Friday, 10 March 2017

CFP Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) 2017

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36th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, SRDS 2017 
26 - 29 September 2017. Hong Kong, China. 

The 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2017) is a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in distributed systems design, development and evaluation, particularly with emphasis on reliability, availability, safety, dependability, security, and real-time. 
We welcome Research Papers describing original research as well as design, development and experimental results of operational systems, Practical Experience Reports describing on-going industrial projects, prototype systems and exploratory or emerging applications, and Tool Papers describing architecture, implementation and usage of substantive tools to aid the research and practice of reliable distributed systems. Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category.

Abstract submission: 9 April 2017
Full Paper Submission: 16 April 2017
Authors Notification: 25 June 2017
Camera-ready: 16 July 2017
Workshops: 26 September 2017
Conference: 27-29 September 2017

The major areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
. Dependability and security of distributed systems and systems of systems including, but not limited to, cloud, cyber-physical, Internet-of-Things, vehicular, robotic, mobile, multimedia, data management, machine learning and AI systems.
. Methods and tools for the design, implementation, verification, validation and benchmarking of dependable and secure applications, middleware and operating systems.
. Foundations, algorithms, middleware and applications advancing the state-of-the-art of reliable distributed systems through their non-functional properties and programming abstractions, such as, fault tolerance, fault recovery, timeliness, robustness, autonomy, self-stabilization, self-healing, transactional semantics, etc.
. Analytical, simulative and experimental assessment of dependable, secure, high-assurance, and safety-critical distributed cyber-physical systems

Papers must be written in English. 
Research Papers, Practical Experience Reports, and Tool Papers should be no longer than 10 pages, following the IEEE two-column format for conference proceedings. 
All necessary details to substantiate the main claims of the paper should be included in a clearly marked appendix. 
Authors are requested to first register their submissions and then submit their manuscripts in PDF format at the Easychair page (

The symposium will highlight the best paper. 
As a tribute to the memory of Prof. Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy, the SRDS Best Paper Award is named “Prof. C. V. Ramamoorthy Best Paper Award”. 
He was instrumental for IEEE SRDS from the 80’s and many of his students have contributed to this conference. 
All papers accepted for presentation at the symposium will be evaluated for the Best Paper award.

SRDS 2017 will organize a PhD Student Forum. It provides an opportunity
for PhD students and graduate students to present their research to a
renowned audience, receive live feedback and exchange their ideas.

The 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS 2017) will run pre-conference workshops (half-day or full-day) on 26 September 2017. 
Workshops have been a successful tradition of SRDS for several years. 
Researchers interested in organizing a workshop on topics related to dependability and security of distributed systems are invited to submit proposals. 
Extended versions of best papers from SRDS 2017 Workshops will be published at ACM Operating Systems Review.

. Jiannong Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
. Michael R. Lyu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

. Andrea Ceccarelli, University of Florence, Italy
. Michel Cukier, University of Maryland, USA
. Jogesh Muppala, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

. Sara Bouchenak, INSA Lyon, France
. Elias P. Duarte Jr., Federal University of Paraná, Brazil

. Sandeep Kulkarni, Michigan State University, USA
. Haruo Yokota, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

. András Pataricza, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary (Chair)

. João Paulo, University of Minho & INESC TEC, Portugal

. Valerio Schiavoni, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland

. Andrea Bondavalli, University of Florence, Italy
. Rui Oliveira, University of Minho & INESC TEC, Portugal

. Carmen Au, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

. Saurabh Bagchi, Purdue University, USA
. Sonia Ben Mokhtar, CNRS, France
. Ken Birman, Cornell University, USA
. Bruno Bogaz Zarpelao, State University of Londrina (UEL), Brazil
. Borzoo Bonakdarpour, McMaster University, Canada
. Silvia Bonomi, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
. Tzi-cker Chiueh, ITRI, Taiwan
. Xavier Defago, Tokyo Tech, Japan
. Elias Duarte, FUP, Brazil
. Antonio Fernandez Anta, IMEA, Spain
. Christof Fetzer, UT Dresden, Germany
. Roy Friedman, Technion, Israel
. Ilir Gashi, City University of London, UK
. Vincent Gramoli, Sydney University, Australia
. Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, USA
. Matti A. Hiltunen, AT&T Labs Research, Bedminster, NJ, USA
. Chunming Hu, Beihang University, China
. Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
. Kyungbaek Kim, Chonnam National University, Korea
. DongSeong (Dan) Kim, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
. Phil Koopman, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
. Ignacio Laguna, LLNL, USA
. Patrick P. C. Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
. Joao Leitao, Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal
. Mark Linderman, AFRL, USA
. Fumio Machida, NEC, Japan
. Istvan Majzik, BME, Hungary
. Toshimitsu Masuzawa, Osaka University, Japan
. Silvia Mazzino, INTECS, Italy
. Hein Meling, University of Stavanger, Norway
. Mikhail Nesterenko, Kent State University, USA
. Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Purdue University, USA
. Gopal Pandurangan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
. Fernando Pedone, University of Lugano, Switzerland
. José Pereira, University of Minho, Portugal
. Alirio Sá, University of Bahia, Brasil
. Valerio Schiavoni, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
. Bianca Schroeder, University of Toronto, Canada
. Sébastien Tixeuil, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
. Pawel T. Wojciechowski, Poznań University of Technology, Poland

Dr Valerio Schiavoni
Institut d'Informatique
Université de Neuchâtel


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