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HiCOMB 2017, 16th IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Computational Biology
Monday, May 29, 2017, Buena Vista Palace Hotel, Orlando, FL, USA
The submission deadlines have been extended by two weeks!
Call For Papers
The size and complexity of genome- and proteome-scale data sets in bioinformatics continues to grow at a furious pace, and the analysis of these complex, noisy, data sets demands efficient algorithms and high performance
computer architectures. Hence high-performance computing has become an integral part of research and development in bioinformatics, computational biology, and medical and health informatics. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for discussion of
latest research in developing high-performance computing solutions to data- and compute-intensive problems arising from all areas of computational life sciences. We are especially interested in parallel and distributed algorithms, memory-efficient algorithms,
large scale data mining techniques including approaches for big data and cloud computing, algorithms on multicores, many-cores and GPUs, and design of high-performance software and hardware for biological applications.
The workshop will feature contributed papers as well as invited talks from reputed researchers in the field.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
· Bioinformatics data analytics;
Biological network analysis; Cloud-enabled
solutions for computational biology; Computational
genomics and metagenomics; Computational
proteomics and metaproteomics; DNA assembly, clustering, and mapping; Energy-aware
high performance biological applications; Gene
identification and annotation; High performance algorithms for computational systems biology; High throughput, high dimensional data analysis: flow cytometry
and related proteomic data; Parallel algorithms for biological sequence analysis; Molecular
evolution and phylogenetic reconstruction algorithms; Protein
structure prediction and modeling; Parallel
algorithms in chemical genetics and chemical informatics; Transcriptome
analysis with RNASeq
Details and Important Dates
To submit a paper, please upload a PDF file through Easy Chair at the URL https://easychair.org/ conferences/?conf=hicomb2017. Submitted
manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced double-column pages using a 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references (see IPDPS Call for Papers for more details). All papers will be reviewed.
Proceedings of the workshops will be distributed at the conference and are submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Explore Digital Library after the conference.
Workshop submissions due: February 13, 2017
Author notification: February 27, 2017
Final Camera-ready papers due: March 22, 2017
Workshop: May 29, 2017
Workshop Organizers
Alex Pothen and Ananth Grama
Department of Computer Science, Purdue University
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