Monday, 10 April 2017

CFP: ISC Workshop on in situ visualization 2017

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# Call for Participation
## ISC Workshop on in situ visualization 2017

### Scope

Large-scale HPC simulations with their inherent I/O bottleneck have made in situ visualization an essential approach for data analysis.
In situ coupling of analysis and visualization to a live simulation circumvents writing raw data to disk for post-mortem analysis -- an approach that already became inefficient for today’s very large simulations.
Instead, with in situ visualization, data abstracts are generated that provide a much higher level of expressiveness per byte.
Therefore, more details can be computed and stored for later analysis, providing more insight than traditional methods.

We encourage contributed talks on methods and workflows that have been used for large scale parallel visualization, with a particular focus on the in situ case.
Presentations on codes that closely couple numerical methods and visualization are particularly welcome.
Speakers should detail if and how the application drove abstractions or other kinds of data reductions and how these interacted with the expressiveness and flexibility of the visualization for exploratory analysis.

Presentations on codes that closely couple numerical methods and visualization are particularly welcome.
Speakers should detail frameworks used and data reductions applied.
They should also indicate how these impacted the flexibility of the visualization for exploratory analysis.

### Submission Instructions

We accept submissions as extended abstracts with 3 to 6 pages in the format of "Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations" (see, structured like the final paper.
The extended abstract should clearly specify the content that will be added for the final paper in comments for the reviewers.
The review process is not double blind; we leave it to the latitude of the authors whether they want to disclose their identity in their submissions.

Submissions are exclusively handled via EasyChair:

Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to give a presentation at this year's ISC Workshop on in situ visualization.-
They will have the chance to extend the initial submission to a full paper.
Similar to last year we are aiming at publishing the proceedings as a special issue of "Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations" (

### Important Dates

* Submission deadline: April 25, 2017, anywhere on earth
* Notification: May 9, 2017, anywhere on earth
* Workshop: June 22, 2017

### Committee

* Steffen Frey, University of Stuttgart
* Guido Reina, University of Stuttgart
* Tom Vierjahn, RWTH Aachen University
* Gunther Weber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

### Website, Venue, Registration

* Website:
* Submission system:
* Venue: [Marriott Frankfurt Hotel](
* Workshop registration: [ISC Website](


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