Tuesday, 6 September 2016

CFP- CloudBpm 2016 in conjunction with IEEE CloudCom -Luxembourg

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Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to submit your research for presentation in a workshop in conjunction with IEEE CloudCom 2016 titled  Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the Cloud (CloudBpm 2016).

The Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the Cloud workshop addresses broad issues on business process monitoring and analysis in the context of cloud computing, from a technical and business perspective. The main goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, present and discuss their most recent achievements and lessons learned addressing the challenges related to Business Process Monitoring and Assessment in a Cloud/ multi-Cloud environment.

Cloud computing has emerged as a paradigm for the use and delivery of resources. It received high acceptance while transforming the support of on-demand access, economics of scale and dynamic sourcing alternatives. Different IT resources and capabilities are available in the context of cloud computing (such as: business processes, services, networking) facilitating rapid provisioning, flexible pricing, elastic scaling and resilience. Although Business Process Management has matured as a scientific field and as an industry practice, it is not yet fully explored in the context of cloud computing. Cloud computing provides new opportunities for sharing and configuring business processes and services. This brings numerous challenges for monitoring and analysing business processes and services executed in the cloud.

This workshop aims at addressing this gap. By bringing together experts working on different levels of the cloud stack (e.g., systems, storage, networking platforms, applications), this workshop offers a unique ground for researchers and practitioners to foster research and its applications in practice by addressing the challenges in the areas of cloud computing and business process management. This workshop seeks to provide researchers and practitioners a forum to exchange information on theories and principles, emerging technologies, tools and practical experiences related to Business Process Monitoring and Performance Analysis in the context of Cloud Computing. Besides providing a mix of technical and business presentations, this workshop will include a keynote talk by Prof. dr. ir. Wil van der Aalst. The keynote will be on Comparative Process Mining in the Cloud.

Call for Papers
This workshop encourages the submission of papers presenting novel research and development works/projects on technical and business related aspects on Business Process Monitoring and Analysis in the Cloud. The workshop particularly values the practical experience in designing methods and deploying tools to support such monitoring and analysis. The papers may present new concepts and approaches related to monitoring and analysis of business processes in cloud environments, tools and systems providing practical implementations supporting such methods and approaches, and the integration and configuration of services in business oriented systems. In addition, we are also interested in application papers discussing the applicability of these methods and techniques to real-world problems. Submissions of original and unpublished works are invited, including research, theory and applications.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

-Methods and frameworks for business process monitoring and performance analysis in cloud environments;
-Strategies and strategic decisions for business process monitoring and performance analysis, and its implications (e.g., concerning optimal cloud resources utilization, business process improvement);
-Tools supporting business process monitoring and analysis in cloud environments, with application in different domains, such as: logistics, healthcare;
-Key performance indicators for business process monitoring and performance analysis in cloud environments;
-Clouds and cross-organizational process mining;
-Business process configuration in the cloud;
-Data extraction for business process monitoring and analysis in the cloud.

All accepted papers will be published by the IEEE.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: September 8, 2016
Acceptance/Rejection notification: September 15, 2016
Camera ready version: Camera ready version: September 21, 2016
Workshop date: December 12, 2016


Claudia-Melania Chituc Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Farideh Heidari, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Program Committee (To be completed)
Adrian Mos, Xerox Research, France
Axel Kupper, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Barbara Pernici, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
César A.F. de Rose, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Christian Janiesch, Universität Würzburg, Germany
Dirk Fahland, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
George Feuerlicht, University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy
Ilia Petrov, TU Darmstadt, Germany
John Erik Wittern, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Marco Comuzzi, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea
Massimo Macella, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy
Vincent E. Emeakaroha, The Irish Center for Cloud Computing and Commerce, Ireland
Yuhong Yan, Concordia University, Canada

Further information can be found on : http://www.cloudbpm2016.org/

Best Regards,


Farideh Heidari (PhD)
Assistant Professor
EIT Digital Data Science Master Program Chair at EIT
EIT Digital Data Science Master Program Manager at TU/e
Fac. Wiskunde & Informatica

Have a look at my linkedin                   https://www.linkedin.com/in/fheidari
Have a look at my TU/e page               http://www.tue.nl/staff/f.heidari
Have a look at my personal website   http://www.farideh.eu/
Follow me on twitter                               Farideh_Heidari
Have a look at my Xing profile             https://www.xing.com/profile/Farideh_Heidari?sc_o=mxb_p

De Groene Loper 5            T +31 40 247 2257
P.O. Box 513, MF 7.119    F +31 40 246 3992
5600 MB Eindhoven          f.heidari@TUE.nl
The Netherlands            


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