metaheuristics for energy management, (big) data management, security, and reliability
  • Metaheuristics for cloud brokerage
  • Application of metaheuristics to support decision making in different domains (e.g., logistics, smart cities, etc.)
  • Distributed and parallel metaheuristics
  • Design and development of cloud-based decision support systems


Submission: September 15, 2017
Notification: November 15, 2017
Revision due: January 15, 2018
Notification of final acceptance: February 15, 2018
Notification of final revised paper: March 15, 2018


This special issue seeks submission of papers that present novel and innovative ideas. It also welcomes submissions of extended versions of the best selected papers presented in the related special track of the International Conference on Metaheuristics (MIC). All submissions including invited papers go under regular peer review process. We seek submission of papers that present new, original and innovative ideas for the "first" time in SPE. Submission of "extended versions" of already published works (e.g., conference papers) is not encouraged unless they contain a significant number of "new and original" ideas/contributions along with more than 50% brand "new" material. If you are submitting an extended version, you must submit a cover letter/document detailing (1) the "Summary of Differences" between the SPE paper and the earlier paper, (2) a clear list of "new and original" ideas/contributions in the SPE paper (identifying sections where they are proposed/presented), and (3) confirming the percentage of new material. Otherwise, the submission will be "desk" rejected without being reviewed. If you have a paper on cloud computing which does not match the requirements of the Special Issue, we encourage you to submit it as a regular paper to Software: Practice and Experience. The journal has expanded its coverage to specifically include cloud computing.

While submitting paper to this issue, please select Special Issue - Metaheuristics in Cloud Computing in the submission system (


Leonard Heilig (contact for submission queries)
Institute of Information Systems,
University of Hamburg, Germany

Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz
Institute of Information Systems,
University of Hamburg, Germany

Stefan Voß
Institute of Information Systems,
University of Hamburg, Germany

Rajkumar Buyya
Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory,
University of Melbourne, Australia


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Fwd: IWOMP 2017--- Call for Papers

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IWOMP 2017 - 13th International Workshop on OpenMP

September 20-22, 2017
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA

== Background

For many years, the OpenMP API has provided a very rich and flexible 
programming model for shared memory architectures. OpenMP 4.0 is a 
major advance that adds new forms of parallelism: device constructs 
for accelerators, SIMD constructs for vector units, and several 
significant extensions for work-sharing, affinity, and task-based 
parallelism. OpenMP 4.5 further enhances OpenMP support for today’s 
complex heterogeneous architectures.  To the benefit of applications 
using the API, a strong ecosystem of compilers, runtime systems, and 
tools from various vendors and community partners has also emerged.

The International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP) is an annual workshop
dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of  parallel
programming with OpenMP. It is the premier forum to present and to
discuss issues, trends, recent research ideas, and results related to
parallel programming with OpenMP. We solicit quality submissions of
unpublished technical papers detailing innovative, original research
and development related to OpenMP.

== Topics

All topics related to OpenMP are of interest, including OpenMP
performance analysis and modeling, OpenMP performance and correctness
tools, proposed OpenMP extensions, and OpenMP applications in any
domain (e.g., scientific and numerical computation, video games,
computer graphics, multimedia, information retrieval, optimization,
text processing, data mining, finance, signal and image processing and
machine learning).

Advances in technologies, such as multi-core processors and OpenMP
devices (accelerators such as GPGPUs, DSPs or FPGAs), Multiprocessor
Systems on a Chip (MPSoCs), and recent developments in OpenMP itself
(e.g., devices) present new opportunities and challenges for software
and hardware developers. Recent advances in the C, C++ and Fortran
base languages also offer interesting opportunities and challenges to
the OpenMP programming model. IWOMP 2017 particularly solicits
submissions in these areas as well as ones that discuss how to apply
OpenMP to additional models of parallelism such as event loops.

== Paper Submission and Registration

Submitted papers for review should be limited to 12 pages and follow
LNCS guidelines. Submission deadline is April 28, 2017. Submit your
Authors of accepted papers will be asked to prepare a final paper of
up to 15 pages. As in previous years, IWOMP 2017 will publish formal
proceedings of the accepted papers in Springer Verlag's LNCS series.

== Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:    April 28, 2017 (AOE)
Notification of acceptance:   May 25, 2017
Deadline for final version:   June 8, 2017

== Organizers

General Chair:
 - Abid Malik, Brookhaven National Laboratory

Program Committee Co-chairs:
 - Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
 - Stephen L. Olivier, Sandia National Laboratories

Abid M. Malik
"I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind"---Gibran
"Success is not for the chosen few, but for the few who choose" --- John Maxwell
"Being a good person does not depend on your religion or status in life, your race or skin color, political views or culture. IT DEPENDS ON HOW GOOD YOU TREAT OTHERS"--- Abid
"The Universe is talking to us, and the language of the Universe is mathematics."----Abid


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Call for Workshops: PACT 2017

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The 26th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) is seeking proposals for workshops and tutorials to accompany the conference. PACT started as a Data Flow Workshop in conjunction with ISCA 1989 but quickly evolved into a unique venue at the intersection of classical parallel architecture and compilers. Recently, PACT widened its scope to include insights useful for the design of machines and compilers from applications such as, but not limited to, machine learning, data analytics and computational biology. PACT 2017 will be held in the colorful city of Portland, Oregon. Portland provides an unique intersection city excitement and small town charm, and is known as "the City of Roses," a favorite destination. 

We encourage members of the community to consider submitting proposals for workshops and tutorials that bring together researchers and practitioners working on research topics of interest to the PACT community.

Proposal Deadline: Fri, April 7, 2017 (23:59 PST)
Acceptance Notification: Fri, April 21, 2017 (23:59 PST)

Proposal Submission: 
All proposals should be no longer than one page, in PDF format and must provide the following information:

- Workshop or tutorial name along with a brief 150 to 200-word abstract describing the event suitable for the conference web site.

- If applicable, provide a description of past versions of the activity, including dates, organizers, submission and acceptance counts, attendance, and information with which conference the workshop/tutorial was co-located.

- Brief rationale for the event and for co-locating with PACT.

- Names and affiliations of main organizers and, where relevant, tentative composition of the committees (as complete as possible).

- Event format, i.e., length of event (half-day or full-day), expected number of presented papers, invited talks, panels, demonstrations, number of days, etc.

- Expected number of submissions and participants.

- For workshops: In addition to the information above, please include a draft Call For Papers (CFP), as complete as possible and submission/reviewing deadlines (internal and external).

Proposals should be emailed to Reetuparna Das (

For additional information, clarification, or questions, please contact the Workshop/Tutorials Chair, Reetuparna Das (


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[CFP] HeteroPar 2017 Workshop (in conjunction with Euro-Par 2017)

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(Our apologies for duplicates)
                  CALL FOR PAPERS

   15th International Workshop on Algorithms, Models and Tools
        for Parallel Computing on Heterogeneous Platforms


   August 28 or 29, 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
        in conjunction with EuroPar 2017

  * Submission of manuscripts:            May 5, 2017
  * Notification of acceptance:           June 16, 2017
  * Deadline for final version:         October 3, 2017
  * Date of workshop:           August 28 or 29, 2017


Heterogeneity  is  emerging  as  one  of the  most  profound  and  challenging
characteristics of today's parallel environments.  From the macro level, where
networks of distributed  computers composed by diverse  node architectures are
interconnected with  potentially heterogeneous  networks, to the  micro level,
where  deeper memory  hierarchies  and various  accelerator architectures  are
increasingly common,  the impact  of heterogeneity on  all computing  tasks is
increasing rapidly. Traditional  parallel algorithms, programming environments
and  tools, designed  for  legacy homogeneous  multiprocessors,  will at  best
achieve a small fraction of the  efficiency and the potential performance that
we should expect from parallel  computing in tomorrow's highly diversified and
mixed  environments.   New  ideas,  innovative  algorithms,   and  specialized
programming environments and tools are needed to efficiently use these new and
multifarious parallel  architectures. The workshop  is intended to be  a forum
for  researchers  working on  algorithms,  programming  languages, tools,  and
theoretical  models aimed  at  efficiently solving  problems on  heterogeneous

The topics to be covered include but are not limited to:

 * Heterogeneous parallel programming paradigms and models
 * Languages, libraries, and interfaces for different heterogeneous
   parallel programming models
 * Performance models and their integration into the design of efficient
   parallel algorithms for heterogeneous platforms
 * Parallel algorithms for heterogeneous and/or hierarchical multi-core
   systems, including manycores and hardware accelerators (FPGAs, GPUs,
   Xeon Phi, etc.)
 * Parallel algorithms for efficient problem solving on heterogeneous platforms
   (numerical linear algebra, nonlinear systems, fast transforms,
   computational biology, data mining, multimedia, etc.)
 * Software engineering for heterogeneous parallel systems
 * Applications on heterogeneous platforms
 * Integration of parallel and distributed computing on heterogeneous platforms
 * Experience of porting parallel software from supercomputers to
   heterogeneous platforms
 * Fault tolerance of parallel computations on heterogeneous platforms
 * Algorithms, models and tools for grid, desktop grid, cloud,
   and green computing

Authors are encouraged to submit original, unpublished research or
overviews on Algorithms, Models and Tools for Parallel Computing on
Heterogeneous Platforms. Manuscripts should be limited to 12 pages in
Springer LNCS stylesheet and submitted through the EasyChair
Conference System:

Accepted papers that are presented at the workshop
will be published in revised form in a special Euro-Par Workshop
Volume in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series after
the Euro-Par conference.

Special issue journal:

Authors of papers accepted for presentation at HeteroPar 2017 will
be proposed to submit an extended version of their work to a Special
Issue of a journal which will be announced soon.

Please distribute to those who might be interested.

Best regards,
Jorge Barbosa, Program Chair


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Friday, 10 March 2017

--DEADLINE EXTENDED-- ACM HPDC 2017 Achievement Award Call for Nominations

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HPDC Achievement Award Nominations

In 2012, HPDC established an annual achievement award, which is presented to an individual who has made long-lasting, influential contributions to the foundations or practice of the field of high-performance parallel and distributed computing (HPDC). These contributions may include one or more of the following:

- conceptual advances that have influenced the design or operation of HPDC systems or applications;
- innovative techniques or tools for the design or analysis of HPDC systems or applications;
- the design, the implementation, and the deployment of innovative (components of) HPDC systems or applications;
- the analysis of innovative (components of) HPDC systems or applications.

In selecting the achievement award recipient, the Award Selection Committee will place particular emphasis on seminal contributions and a sustained record of high impact in the field.

Achievement Award Talk

The award will be presented at the 26th ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC-26) to be held in Washington D.C., United States, from June 26-30, 2017. The winner should be available to receive the award in person and present an achievement award talk at the HPDC-26 conference.

Nominations for the 2017 Award

Candidates may nominate a colleague by sending a letter in PDF form to
The letter of nomination should be about on page and contain:
- The nominee's current professional affiliation(s).
- A brief citation (thirty words or less) precisely stating the most salient reason(s) why the nominee is qualified for the award.
- A description of the technical contributions of the nominee and their significance and impact.

Important Dates

Nomination deadline: Monday, March 13th, 2017 Extended to March 20th, 2017!

2017 Award Selection Committee

Jack Dongarra
Howie Huang
Adriana Iamnitchi
Alexandru Iosup
Douglas Thain
Jon Weissman

More details about the award nomination process can be found at:

Shuaiwen Leon Song
Staff Research Scientist 
High Performance Computing Group,
Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and Data Division,
Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL), 
Washington, US,

It is never too late to become what you might have been.       ^
-- George Elliot                                                                    ^


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CFP Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) 2017

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36th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, SRDS 2017 
26 - 29 September 2017. Hong Kong, China. 

The 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2017) is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in distributed systems design, development and evaluation, particularly with emphasis on reliability, availability, safety, dependability, security, and real-time. 
We welcome Research Papers describing original research as well as design, development and experimental results of operational systems, Practical Experience Reports describing on-going industrial projects, prototype systems and exploratory or emerging applications, and Tool Papers describing architecture, implementation and usage of substantive tools to aid the research and practice of reliable distributed systems. Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category.

Abstract submission: 9 April 2017
Full Paper Submission: 16 April 2017
Authors Notification: 25 June 2017
Camera-ready: 16 July 2017
Workshops: 26 September 2017
Conference: 27-29 September 2017

The major areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
. Dependability and security of distributed systems and systems of systems including, but not limited to, cloud, cyber-physical, Internet-of-Things, vehicular, robotic, mobile, multimedia, data management, machine learning and AI systems.
. Methods and tools for the design, implementation, verification, validation and benchmarking of dependable and secure applications, middleware and operating systems.
. Foundations, algorithms, middleware and applications advancing the state-of-the-art of reliable distributed systems through their non-functional properties and programming abstractions, such as, fault tolerance, fault recovery, timeliness, robustness, autonomy, self-stabilization, self-healing, transactional semantics, etc.
. Analytical, simulative and experimental assessment of dependable, secure, high-assurance, and safety-critical distributed cyber-physical systems

Papers must be written in English. 
Research Papers, Practical Experience Reports, and Tool Papers should be no longer than 10 pages, following the IEEE two-column format for conference proceedings. 
All necessary details to substantiate the main claims of the paper should be included in a clearly marked appendix. 
Authors are requested to first register their submissions and then submit their manuscripts in PDF format at the Easychair page (

The symposium will highlight the best paper. 
As a tribute to the memory of Prof. Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy, the SRDS Best Paper Award is named “Prof. C. V. Ramamoorthy Best Paper Award”. 
He was instrumental for IEEE SRDS from the 80’s and many of his students have contributed to this conference. 
All papers accepted for presentation at the symposium will be evaluated for the Best Paper award.

SRDS 2017 will organize a PhD Student Forum. It provides an opportunity
for PhD students and graduate students to present their research to a
renowned audience, receive live feedback and exchange their ideas.

The 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2017) will run pre-conference workshops (half-day or full-day) on 26 September 2017. 
Workshops have been a successful tradition of SRDS for several years. 
Researchers interested in organizing a workshop on topics related to dependability and security of distributed systems are invited to submit proposals. 
Extended versions of best papers from SRDS 2017 Workshops will be published at ACM Operating Systems Review.

. Jiannong Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
. Michael R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

. Andrea Ceccarelli, University of Florence, Italy
. Michel Cukier, University of Maryland, USA
. Jogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

. Sara Bouchenak, INSA Lyon, France
. Elias P. Duarte Jr., Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

. Sandeep Kulkarni, Michigan State University, USA
. Haruo Yokota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

. András Pataricza, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary (Chair)

. João Paulo, University of Minho & INESC TEC, Portugal

. Valerio Schiavoni, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

. Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy
. Rui Oliveira, University of Minho & INESC TEC, Portugal

. Carmen Au, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

. Saurabh Bagchi, Purdue University, USA
. Sonia Ben Mokhtar, CNRS, France
. Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA
. Bruno Bogaz Zarpelao, State University of Londrina (UEL), Brazil
. Borzoo Bonakdarpour, McMaster University, Canada
. Silvia Bonomi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
. Tzi-cker Chiueh, ITRI, Taiwan
. Xavier Defago, Tokyo Tech, Japan
. Elias Duarte, FUP, Brazil
. Antonio Fernandez Anta, IMEA, Spain
. Christof Fetzer, UT Dresden, Germany
. Roy Friedman, Technion, Israel
. Ilir Gashi, City University of London, UK
. Vincent Gramoli, Sydney University, Australia
. Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, USA
. Matti A. Hiltunen, AT&T Labs Research, Bedminster, NJ, USA
. Chunming Hu, Beihang University, China
. Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
. Kyungbaek Kim, Chonnam National University, Korea
. DongSeong (Dan) Kim, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
. Phil Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
. Ignacio Laguna, LLNL, USA
. Patrick P. C. Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
. Joao Leitao, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
. Mark Linderman, AFRL, USA
. Fumio Machida, NEC, Japan
. Istvan Majzik, BME, Hungary
. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, Osaka University, Japan
. Silvia Mazzino, INTECS, Italy
. Hein Meling, University of Stavanger, Norway
. Mikhail Nesterenko, Kent State University, USA
. Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Purdue University, USA
. Gopal Pandurangan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
. Fernando Pedone, University of Lugano, Switzerland
. José Pereira, University of Minho, Portugal
. Alirio Sá, University of Bahia, Brasil
. Valerio Schiavoni, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
. Bianca Schroeder, University of Toronto, Canada
. Sébastien Tixeuil, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
. Pawel T. Wojciechowski, Poznań University of Technology, Poland

Dr Valerio Schiavoni
Institut d'Informatique
Université de Neuchâtel


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IEEE NAS 2017 Call for Papers (Due April 10 2017) & Posters (Due June 19 2017)

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CALL FOR PAPERS & POSTERs—Apologize for receiving multiple copies
Please disseminate this CFP to your colleagues & contacts

12th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS 2017)
Shenzhen, China, August 7-9, 2017,

Keynote Speakers:
·        Internet of Vehicles: From Intelligent Grid to Autonomous Cars, Mario Gerla,  John Postel Chair Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, IEEE Fellow
·       Paving the Way towards NFV: An Infrastructure based Approach, Tao Li, Professor, University of Florida,  NSF Program Director in the CCF division within the CISE directorate

Important Dates:
Paper Submission:                  April 10, 2017
Notification:                             May 29, 2017
Camera Ready submission:  June 26, 2017

Conference Information:
The International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage provides a high-quality international forum to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research on networking, high-performance computer architecture, and parallel and distributed data storage technologies. NAS 2017 will expose participants to the most recent developments in the interdisciplinary areas.

Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. The program committee will nominate best papers for recognition in each of the three conference topic areas. All papers will be evaluated based on their novelty, fundamental insight, experimental evaluation, and potential for long-term impact; new-idea papers are encouraged. All accepted papers will be published in IEEE digital library.

Papers are solicited in fields that include, but are not limited to, the following:

Accelerator-based architectures
Mobile and wireless networks
•   Ad hoc and sensor networks
Network applications and services
Application-specific, reconfigurable
Network architecture and protocols

or embedded architectures
Network information theory
•   Architecture for handheld or mobile
•   Network modeling and measurement

Network security
•   Architecture, networking or storage
Non-volatile memory technologies

modeling and simulation
•   Parallel and multi-core architectures

Parallel I/O
Big Data infrastructure
Power and energy efficient
•   Big Data services and analytics

architectures and techniques
•   Cloud and grid computing
•   Processor, cache, memory system
Cloud storage

Data-center scale architectures
Software defined networking
•   Effects of circuits and emerging
Software defined storage

technology on architecture
•   SSD architecture and applications
Energy-aware storage
Storage management
File systems, object-based storage
•   Storage performance and scalability
•   GPU architecture and programming
Storage virtualization and security
•   HW/SW co-design and tradeoffs
•   Virtual and overlay networks

Paper Submission:
Please refer to the following link for paper submission detail:

Call For Poster:
NAS’17 will include a poster session for authors wishing to share their late-breaking research as well as work in an early stage of development that is suitable for presentation in the form of a poster. Topics of interest to NAS can be found on its website (http://www.nas- We invite all potential authors to submit their contributions in the form of a two-page PDF file formatted with templates for regular IEEE conference papers (IEEE Conference templates). A submission should include poster title, author information, and a short abstract. Inclusion of preliminary evaluation results is preferred. Posters will be selected for acceptance based on their novelty, relevance, and quality of presentation. Accepted posters will be published online at the conference website and included in the conference proceedings as extended abstracts, while authors will retain the copyright for these contributions. Authors of accepted posters are expected to prepare and present their posters. Format of posters for display will be available after notification of acceptance.

Important Dates:
Extended Abstracts due:       June 19, 2017
Author Notification:            June 26, 2017
Camera Ready Abstracts:  July 7, 2017

To submit, please use NAS’17’s submission website at EasyChair ( No reviews will be provided.

For any questions about the submission, selection, and presentation of the accepted posters, please contact NAS program chairs, Haiying Shen or Christian Engelmann (Email: or


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