Thursday, 30 October 2014

1th Workshop on Complex Problems over High Performance Computing Architectures (CPHPCA’15)

1th Workshop on Complex Problems over High Performance Computing Architectures (CPHPCA’15)
Focus topic “High Performance Computing Programming”
in conjunction with ARCS 2015, Porto, Portugal, March 24th – 27th, 2015
Call for Papers

The main proposal of CPHPCA is to provide a scenario to discuss how problems with important challenges and high computational requirements can be mapped over current and upcoming high performance architectures.

The importance of high performance computing is continually rising and has emerged as one of the foremost fields of research. This brings up many issues, in form of new network topologies and technologies (fast accessing data), new low-consumption architectures, new programming models, etc. It forces us to adapt our codes or create new ones to take advantages of the latest computational features.

This workshop focuses on the challenges of how to adapt/implement complex and big problems on platforms composed by a high number of cores, dealing with communication, programming, heterogeneous architectures, load balancing, benchmarking, etc. Today, the difficulty of the problems to be implemented is increasing considerably, large data and computational requirements, dynamic behavior, numerical simulations, automatic models, are just a few examples of this kind of problems. Our target is to bridge the gap between the theory of complex problems (computational fluid dynamics, bioinformatics, lineal algebra, big data computing, ...) and high performance computing platforms by proposing advances in programming.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that present original and unpublished research in all areas related with programming of complex problems via parallel and distributed processing. Works focusing on emerging architectures and big computing challenges are specially welcome.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

·     New strategies to improve performance.
·     Code adapting to take advantages of lastest features.
·     Numerical modeling for complex problems.
·     Communication, synchronization, load balancing.
·     Benchmarking, performance and numerical accuracy analysis.
·     Scalability of algorithms and data structures.
·     Analysis and proposing of new programming models.
·     Adaptive self-tuning computing systems.
·     High level abstraction tools ...

Keynote speakers
Manuel Ujaldón (CUDA Fellow): Emerging trends in GPU computing and new CUDA features
After a decade being used as hardware accelerators, GPUs constitute nowadays a solid alternative for high performance computing at an affordable cost. Increasing volumes of data managed by large-scale applications make GPUs very attractive for scientific computing, deploying SIMD parallelism in an unprecedented way.
This talk will review current achievements of many-core GPUs, recent and future hardware enhancements, and emerging challenges to leverage GPUs as accelerators within general-purpose exascale computing. Examples and case studies will be given of software features (dynamic parallelism, unified memory), hardware issues (Hyper-Q, 3D-DRAM) and disruptive low-power devices (Tegra, Jetson and Denver from Nvidia).
Guidelines for submission of contributions to workshops:
ARCS 2015 Workshop Proceedings will be published through VDE Verlag on CD and online by the IEEE Computer Society through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Workshop papers should not exceed 8 pages (full papers) or 4 pages (short papers) in IEEE format A4, templates can be found [here].
By submitting a paper, the authors accept the copyright form.

Important Dates:
Submission:      December 15, 2014
Notification:     January 25, 2014
Camera-ready:  February 16, 2015
Workshop:        March 24, 2015

Workshop Chairs
P. Valero-Lara, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain.
F. L. Pelayo, Univ. of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.
Johan Jansson, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain. KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.

Program Committee
Manuel Ujaldón, Univ. of Málaga, Spain, Univ. of Newcastle, Australia.
Julien Favier, Univ. of Aix-Marseille, France.
José Ignacio Aliaga Estellés, Jaume I Univ., Spain.
J. Daniel García, Carlos III Univ., Spain.
Mark Mawson, Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC), U.K.
Javier García Blas, Carlos III Univ., Spain.
Francisco Igual Peña, Complutense Univ. of Madrid, Spain.
Manuel Prieto Matías, Complutense Univ. of Madrid, Spain.
Miguel Cárdenas, Reseach Center of Environment, Energy and Technology (CIEMAT), Spain.
Abel Francisco Paz Gallardo, CETA-CIEMAT, Spain.
José Luis Sánchez García, Univ. of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

Enrique Arias Antuñez, Univ. of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain.

CFP: 12th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2015) Grenoble, France, July 7-10, 2015

ICAC 2015 Call for Papers

12th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2015)
Grenoble, France, July 7-10, 2015

In cooperation with USENIX and SPEC
Corporate supporters: Google, HP Labs, Orange Labs

Abstract Submission:     January 15, 2015
Paper Submission:        January 22, 2015
Author Notification:     April 10, 2015
Final Manuscript:        May 1, 2015


ICAC is the leading conference on autonomic computing techniques, foundations, and applications. Large-scale systems of all types, such as data centers, compute clouds, smart cities, cyber-physical systems, sensor networks, and embedded or pervasive environments, are becoming increasingly complex and burdensome for people to manage. Achieving self-management requires and motivates research that spans a wide variety of scientific and engineering disciplines, including distributed systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, modeling, control theory, optimization, planning, decision theory, user interface design, data management, software engineering, emergent behavior analysis, and bio-inspired computing.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Self-managing components, such as compute, storage, networking devices, embedded and real time systems, and mobile devices.
* AI and mathematical techniques, such as machine learning, control theory, operations research, probability and stochastic processes, queueing theory, rule-based systems, bio-inspired techniques.
* End-to-end design and implementation of systems for management of resources, workloads, scalability, availability, performance, reliability, power/cooling, and security.
* Monitoring components and platforms for autonomic systems in IT or cyber-physical environments.
* Hypervisors, operating systems, middleware, and application support for autonomic computing.
* Novel human interfaces for monitoring and controlling autonomic systems.
* Goal specification and policies, IT governance, and business-driven IT management.
* Frameworks, architectures, toolkits (from software engineering practices and to agent-based techniques).
* Automated management techniques for emerging applications, systems, and platforms, including social networks, cloud computing, big data systems, multi-core servers, smart cities, and cyber-physical systems.
* Fundamental science and theory of self-managing systems
* Self-organization and emergent behavior in technical systems trustworthy self-organizing systems.
* Infrastructures and architectures for organic computing systems.
* Online self-integration of complex systems.
* Applications of autonomic computing and experiences with prototyped or deployed systems solving real-world problems in science, engineering,   business, or society.

Paper Submission

All papers must represent original and unpublished work that is not currently under review. Papers will be judged on originality, significance, interest, correctness, clarity, and relevance to the broader community. Papers are strongly encouraged to report on experiences, measurements, user studies, and provide an appropriate quantitative evaluation if at all possible. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference.

Papers can be submitted in one of the following three categories with different acceptance criteria for each category:

* Full research papers limited to 10 pages (double column)
* Experience papers limited to 8 pages (double column)
* Short papers limited to 6 pages (double column)

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the ICAC 2015 submission site: EasyChair    See conference website for format instructions.

General Chairs
* Philippe Lalanda, University of Grenoble, France
* Ada Diaconescu, Telecom ParisTech, France

Program Committee Co-Chairs
* Lucy Cherkasova, HP Labs, USA
* Samuel Kounev, University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Workshop Chair
* Eric Rutten, INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes, France

Publicity Co-Chairs
* Ningfang Mi, Northeastern University, USA
* David Carrera, UPC-BarcelonaTech & Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
* Shaolei Ren, Florida International University, USA
* Jorge Villalobos, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

Finance Chair
* Vincent Lestideau, University of Grenoble, France

Proceedings Chair
* Sonia Ben Mokhtar, INSA de Lyon, France

Poster Chair
* Marin Litoiu, York University, Canada

Local Arrangements Chair
* Stephanie Chollet, Grenoble INP, France

Web Chair
* Vincent Lestideau, University of Grenoble, France

Program Committee
* Tarek Abdelzaher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
* Artur Andrzejak, Heidelberg University, Germany
* Danilo Ardagna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Novella Bartolini, University of Rome "Sapienza?, Italy
* Christian Becker, University of Mannheim, Germany
* Kirstie Bellman, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
* Sonia Ben Mokhtar, LIRIS-CNRS, France
* Andre Bottaro, Orange Labs, France
* Giacomo Cabri, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
* David Carrera, UPC - BarcelonaTech and BSC, Spain
* Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK
* Claris Castillo, Renaissance Computing Institute, USA
* Lydia Chen, IBM Zurich, Switzerland
* Yuxin Diao, IBM Research, USA
* Elisabetta Di Nitto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Jose Fortes, University of Florida, USA
* Daniel Gmach, HP Labs, USA
* Rean Griffith, VMware, USA
* Ashvin Goel, University of Toronto, Canada
* Xiaohui Gu, North Carolina State University, USA
* Indranil Gupta, UIUC, USA
* Yuxiong He, Microsoft Research, USA
* Alexandru Iosup, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
* Vana Kalogeraki, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
* Evangelia Kalyvianaki, City University London, UK
* Fabio Kon, University of Sao Paulo, Brasil
* Michael Kozuch, Intel, USA
* Jayaram K.R., IBM Research, USA
* Diwakar Krishnamurthy, University of Calgary, Canada
* Marin Litoiu, York University, Canada
* Julie McCann, Imperial College London, UK
* Arif Merchant, Google, USA
* Ningfang Mi, Northeastern University, USA
* Dejan Milojicic, HP Labs, USA
* Christian Mueller-Schloer, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany
* Calton Pu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
* Christian Plessl, University of Paderborn, Germany
* Shaolei Ren, Florida International University, USA
* Eric Rutten, INRIA, France
* Kai Sachs, SAP, Germany
* Hartmut Schmeck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
* Onn Shehory, IBM Research Haifa, Israel
* Karsten Schwan, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
* Evgenia Smirni, College of William and Mary, USA
* Christopher Stewart, Ohio State University, USA
* Vanish Talwar, HP Labs, USA
* Sven Tomforde, University of Augsburg, Germany
* Jordi Torres, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
* Jim Torresen, University of Oslo, Norway
* Timothy Wood, George Washington University, USA
* Rolf Wuertz, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Germany
* Dongyan Xu, Purdue University, USA
* Xin Yao, University of Birmingham, UK
* Ming Zhao, Florida International University, USA
* Xiaobo Zhou, University of Colorado, USA
* Xiaoyun Zhu, VMware, USA

Ningfang Mi
Assistant Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept.
Northeastern University

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

CFP-International Journal of Parallel Programming-Special Issue on Sequential Code Parallelization

Call for Papers
Special Issue on
Sequential Code Parallelization
International Journal of Parallel Programming
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Alexandru Nicolau

Parallelization is now the standard way of computing. To bridge the gap between parallel hardware resources and the performance/cost, programmers must reform applications with the target parallel architecture knowledge. It means writing parallel programs is much more difficult and unnatural than writing sequential codes. However, the traditional automatic instruction-level parallelism will not make full use of the state-of-the-art hardware architectures, especially for cutting-edge applications and future trends in parallel computing for various platforms. This special issue addresses all aspects of Sequential Code Parallelization. Authors are invited to submit original papers, and the main scopes of interest are (but not limited to):
l         Automatic extraction of parallelism
l         Dataflow execution model and phase analysis methodologies
l         Instruction-level parallelism, task-level parallelism, thread-level parallelism, or hybrid levels of parallelism.
l         Software transactional memory
l         Speculative Parallelization, Software Pipelines, high level Superscalar techniques.
l         Parallel programming models for homogenous and heterogeneous Multicore/Manycore platforms (e.g.OpenCL, MapReduce, OpenMP…)
l         Hardware/software codesign in parallelization
l         Out-of-order execution schemes
l         Parallelization for emerging big data applications (e.g. big data, bioinformatics, deep learning, data mining)
l         Debugging, Verification and Performance Tuning for parallelization execution.
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Conference papers presented at ISPA 2014 and EUC 2014 may only be submitted if the paper was completely re-written or substantially extended (30%). The papers should be submitted via the Manuscript Central website and should adhere to standard formatting requirements.
Authors should submit their journal version at Manuscript Central adhering to the formatting instructions on the journal Web page and indicate that you are submitting to the Special Issue on Sequential Code Parallelization on the first page and in the field "Author's Cover Letter:" in manuscript central. For additional questions please send an email to the Guest Editors.
Time Table:
Paper submission: November 30, 2014

1st round review notification: March 31, 2015

1st revision due: May 30, 2015

2nd round review notification: July 15, 2015
2nd revision due: August 15, 2015
Final acceptance: September 15, 2015

Please notice that the scheduled review dates are approximate dates and subject to change. We will kindly inform you about the review results as soon as a decision was made. Questions regarding the disclosure of the review results should be addressed to the Managing Guest Editor via
Guest Editors:
Chao Wang,
Department of Computer Science
University of Science and Technology of China

Nadia Nedjah
Department of Electronics Engineering and Telecommunications
State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Luiza M. Mourelle,
Systems Engineering & Computation, State University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ

Aili Wang
School of Software Engieering
University of Science and Technology of China

Best Regards

Chao Wang
Embedded System Lab, School of Computer Science
University of Science and Technology of China
No.188,Ren'ai Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, P.R. China 215123 

CFP reminder: PMAM2015 submission deadline: 3 November 2014


The 6th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for
Multicores and Manycores will be co-located with the PPoPP 2015 conference
in February 7-11, 2015, San Francisco Bay Area.

Rapid advancements in multicore and chip-level multi-threading
technologies open new challenges and make multicore systems a part of the
computing landscape. From high-end servers to mobile phones, multicores
and manycores are steadily entering every single aspect of the information

However most programmers are trained in sequential programming, yet most
existing parallel programming models are prone to errors such as data race
and deadlock. Therefore to fully utilise multicore and manycore hardware,
parallel programming models that allow easy transition of sequential
programs to parallel programs with good performance and enable development
of error-free codes are urgently needed.

This workshop is dedicated primarily to gather researchers and
practitioners addressing the main challenges and share experiences in the
emerging multicore and manycore software engineering and distributed
programming paradigm. This workshop aims to provide a discussion forum for
people interested in programming environments, models, tools and
applications specifically designed for parallel multicore and manycore
hardware environments.

The program committee cordially invites any novel research ideas in (but
not limited to) the following topics:

     programming models and systems for multicore, manycore, and
clusters of multicore/manycore
     multicore and manycore software engineering
     parallel and distributed algorithms on GPU and multicore clusters
     parallel libraries and frameworks
     performance analysis, efficiency and effectiveness
     massively parallel processing on multicore/manycore systems and
     automated parallelization and compilation techniques
     debugging and performance autotuning tools and techniques for
multicore/manycore applications
     parallel algorithms, applications and benchmarks on
multicore/manycore systems
     runtime power/energy management on multicore/manycore systems and
     fault tolerance and resilience

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline : November 3, 2014
Notification of acceptance : December 15, 2014
Camera-ready papers due : January 1, 2015

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience
are solicited. All paper submissions will be handled electronically via

Papers must not exceed 10 pages in standard ACM two-column conference
format (preprint mode, with page number and the 9pt template).

Authors must register and submit their paper through the online submission
system. If you have problems accessing the system, e-mail your
submission to:

All accepted papers will be published in the PMAM 2015 proceedings by
the ACM Digital Library, and will be included in the Elsevier databases
Scopus and Compendex (EI indexed).

pmam2015 at cs dot otago dot ac dot nz

For more details, please refer to:

For enquiries, please contact: