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Deadline extended to April 21.
WIP submissions are highly encouraged!
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2017 International Workshop on Open Source Supercomputing (OpenSuCo-2017)
Thursday June 22, 2017; Frankfurt Germany
Held in conjunction with ISC 2017
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The OpenSuCo Workshop seeks to encapsulate a wealth of effort in design,
prototyping, and cross-functional collaboration of open source hardware,
software, and scientific computing projects in a singular point of technical
discussion and exchange. As the limits of MOSFET/Dennard scaling grow ever
closer, the high performance/technical computing community continually seeks
new methods by which to continue scaling system performance and, potentially,
system efficiency.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 2017 April 21, 23:59 AOE
Conference-Ready Deadline: 2017 June 10
Camera-Ready Deadline: 2017 July 22
Topics of Interest
We solicit papers according to (but not limited to) three
technical tracks as follows:
- Hardware
-- ISA & processors
-- System and network interconnects
-- Simulation & emulation
-- Early hardware evaluations
- Software
-- System software & OS
-- Programming models, tools & tool chains
-- Numerical solvers
-- Application infrastructures
- Collaboration
-- Co-design projects and methods
-- Cross-disciplinary projects
-- International collaborations
Conference Website
More information regarding the program committee and general
scope of the workshop can be found below:
Submission Process
Submission website: https://easychair.org /conferences/?conf=opensuco201 7
Papers need to be formatted according to Springer’s single column LNCS style
(see this link for LaTeX and Word templates). Papers are limited to 8 pages
including figures, references, the abstract, and everything else. Selected
papers will be published in ISC’s 2017 workshop proceedings with Springer.
Authors will have a chance to revise their papers according to feedback they
receive during the workshop and submit a camera-ready version by July 22nd 2017.
Paper formatting/templates:
If you do not remember your password (which is needed to change these options), you can reset it using the "Unsubscribe or Edit Options" button at the bottom of the page.
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